Chapter 467 Three conditions]

Tianze watched vigilantly at the victory, as a king standing on the land of another country and saying that he had another purpose, this sentence is not a joke. Those who are interested can directly understand that they are interested in the people of Baiyue territory and want to plunder them directly.

Baiyue King also looked at Winning with a solemn expression, and the atmosphere in the palace became more subtle. After the two sides were silent for a long time, Baiyue King suddenly laughed out: “Hahaha, King Qin is really good at talking and laughing.

“This king didn’t joking, the rivers and mountains of Baiyue are good, this king doesn’t know, but what I have seen along the way is that the people are not living, and they are full of sores.”

Duan Mulong remembered the Baiyue people he had seen. Life is as thin as paper here, and death has become commonplace. Except for these nobles in the palace, ordinary civilians are waiting to die.

“What the king saw all the way was a serious disaster from Baiyue smallpox, and smallpox would not fade away because Baiyue King avoided mentioning it.” Yingzheng asked with blazing eyes: “I don’t know how Baiyue King solved smallpox.

“Oh.” King Baiyue sighed, “There is no cure for this disease. The people in Baiyue who have had smallpox can only be gathered together and burned to death. It is not just Baiyue, except Qin State’s method, other places. People who have smallpox deal with it in the same way, and all the 510 things that the person has touched must be burned to prevent other people from being infected again.

The cruelest thing is that if a pregnant woman is infected with smallpox, they will not wait for the child to be born and will directly kill the mother and burn to death. Baiyue people believe that the children born to women who contracted smallpox also have smallpox.

Listening to King Baiyue speaking lightly, Duan Mulong remembered the corpses that were tied together and thrown into the fire, as if they were not people at all, but a bundle of firewood. They were put in in order to burn the fire harder. Hell is no more than that.

The appearance of smallpox in Chu State is too coincidental. As soon as King Chukollie was about to send troops, the army was infected with smallpox. It is inevitable that people guess that Baiyue has mastered the source of smallpox and manipulated all of it behind its back.

After seeing the actual situation of Baiyue, they finally realized that things were not what they imagined, and that Baiyue people were also suffering from it. Such a weak country, if it is attacked by the three countries again, it will soon be wiped out. Baiyue must have heard the news of Chu’s dispatch of troops, so he sent the smallpox patient to Chu to spread the disease. .

To destroy the country and let other countries be destroyed together, Baiyue chose the latter. As Yingzheng guessed, Baiyue used smallpox as a weapon to disrupt the Seven Kingdoms. But this weapon is not what they want.

“The king is helpless. The people are suffering this way, and the king feels like a knife.” King Baiyue paused for a moment when he said that, and asked a little cautiously: “I heard that Daqin has a solution to smallpox?”

Yingzheng smiled and said: “This king is here to solve Baiyue smallpox.

“Do you really mean what King Qin said?” Baiyue Wang was overjoyed, immediately put down his guard, and asked the winning government: “Will King Qin save Baiyue?”

Tianze was also very surprised. He did not easily put down his guard like the Baiyue King, but looked suspiciously at the victory. It has long been heard that the King of Qin won politics without gains, and he had previously tried to borrow Baiyue weapons. This time, the smallpox is even more unlikely to be a sudden benevolence.

“I also ask King Qin for your advice.” Baiyue King thought that he would give him a prescription to treat smallpox, and he stretched out his hand with excitement. After a while, the victory didn’t give him anything, and King Baiyue could only withdraw his hand in embarrassment. A little ashamed of his behavior just like a beggar.

Winning government said without hurries: “Before this king does this, King Baiyue still needs to agree to three conditions. When the conditions are fulfilled, Daqin will immediately solve the smallpox disease for Baiyue.”

Tianze became vigilant, and sure enough, there is no free lunch in the world, let alone winning politics. It is impossible not to pay a sufficient price. Qin State is already so prosperous (aibd), there should be nothing to acquire in Baiyue.

King Baiyue also knew that this was about to make a deal with Yingzheng: “King Qin, please tell me.” It’s not too late to listen to the conditions of the victory.

“The king is very interested in the rice planted by Baiyue, and he also asked the King Baiyue to hand it over to Daqin.” Ying Zheng stated the first condition.

“What does King Qin want rice for? I heard that Qin is not short of food.” King Baiyue listened carefully, for fear that Yingzheng would say something like a head on his head.

“I’m tired of eating.” Fei Yan answered this question instead of Yingzheng. She didn’t know what Yingzheng thought, but knew that Baiyue King’s question was very troublesome. Ask you what you want, and ask so much for what you do.

“No problem,” Baiyue King gritted his teeth and said. He could barely accept this condition, but he was a little unhappy with the fact that he was given help to win the government.

“The second condition is that from now on, the herbal treasures that Baiyue mines will be handed over to Daqin.” Yingzheng said while looking at King Baiyue: “Seven percent.”

When Baiyue King heard the last number, he closed his eyes in pain. I thought that this victory was really a big talk for the lion. If you want it, you will need more than half of it. Baiyue will make a fortune by relying on herbs and treasures. This is clearly not giving people a way to survive.

No, smallpox really doesn’t give people a way to survive, and it will make Baiyue poorer at best. In these days when smallpox is raging, Baiyue has no time to take care of the herb business.

Herbs grow on the ground, and they are digging up and no one cares about them. Many people want to find a cure for smallpox. Those herbs have long been destroyed.

Seeing King Baiyue’s hesitation, Duan Mulong said: “The little woman is the imperial doctor of Daqin, and the king wants these herbs to heal people and save people.” This is a very flattering statement. The herbs save people are justified, but they didn’t say who they were saving.

Fei Yan also glanced at Duanmu Rong thoughtfully, but she couldn’t think that this little doctor girl had such exquisite thoughts. she

King Baiyue thought he was going to treat smallpox with medicinal herbs, and gritted his teeth and agreed: “As long as smallpox can be solved, everything is easy to say.” He forgot that Yingzheng said that in the future, as long as Baiyue exists for one day, this treaty will follow. coexist.

Yingzheng said again: “From now on, the territory of Baiyue is my Daqin, and the people of Baiyue regard my Daqin as its king.

“Absolutely impossible!” Baiyue Wang angrily slapped the table and stood up.

“King Qin may be laughing.” Tianze looked at Ying Zheng with a gloomy expression: “Qin Wanglu kept saying that he was here to save the Baiyue smallpox crisis, but in fact he wanted to take this opportunity to annex Baiyue, wishful thinking!”

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