Chapter 469 Praying Mantis Catching Cicada]

Everything is in the grasp of the winning government.

After Tianze left, Feiyan and Duanmurong also relaxed.

“King Qin also knows that Baiyue’s smallpox situation cannot be delayed. I don’t know when King Qin can start the treatment?” King Baiyue is a little anxious. Just now he has a new plan in his heart. Baiyue smallpox.

“It’s okay now.” Unlike King Baiyue’s anxiety, he sat calmly to win politics.

“Now? Doesn’t King Qin need to prepare something?”

Ying Zheng told him that he was ready, and he only needed Baiyue King to find the Baiyue people who had smallpox.

King Baiyue became vigilant again: “King Qin was joking, and smallpox was spreading so fast that he could pay off after entering the palace.” Ying Zheng clearly wanted to murder him by doing so.

“Five One Zero”

“This king has defenses and cures for smallpox, so we don’t need to be afraid of this disease. King Baiyue doesn’t have to worry about it. If this king has other intentions, we don’t need to go to great lengths to negotiate terms with King Baiyue.” .

Baiyue King asked puzzledly: “Who is this woman?”

“Da Qin imperial physician.” Duan Murong replied coldly. The King Baiyue thought she was here to give himself medicine, but he took out a silver needle and a small bottle tightly and withdrew.

Ying Zheng picked up the silver needle, and after being infected with cowpox, asked Baiyue King to stretch out his arm. Then use internal force to slowly inject it. “This is the way to treat smallpox, and you won’t be infected again. Patients who are already infected will get better within three days after being treated like this.”

“That’s okay?” Baiyue King was shocked. He had never seen such a cure before: “Isn’t the herbal medicine used to treat smallpox?”

Duan Mulong replied blankly: “I’ve never said that before.” She only said that herbs are used to treat diseases, which is okay.

King Baiyue didn’t expect it to be so simple. He was overjoyed: “The King Qin is really amazing. He can come up with such a magical method.”

“From tomorrow, this king will treat patients in the Baiyue Palace, all for free.

“Okay!” King Baiyue stood up excitedly: “Since it’s only starting tomorrow, let Baiyue have a good feast for King Qin tonight.

Duan Mulong was disdainful. Just now he said that smallpox should not be delayed, and that he should not be anxious after injecting cowpox. Duan Mulong believes that this kind of person is not worthy of being a king at all.

At the banquet, Feiyan sat firmly beside Yingzheng. He looked at the eyes of the opposite Yan Lingji really.

Yan Ling Ji didn’t like this kind of occasion, because it was a special banquet for Ying Zheng that she came here specially, and it was an honor given by Amazawa that she was among them. Originally, she was only Tianze’s subordinate, and she was not qualified to sit here.

Yingzheng no longer grabbed the edge of his body, and when he was in the table with the Baiyue King, his demeanor was undoubtedly full.

Tianze changed his previous appearance of fighting to win the government, and constantly offered wine to apologize: “King Qin is my great benefactor of Baiyue. I have offended him, and I hope Qin Wang Haihan.”

Seeing the win over one cup after another, Yan Lingji was a little worried, for fear of getting drunk.

Fei Yan accompanies Ying Zheng. She noticed Yan Lingji’s concerned eyes, and returned with a plausible smile. Ying Zheng is not that easy to get drunk. Even if you offer Baiyue’s fine wine, you can only get half drunk.

Duan Mulong went to prepare the things to be used to treat the patient tomorrow, and never appeared at the banquet from beginning to end. Fei Yan also only had to watch out for Tian Ze and Yan Ling Ji. But she had long discovered that her worries were unnecessary.

Tianze didn’t show any killing intent at all, and Yan Lingji secretly watched win politics with full of affection, and it was even more impossible to make a move. After a banquet, Fei Yan will be drowned by Yan Lingji’s eyes.

Compared with Yan Lingji’s dodging eyes, Wei Yan looked at Yan Lingji without evasiveness.She looked at this woman up and down. She had a flame-like face and her martial arts was not bad, but she intentionally or unconsciously hid herself. In the corner. She is Tianze’s subordinate and is controlled by Tianze. Perhaps it is for this reason that she has never been able to show her true self.

Fei Yan wondered with some curiosity, if one day she betrayed Tianze, or Tianze died. Will this little flame start a prairie fire? Feiyan is looking forward to seeing that day.

The banquet ended soon, and King Baiyue arranged the best room for Yingzheng. Fei Yan always followed to win the government until everyone else left 0

Ying Zheng looked at Fei Yan, who didn’t mean to leave, and asked her with a chuckle, “Do you want to live with this king tonight?”

Fei Yan blushed instantly, and before she could answer, Duan Mulong walked in: “My lord, tomorrow’s things are ready.”

Yingzheng nodded and said nothing. After a long time, Fei Yan and Duanmu Rong didn’t mean to leave: “If you two have anything to say, please.”

“The King Baiyue has a problem. In the palace today, he deliberately opened up Tianze.” Fei Yan still remembers the look in his eyes, which is obviously sending a message. “In the information reported by Zhao Gao and Lu Buwei, this person was extremely arrogant and insidious, but what we saw seemed to be a person?”

Yingzheng smiled and said: “These are naturally for a reason. Everything is under the control of this king.

Fei Yan and Duan Mu Rong looked at Ying Zheng in a puzzled way. They lingered to leave because they wanted to know the reason for the victory. If they didn’t know anything, they wouldn’t be able to sleep in Baiyue at all.

“This king had previously exposed his whereabouts. Presumably, in the past half month, the Kingdom of Han has sent a lot of people to contact the Baiyue King. They want to kill this king. By then, Daqin Wuzhu will be the easiest to attack. What they planned is to attack. The king’s life.” Yingzheng’s tone was dull, as if he was not talking about himself.

Duan Murong wondered: “The king knows this, why should he help the king of Baiyue?” Is 1.3 just for the lives of the people of Baiyue? No, smallpox is already a major event in the world. This trip is for the lives of all civilians in the world.

Yingzheng made the two of them not worry about themselves: “The mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind, and who knows who is the oriole before the last moment?” Yingzheng knows that he is doing a dangerous thing, but He is not afraid, and even looks forward to the generous prizes after victory. There is only one true oriole, that is, King Qin wins the government.

“How can we rest assured that the king has committed the danger with his body like this. When seeing the Hundred Poison King today, he can even detect onmyoji. I am afraid it is not easy.” , You can rest assured only if you are sure that the king has not been infested by any poison.”

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