Chapter 468 Transaction reached]

Winning the government is noncommittal, even if he really wants to annex Baiyue, even the seven countries are regarded as his own by the winning government, let alone a small Baiyue?

After Tianze and Baiyue Wang stopped speaking and won the government, they said, “This king is not in a hurry, and Baiyue Wang does not need to reply to this king now. You can consider it carefully, and it is not too late to make a decision after you think about the pros and cons. ”

Ying Zheng looked at King Baiyue and Tianze leisurely: “King Baiyue has thought about it. When we are talking here, many Baiyue people are dying from smallpox outside.”

Never thought about it, Baiyue King was entangled. If you agree to win the government, it is tantamount to surrendering Baiyue. If you don’t agree to him, Baiyue will be destroyed by smallpox. The speed of infection of smallpox in Baiyue has been unstoppable. Almost all people in Baiyue have been infected with smallpox. Many people have already died. Those who are infected will die soon.

At that time, the number of Baiyue dropped sharply, and it was not even Qin’s opponent. Victory can wait for that time before sending troops to attack Baiyue. They probably don’t even have the power to fight back. Only Qin will not be infected by smallpox, and the other six countries can’t help it. Hengjian is all for the Qin State, it is better to save ordinary people-.

The King of Baiyue looked suspiciously at Yingzheng, not counting the two female dolls, and dared to come to Baiyue alone, showing his courage. What makes Baiyue King even more curious is, why didn’t win the government choose to send troops directly? Is it true that the ruthless King Qin is actually a benevolent monarch? Impossible.

Tianze noticed that King Baiyue was shaken, and he screamed badly: “Father, don’t hesitate anymore. King Qin said that he wants to annex Baiyue. Instead of waiting to be destroyed, it is better to attack first.” Tianzemu Showing a fierce light, looked at the win-government fiercely.

“Nizi, what do you know, stand aside and talk more.” Baiyue Wang was anxious and showed his murderous intent in front of King Qin. Fortunately, he won the government and didn’t care about it, otherwise Tianze would not die and would be seriously injured.

At the moment when Tianze spoke, Feiyan and Duanmurong were already vigilant, paying attention to Baiyue King and Tianze’s every move. Needle fast.

On the other side, Tianze’s subordinates were also here. Except Wushuanggui was seriously injured and did not appear on the scene, Yan Lingji, Exorcist and Hundred Poison King all noticed Feiyan and Duanmu Rong. Hundred Poison King smiled grimly: “Little girl, although I don’t know what kind of crooked way you are, it is better to put it away as soon as possible. The palace is no better than other places. It is not appropriate to hurt anyone.”

Feiyan frowned and said, “Who do you say is the evil way.” Onmyoji is more than the right way of using poison. After Tianze finished speaking, Feiyan tried to cast Yin-Yang spells on the opposite three people. Afterwards, it would be considered an advantage if there was a disagreement. Unexpectedly, he was discovered by Baidu King. For a while, both sides would not be able to sleep, Fei Yan asked Duan Mulong in a low voice: “The poisonous one

Is it better than you?”

“I’m a medical doctor, and I don’t need poison.” Duan Murong and even Feiyan’s onmyoji can be used without being prepared, and he has already experienced it. Since the other party can find it, it can be seen how powerful it is.

“That means it can be solved?” Fei Yan looked at Hundred Poison King defensively, and mobilized onmyoji to check whether his body was poisoned.

“I can’t be sure before I officially fight. But I grew up in a doctor’s house, and my body is resistant to most poisons. If I fight for real later, I will go to deal with that person.” Duan Mulong’s expression became serious. , She has always disdain to use poison, but it does not mean that she is afraid of poison.

The flame Lingji on the other side reminded the Exorcist and Hundred Poison King in a low voice: “Don’t underestimate each other, I don’t know the true strength of the two of them.”

The Exorcist and Hundred Poison King didn’t care: “What kind of climate can the two little girls become?” Just like they did to Yan Ling Ji, although they have not really competed, they confidently believe that among them, Yan Ling Ji is weaker. Some.

“It seems that your subordinates have some thoughts about this king.” On the surface, the words of Ying Zheng threatened Baiyue King and Tianze, but their eyes were fixed on Yan Lingji.

Yan Lingji felt a different meaning in the words, and lowered her head unnaturally. It seems that King Qin has not been wronged before, he is indeed a gangster, molesting in front of so many people.

King Baiyue didn’t understand more meaning: “King Qin misunderstood. The prince and his subordinates are only interested in these two girls.”

Not interested. Yingzheng’s face changed. King Baiyue immediately changed his words: “This king just said that he was interested in their martial arts.”

King Baiyue didn’t dare to provoke victory, and the two girls who followed him were young, but they did not miss out. Baiyue King had originally underestimated them, and only after hearing the words of Baidu King did he realize that they were not easy to provoke.

0……Look for flowers…

He has not answered the conditions for winning the government. If he refuses, he can only kill the winning government here. Letting him go back is tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain, and in a few days, the army will be crushed.

But whether it can kill the winning government is a question, Wushuanggui has already lost to the winning government. Now the crown prince Tianze is no more than four people in the palace, and there are only three people who win the government. It is a good thing to have an advantage in numbers.

King Baiyue carefully looked at winning the government, and who would deal with King Qin was the most important thing. I’m afraid that the four of them can’t kill him.

Said it was a deal, but in fact only gave Baiyue Wang promised this one choice.


Tianze was already ready to move. King Baiyue saw that the situation was not good, and when he was really angry, things would get out of hand, not to mention the secret letter. Thinking of this, Baiyue King smiled and said: “Qin King really has a way to solve the smallpox disease?”

Yingzheng smiled and said: “Naturally be sure.

King Baiyue took a deep breath and made a major decision: “Okay! If King Qin can cure the smallpox of everyone in Baiyue, then Baiyue will always be loyal to Daqin until death.”

Can. Yingzheng nodded in satisfaction. The three conditions have been negotiated, which is very beneficial to winning the government.

“Father, you are abandoning Baiyue!” Tianze roared, and ordered to kill the winning government.

The King Baiyue stopped him in time: “The prince must not mess around, come and take the prince out. This king wants to discuss the matter with King Qin, and the prince’s subordinates, leave together.” King Baiyue winked at Tianze. , As if interacting with a signal.

Fei Yan and Duanmu Rong also caught them. They frowned slightly, Baiyue King and Tianze must have discussed something, and they were making a horrible idea. They are very worried about winning the government and don’t know if he is prepared.

Tianze didn’t know the specific meaning of Baiyue King, and finally chose to leave with sensibility.

Before Yan Lingji left, she took a nostalgic look at Yingzheng. She was surprised to find that Yingzheng was looking at Tianze with insightful eyes. factory,

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