Chapter 470 Siskin behind]

Winning the government laughed: “If this king can be poisoned to death by a small poison, how can he be the lord of the great Qin?”

Fei Yan supports Duan Mu Rong: “It’s just taking the pulse, and worrying that there is something wrong with the king’s body? If the poison factor can’t be excluded, what’s the use of the imperial doctor.”

Winning Zhengzheng, but Fei Yan and Duan Mu Rong, could only sit down and stretch out his hand.

This kind of pulse diagnosis is just a trivial matter for Duan Murong, but today, somehow, her heartbeat was thunderous in the face of winning the government, and her face could not be too red. When the slightly cool fingertips touched Yingzheng’s wrist, Duan Murong felt a strong pulse.

Inexplicably giving people a sense of peace of mind, Duan Murong was immersed in it and forgot to let go.

Until Fei Yan reminded: “Little doctor girl, what are you doing?”

Suddenly, Duan Mulong woke up like a dream, and quickly withdrew her hand: “No, I didn’t do anything.” She stammered and didn’t dare to look directly at Yingzheng: “The king is in good health and there is no poison.”

Fei Yan asked again: “Is there a deep poison that you haven’t noticed?”

Duan Mulong is very confident in her medical skills and doesn’t like others to question her, but this time she said, “Maybe it is true. Can the king allow the minister to see it again?”

Winning the 08 government reluctantly acquiesced, everything was done to make them feel at ease.

Duan Mulong’s fingertips are no longer slightly cold, and there seems to be something on Ying Zheng’s wrist. This pulse diagnosis is over for a long time. Feiyan and Duanmu Rong were not sent away until Yingzheng was a little sleepy.

The next day, the news that the Baiyue Palace did not charge a fee to treat smallpox for the people spread all over Baiyue, and those who had smallpox did not believe it before. Those who have gone are just trying their luck. It is not in vain to be able to visit Baiyue Palace before they die.

They didn’t have much hope when they left. They looked at the three people in front of them all in an aristocratic manner. They didn’t understand why they used such a strange method. They also told them to take a three-day rest after returning.

Yingzheng asked with concern why Duanmu Rong looked a little tired?

Duan Mulong turned away embarrassedly, saying that she was only worried about the condition of the smallpox patient. In fact, after returning to the room last night, her heartbeat couldn’t calm down for a long time, she couldn’t fall asleep all night, and she kept thinking about the pulse diagnosis until dawn.

After these people who had received vaccinia went back, after a few days of rest, they found that they were really well. They all rushed and told each other, saying that Baiyue had come to the gods, specializing in saving the dead and healing the wounded, and let those who had smallpox go as soon as possible.

Yingzheng did not conceal their identity from them. When the Baiyue people knelt on the ground and kept kowtow to express their gratitude, Feiyan told them: “Just because of the smallpox, how could it be King Qin.”

Baiyue was originally hostile to the people of Qin, but they all let go of their hostility when they heard that King Qin had won the government to save themselves. The hatred of the country and the family is the product of war, and the war was set off by King Baiyue and Prince Tianze, which had nothing to do with them.

Thanks to the life-saving grace of winning the government, these hostility has long been resolved.

A large number of smallpox patients were blocked outside the Baiyue Palace, and they watched the movement in front of the team with eyesight. Duan Mulong has been wandering among them, giving priority to patients with serious illnesses. There are too many people to avoid them from dying while queuing.

The person who had been vaccinated with cowpox looked at Duan Mulong with tears and thanked her for her kindness. Duan Murong said: “If you line up to the front, you will be able to meet King Qin in person. The method of treatment is invented by the King. It is also the King’s idea to save you. If you want to thank you, you will go to King Qin after you are well. ”

Duan Mulong knew that that day was not far away. As long as the smallpox people were cured, the Baiyue people would be the people of Daqin, and King Qin was their king. They should be grateful for winning the government. Thinking of this, Duan Mulong felt a lot more relaxed.

Baiyue King and Tianze didn’t think so. The towering palace was now trampled on by a group of untouchables, making it dirty and noisy. The most important thing is that they are still singing the praises of winning politics, which makes Baiyue King and Tianze very angry. They no longer regard these people as their own people. They are traitors, they have gone to Baiyue Soul and become Qin people.

A few days later, the number of smallpox patients in the palace was gradually reduced, and most people in Baiyue were treated, and the palace was no longer “lively.” The outside of the palace is full of new life. The recovered Baiyue people are welcoming a new life. The decaying corpses are cleaned up, and the places that were previously unattended are gradually recovering.

Baiyue finally had the appearance of a country.

Yingzheng found that although the people of Baiyue were kind in their hearts, they were really “uncivilized” as the six countries knew. When Duan Mulong saw someone who was tortured by smallpox, she prescribed some prescriptions for them. But Baiyue people didn’t even know the word on the prescription, Duan Mulong pointed to the simplest “big” word, and they didn’t know it.

Thanks to Yingzheng’s kindness, he taught many Baiyue people simple words on a whim, and provided food and shelter during the treatment. This is not the Kingdom of Qin. Without Zhao Gao and Sanmo giants to do things, Wang Baiyue will do it if he wins the government.

Baiyue King wanted to win the government, so he obeyed what he had to do, ordered the food to be distributed, and also gathered people to build temporary residences.

When his people heard these things, they all thought it was an order from King Qin who had come from afar, and those who had recovered rushed to participate and took care of the patients who had not yet recovered.

The temporary residence is full of joy, not at all like the lifeless life from 510 to Baiyue in the early days of Yingzheng. When they got the food, they all thought it was given to them by King Qin Yingzheng.

The king of Baiyue was so angry that he had the right to be a meat bun and hit a dog. Even a gratitude can’t be mixed up, but he has to hold the air and can’t rush to the temporary residence to shout: “These foods are for you by this king, not King Qin!” Such words.

The people of Baiyue became more and more grateful for winning the government. In the end, some people from Baiyue even went to the Baiyue Palace to express their gratitude for winning the government.

Seeing that the king who won the government in Baiyue became stronger and stronger, and even surpassed the Baiyue king. Tianze was also helpless. He just held the chain in his hand and knew that he should have killed the victory, and would not let the Baiyue royal family fall to this point.

They have existed in name only, but they were not recognized by the people as a royal family. The entire Baiyue had become the territory of King Qin. Tianze said angrily: “As a Baiyue person, I came to the palace and did not meet the Baiyue King, but kowtow to Yingzheng. These people have already lost their pride as a Baiyue person.”

“What’s the use of pride?” Fei Yan smiled and walked over: “No, you should ask, what is the use of pride for a dying person?” Fei Yan’s eyes were full of smiles, and she was mocking the sky. Ze. .

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