Chapter 471 Violation

Tianze asked Fei Yan coldly: “What do you mean by this.” Fei Yan looked at his eyes as if he was looking at a dead person. Tianze hated this look very much. He couldn’t figure out Feiyan’s strength and couldn’t easily do it.

“What do you mean? You will know later. I just advise you to know the current affairs as a junjie. It is not a happy thing to resent your own people.” Feiyan has appeared here long ago, looking at Baiyue people. His eyes are real.

“If you have time to persuade me, it’s better to be optimistic about your King Qin.” Tianze threatened Feiyan. He sent his subordinates Hundred Poison King and Exorcist to pay close attention to the trend of winning the government. .

“Are you talking about your subordinates? She is much smarter than you.” Fei Yan walked past Tianze.

Tianze saw clearly that Yan Lingji had appeared next to Yingzheng at some point. Occupying the position originally belonged to Feiyan, the cured Baiyue people are kneeling to thank Yingzheng, and even Yan Lingji also thanked them. They mistaken Yan Lingji for the woman who won the government.

When Yan Lingji heard these words, her face flushed with shame. The most important thing is that winning the government is still noncommittal, and only oneself is constantly explaining. Many people in Baiyue knew the identity of Yan Ling Ji, so they quietly explained to the people next to them.

The Baiyue people who understood him nodded repeatedly. If King Qin could marry a Baiyue woman, it would be a blessing for Baiyue.

Hearing this, Yan Lingji didn’t dare to look at Win Zheng, hurriedly retired and blushed and left.

Just a few steps, Tianze stopped him: “What are you doing here?”

The blush on Yan Lingji’s face hadn’t receded, and she was suddenly stopped by Tianze, making her a little flustered: “Come to help the Baiyue people, aren’t they here for treatment.”

Tianze sneered: “Help Baiyue people? This is just a cover. Your real purpose is to help King Qin.

“What does it have to do with King Qin?” Yan Lingji wanted to explain, but the blush on her face exposed everything.

Tianze waved his hand impatiently: “Kill all those who met King Qin, 々.

Want to kill again? Yan Lingji blurted out: “Why?” She didn’t want to kill anymore.

Tianze did not explain, “This is an order!” Tianze had to admit that he was irritated by the woman named Feiyan, and the mere female generation dared to look down on him like this. Tianze couldn’t bear it, and could only kill Baiyue people by brutality. Way to vent anger.

Yan Lingji bit her lower lip tightly and followed Tianze for so long. It’s not that she has never done something she didn’t want to do, but this time she can no longer violate her heart: “The crown prince is really cruel to do this. Did King Qin help Baiyue people without even a thank you?”

Tianze sneered: “Look at those Baiyue people who bow their heads and kneel down. They have forgotten their identity. Winning politics is a member of the Qin country. There will be a bloody battle between the two countries in the future. Now they are being deceived by these false benevolence and hypocrisy. In the future, it is impossible to guarantee that they will not betray Baiyue and take refuge in Daqin, killing exactly one hundred times.”

“Because of your suspicious speculation? So many lives, just because of this reason, you have to die?” Yan Lingji is already very disappointed in Tianze. This master she has followed for a long time, Tianze has promised to meet Let Baiyue become stronger, and the people will no longer have to suffer from standing chaos. She is longing for such a day before choosing to follow Tianze.

But now it’s different. Tianze is simply an incompetent and tyrannical person. He can do nothing but kill Baiyue civilians. It is better to win the government to save them. “Prince, I am following you for the people of Baiyue, but now I regret it. I don’t see any hope in the prince.” Yan Lingji looked at Tianze seriously, there was no light in her eyes, she

He took a step back and drew a distance from Tianze.

“Sorry prince, I am leaving you.” Yan Lingji lowered her head: “I don’t want to kill anymore.”

Tianze was very unhappy: “It seems that you have been lost in the scam of winning politics.” The chain on his body squeaked uncomfortably, and he slowly lifted it up. Tianze’s face was instantly full of murderous intent, and the iron chain flew straight to Yan Ling Ji. “Just like these Baiyue people, you have forgotten your pride, then go to death!”

“Even if you are deceived, it is better than your cruelty.” The killing intent enveloped, Yan Lingji did not resist, and slowly closed his eyes. She betrayed Tianze and could only apologize with death.

She remembered what Yingzheng said that girls should not go to the battlefield and protect themselves from injuries. And Tianze always asked her to do things she didn’t like.

If at the very beginning, you meet the winning government, you will regard him as the master and follow him silently. Will today’s result be different? “King Qin” Yan Lingji didn’t know what happened, and couldn’t help saying these two words.

“You are called this king.” Ying Zheng’s voice came.

Yan Lingji suddenly raised her head, and Ying Zheng was standing in front of him. “””Qin Wang, why are you here. “Han Lingji didn’t know, her eyes were already red at the moment, tears burst into her eyes at the moment she saw the victory.

The iron chain was shattered by innate sword qi when it was close to Yingzheng, and the fragments fell to the ground. Seeing that Tianze left in a hurry, before he had a head-on confrontation with Yingzheng, he clenched his fists and swore in his heart that when the time came, he would personally kill Yingzheng!

“You are crying.” Ying Zheng approached Yan Lingji and wiped away the tears with her index finger.

Yan Lingji didn’t move, letting tears flow out. The long sorrow and sadness finally poured out. Tianze never cared about her feelings, and she had already vowed not to cry anymore. This is something that a weak woman would do. Yan Lingji thought she was strong enough.

But in the eyes of Ying Zheng, she is just trying to be strong, he can touch the softness of Yan Lingji’s heart: “If you cry again, this king will feel distressed.,

“King Qin.” Yan Lingji rushed into Ying Zheng’s arms, crying with tears. It turns out that there is another person in this world (Lee De’s) who cares about himself and hugs himself when he is sad.

And that person was actually King Qin. This omnipotent man who knows no one, Yan Lingji no longer has the humbleness of the past in her heart.

Ying Zheng looked at this stupid woman giving up resistance and couldn’t understand why she died willingly in Tianze’s hands. Fortunately, he shot in time. To be honest, he was a little angry with Yan Lingji’s self-defeating behavior. “In the future, without the permission of this king, you are not allowed to let others hurt you again. Your flame only needs to protect yourself.”

Yan Lingji nodded in Yingzheng’s arms and did not speak.

“Are you injured? This king didn’t protect you.” Ying Zheng’s voice was very soft, and he didn’t want to scare the person in his arms. The warm palm touched Yan Lingji’s arm, and he touched it carefully. No traces could be seen where there were scars. .

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