Chapter 448 It’s just a lackey]

In the center of the vortex caused by Jianfeng, Ying Zheng’s index finger was on the tip of Feng’s sword. He smiled slightly: “This is the sword you are proud of?” After that, the sword suddenly shattered all over the ground.

“How is this possible!” Feng Ti held the hilt of the sword and watched the sword fall to the ground after it broke apart. He couldn’t believe everything in front of him. This sword was made by master Feng Xiu with all his efforts and passed it to his own hands. After that, I didn’t know how many people’s blood had been drunk to become sharp and domineering. Everyone who saw this sword in Chu State was afraid of it.

Unexpectedly, it was cut off in this way in the end. Feng Ti trembled and asked, “Who are you?” He had previously guessed that it was possible that King Qin won the government, but everyone knows that winning the government is with a sword. It is even his master Fengbeard admired. Sword. And this person can do this without even using a sword, which is much higher than King Qin’s victory.

Feng Ti has never heard of such a character in the world.

Ying Zheng looked at him coldly: “You don’t deserve to know.” Only a sympathetic opponent is qualified to know the opponent’s name, and unilateral overwhelming does not have respect at all. The weak eat the strong, the incompetent ~ destined to be humble.

This is a naked insult. Feng Ti noticed the contempt in Ying Zheng’s eyes. He said angrily: “Feng has met Master Feng Huo. Although he does not have a position in Chu State, he is a great swordsman in Chu State. Protecting the King of Chu is trusted by the King of Chu. If you ask about your identity, don’t you dare not answer?” Fengti thinks that as long as this person is not the King of Qin, everything is easy to say. If it can be subdued

This person, Chu State does not need to fear Qin State in the future.

Ying Zheng could see Feng Ti’s wishful thinking, and responded to him: “It’s just a loyal dog of Chu State. A dog barks at people, what else do people need to do to respond?” The so-called good dog does not stop, he is ready to talk to Fei. Yan and Duanmu Rong left here. Entangling with them any longer is a waste of words.

Fei Yan and Duan Mu Rong followed Ying Zheng, and they passed in front of Feng Ti. Just a few steps out, Duan Murong suddenly felt a killing intent coming from behind, and quickly looked back.

The wind lifted and the anger was not light. Since this person could not be used by Chu, there was only one way to die. Even if he didn’t have a sword in his hand, he would have revenge. He flew forward, hooked his hands into claws, and wanted to directly choke to death to win the government.

Duan Mulong looked back and saw such a pair of hands that looked like eagle claws. She wanted to take out the silver needle to defend, but the other party moved quickly. Seeing that it was too late, Duan Mulong felt a little flustered. Sword holders all cultivate their bodies with swords and follow the way of a gentleman. Feng Ti was forced to attack from behind, which is really disgusting.

Just when those hands were about to touch Duanmu Rong, a sharp sword light drew across, and Fengqi’s movements stopped. He lowered his head and saw a neat blood stain on his stomach. He who uses the sword knows that this is a sword wound. Sure enough, he didn’t guess wrong, this person uses a sword, and he is the famous King Qin Yingzheng. I didn’t use the sword against myself just now, really

It’s just because he doesn’t bother to draw his sword.

Fengti’s blood spurted out, and Ying Zheng backed away holding Fei Yan and Duan Mu Rong, so as not to be splattered on the dress.

The person who died under Feng Ti’s sword never knew when he was injured by the sword. Now Feng Ti was lying on the ground and watching his blood flow all over the place, he also felt those people’s feelings. His master Feng Xiu told him that the sword in Ying Zheng’s hand was called the Sword of the Emperor of Heaven. If he was lucky enough to see that sword, he would be dead without regret.

Fengbeard’s unfulfilled Feng’s wish was fulfilled by Feng Ti. He did indeed die by the Sword of the Emperor of Heaven, but he did not see the true face of the Sword of the Emperor of Heaven. Before he died, he looked at Xiong Han, and wanted to tell him that this person was King Qin Yingzheng, and let him run quickly. It’s a pity that only one name can be squeezed from the throat: “Winning politics”

Feng Ti on the ground had completely died, and he could not close the eyes that he stared at Xiong Han before he died. This scared Xiong Yan very much. Feng Ti was the great sword master of Chu State, and now he died because of himself. He knew that even if King Chu Korlie loved him, he would never take it lightly.

King Chu Korlie was irritable at first, and if he knew the whole story, he would definitely feel that he was incompetent. Xiong Han began to tremble. He could only curse Feng Ti this idiot in his heart. The sword was broken and he wanted to kill. It was he himself who sent him to death in vain.

Ying Zheng did not look at Feng Ti and Xiong Yan on the ground, and left with Fei Yan and Duan Mu Rong. Duan Mulong was a little worried. They were in the Chu country and should have been as unobtrusive as possible, but now they have become like this. If Xiong Han intends to retaliate all the way, they will really not be able to live in peace. “My lord, will this be too conspicuous?”

0……Look for flowers…

Yingzheng replied indifferently: “This king didn’t kill Xiong Han, even if it gave Chu country face.”

Fei Yan was straightforward: “The people of Chu are a bit less, but they are not blind. How can it be unobtrusive if such a noise is made. However, I am not afraid of them. If the man named Xiong really dare to send someone there. After chasing, I will kill them all.” Fei Yan still hates Xiong Han’s frivolous action just now, and he seems to be more interested in this little doctor girl, which makes Fei Yan feel.

It seemed that I was being compared, and I even began to wonder if in the heart of the victory government, I could not be better than the little doctor girl.

Xiong Yan slowly got up from the ground and looked at the back of the three people leaving. He gritted his teeth with hatred. Regardless of how King Chukaole would reprimand himself, the most important thing was to kill this person first to vent his anger. He took out his identity, immediately summoned the Chu army, and ordered them: “You must never let the arrogant person go. If you can catch it alive, you will catch it alive. If you can’t, you will be punishable on the spot.

Kill, take his head to ask for a reward!”


Chu’s soldiers took their orders one after another. In their opinion, catching a person is certainly not as difficult as killing the enemy on the battlefield. Xiong Han thought for a while and added: “Which two beauties around him are not allowed to hurt. If the sword in your hand hurts the fair skin of the beauties, don’t want a reward.”

He is still thinking about Feiyan and Duanmu Rong. If you want to ask this Xiong Hun what is bigger than the sky, the answer is absolutely daring.

The soldiers of Chu State hurriedly set off, searching the city for the person whom Xiong Han said. They rushed to find the person they were talking about, all thinking about finding a good credit soon.

Ying Zheng brought Fei Yan and Duan Mu Rong to see that it was getting late, and was looking for a restaurant to sit down, and saw a group of Chu soldiers approaching. He wanted to go out but was stopped by soldiers from the State of Chu. No one in this restaurant wanted to run.

The people of Chu state knew that these soldiers were more frenzied than the other, and they wanted to force their way out. Unexpectedly, the soldiers of Chu state saw someone approaching their encirclement, so they would kill them directly and stabbed the innocent people. factory,

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