Chapter 475 The tranquility before the storm]

“In that case, don’t blame us for being polite.” The exorcist showed a cruel smile: “Hundred Poison King, it’s time to avenge your bamboo shoot.

Hundred Poison King released another red snake: “I don’t know how poisonous a snake is raised from King Qin’s blood.

“It’s actually the Red Snake.” Duan Mulong’s expression was solemn. He thought that this kind of snake was extinct, but unexpectedly appeared in Baiyue: “The Red Snake is extremely poisonous, as long as it gets a little bit of venom, even if it is Falling on the skin can also kill people on the spot.”

Feiyan said indifferently: “What’s the use of being highly toxic?

Yan Lingji suddenly said, “No, the Exorcist and Hundred Poison King are going to use that trick.”

I saw many walking corpses appeared around Yingzheng, this time the number was twice as many as before. They were not smallpox-stained corpses. The skins of all were scorched, like burnt corpses. The shape has also become weird, and even a little non-human.

These things Duan Mulong had seen in Qin State were exactly what the messenger looked like. It’s terrible. I am afraid that these are all making living people into walking corpses, leaving them in a half-dead state, which not only keeps the muscles and joints active, but also allows them not to fear pain, and is used by the exorcist.

Treating life like this is really hateful.

The walking corpses quickly surrounded the winning government, and their speed was obviously much faster. Yan Lingji said worriedly: “The most difficult thing for the Exorcist and the Hundred Poison King is when they use the corpse and the poisonous insect together to attack.”

The Chilian King Snake is the king of snakes, and the other little snakes acted regularly as if following his orders. Different snakes dispersed, some got into hidden corners, and some got entangled with the walking corpses.

Fei Yan whispered: “The little red snake you mentioned is gone.”

Indeed, under the actions of other snakes, King Chilian didn’t know where he went. With dozens of walking corpses and hundreds of venomous snakes, the scene looked terrifying.

Winning politics doesn’t care: “Quantity is never the key to winning.” Winning more with less is a masterpiece of winning politics.

If you use the sword aura of the sword of the Emperor of Heaven to block the walking corpse, the poisonous snake will take advantage of the gap to launch a second wave of attacks. The Chilian King Snake.

Hundred Poison King’s cold voice came: “Lord Qin aloft, please sleep here forever.”

“A joke.” Ying Zheng stood on the spot, and at the last moment when the walking corpse was about to approach him, he raised the sword of the emperor high, breaking the ten thousand magic with one sword.

The exorcist was shocked by everything in front of him. These walking corpses were made by a special method, and their combat power was several times higher than ordinary walking corpses, and they were not easily destroyed. But Ying Zheng just used a sword to smash all the walking corpses. He asked in a daze, “Did he just swing a sword?”

Hundred Poison King knelt on the ground and touched the scales of the snake: “You dare to ask me, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, my snake has been chopped into dregs. This is!” Hundred Poison King picked up a piece of yellow snake. Lin: “Ruozhirou has been chopped like this.”

That is the name of a kind of snake. Although the name sounds softer, in fact this kind of snake has a huge body and can wrap around a person several times. If someone is entangled in the soft finger, they will not survive at all. Rouzhirou’s body is very hard, and all the bones of the people hanged by it will be shattered.

But even such a tough snake body was also chopped off by Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng indeed only swung one sword, but this sword carried thousands of swords. These sword qi flew in different directions, and even the poisonous snake hiding in the corner was also cleansed.

The exorcists are almost crying and blind. It is not easy to make these walking corpses. People with strong physiques are needed as raw materials. Having lost these, I don’t know that the year of the monkey can make a powerful walking corpse.

On the contrary, Hundred Poison King was just a pity for his poisonous snake, but he didn’t mean to be sad. He smiled at Yingzheng, “Snakes, even if they die, they will bite back.”

“That depends on whether it can bite.” Ying Zheng chuckled lightly. There is no such thing as the red-practised king snake in the snake corpse on the ground. Hundred Poison King realized that when Ying Zheng released his sword qi, he would deliberately avoid Yan Lingji and the others behind him, so he came up with this trick.

“Hahaha, how can it be possible that a snake wants to bite a person,” Hundred Poison King laughed loudly.

Yingzheng stretched out his arm to point to the King of Poisons. A red snake coiled around the arm and came out, spitting out a letter at the King of Poisons, without the slightest intention of attacking the government.

“How is it possible!” Xia Wei stopped the laughter of King Bai Poison. He drove the Chilian King Snake to attack Yan Lingji and the others, how could it appear in Ying Zheng.

“Even snakes know how to recognize the strong as the master, much better than you.” Ying Zheng said with a smile. When he lowered his arm, the Chilian King Snake obediently went back. “Go and tell Tianze that this king’s woman is not something he can execute. If he doesn’t agree, let him personally come to reason with this king.”

After speaking, he took Yan Ling Ji, Wu Shuang Gui and others and left.

The Hundred Poison King and the Exorcist sat on the ground, unable to return to their senses for a long time. Only a mess on the ground reminded them that they survived because of the kindness of winning the government.

A few days later, there was still no wind in the Baiyue Palace. Ying Zheng, Yan Lingji and Duan Mulong continued to vaccinate the remaining people with cowpox. Yan Lingji also joined 513. She always likes to tease Duan Mu Rong, and she is clearly willing to win politics. But she didn’t dare to speak. She looked like an iceberg beauty, but she was actually a shy little girl.

Duan Murong avoided it every time she heard Yan Lingji say this.

People who came to Baiyue Palace smiled when they saw that Yan Lingji was always clinging to winning politics. They all hope that this Baiyue woman can serve King Qin well.

In addition to Yan Lingji, there are Wushuanggui. He seems to have forgotten the unhappiness with Yingzheng, and listens very much to Yingzheng’s words.

Duan Mulong was also surprised to find that Wushuang Gui was actually stupid and innocent. I don’t want to look so scary on the outside. He always obeyed the words of Ying Zheng and Yan Ling Ji. At the beginning, Wushuanggui still held grudges against the few stitches that Duanmurong sealed his joints. Duanmurong refused to ask him to help move the herbal medicine, and the two almost fought.

As a result, he was “reprimanded” by Ying Zheng and Yan Lingji.

He didn’t understand anything, just nodded stupidly. The four people finally got along in harmony.

The happy days passed not long. On this day, the Baiyue King invited Ying Zheng, Duan Mulong and others to come to the Baiyue Palace for a banquet. Yingzheng said helplessly: “It seems that the tranquility before the storm is always short-lived.”

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