Chapter 447 Great Sword Master Feng Ti]

Duan Mulong’s words were correct. Although the arm seemed to be intact by others, the bones inside were all broken, the veins were severed, and even the muscles were necrotic. Winning the government is not easy. If he is reluctant to cut it off, his body will be completely necrotic starting from his arm, not to mention his death.

Xiong Yan looked horrified, so he didn’t believe these nonsense. After cutting off his arm, wouldn’t he become a waste person? He not only didn’t cut his arm, but also took revenge: “Come on! Get them to me! If you can’t catch them, You come to me with your heads up.

He wants to catch the winning government and torment it slowly. Let him feel the severe pain all the time, just like he just did. As for these two women, of course he had other plans. Even if Xiong Han was about to faint because of the pain, he did not stop thinking about Feiyan and Duanmu Rong.

Yingzheng was not prepared to flee at all, but the people watching the excitement fled away in a hurry. These guards saw that Yingzheng was standing in place, and they were a bit grateful that they didn’t have to hunt down. They pounced on with the knife.

Both Fei Yan and Duan Mu Rong stared at the guards who surrounded them, but Ying Zheng signaled that they didn’t have to take action. He could handle these miscellaneous soldiers alone. In just a few breaths, these 500 guards all fell at the feet of Ying Zheng.

“How is it possible? These are all first-class guards in the realm of masters. What have you done?” Xiong Han didn’t see the action to win the government at all, and he didn’t have any weapons in his hands. How could it be possible to kill ten guards at the same time. These guards have been with Xiong Han for many years. Xiong Han dared to be so overbearing by relying on their force. No one has ever defeated them, not to mention it.

Instant kill.

Before he could think about it, the winning government was slowly approaching Xiong Han, and an oppressive force followed. Xiong Han’s heart was frightened, and he looked at the winning government with horror. He was already scared and dared not move. .

At this moment, an innate sword qi swept under Ying Zheng’s feet, and the sword qi was domineering.

This sword spirit attracted Ying Zheng’s attention, and he stopped and looked aside.

Seeing the people coming, Xiong Han immediately became excited and shouted: “Feng Ti! Come and save me.

This person is Fengti, the great swordsman of Chu. His master is Feng Huo, a well-known swordsman, who is good at knowing and making swords. It is said that Feng Xiu has been searching for real good swords all his life. Every sword he has seen can accurately judge their value and find out the flaws of the sword.

He spent all his life casting swords, and every time he made a better sword, he fuse the last one. After exhausting all his energy, the last sword he cast was left to his apprentice, that is, the wind lift in front of him.

Feng Ti said, “I don’t know why your Excellency came to our country of Chu? This is my son, Xiong Han. Your Excellency broke his hand. His sin is unforgivable. Everyone in Chu country will be condemned! “Feng Ti looked at Ying Zheng fiercely, thinking that Xiong Han’s arm was just broken, and he wanted to connect it for Xiong Han. As soon as he touched the arm, he found that this arm had

The scripture is like a piece of meat that grows on the body, completely broken.

A knowledgeable person like Ren Fengti has never seen such a technique. He squeezed the sword in his hand and asked Xiong Han if he would chop off this arm. If he didn’t do it, it would rot directly. of.

When Xiong Han saw Feng Ti, he was so excited that he almost shed tears. He struggled to get up from the ground: “No, grab him, he must have a way to heal me.” Xiong Han also held his last hope. , He said to Ying Zheng: “You are dead, this is my great sword master of Chu, his sword is the fastest in Chu, and the person who died in his hand can’t even blink his eyes. You.

Don’t be curious, because you will feel it soon. “Xiong Han whispered to Fengti: “If the Great Sword Master can chop off this person’s head, I will suggest to Father King to give the Great Sword Master a resounding name.” ”

Feng Ti was a little moved. He had only seen this person killing the guard, and he thought about (aibd) his identity. If he can do such a thing, I am afraid that there is only King Qin in the world. Judging from his extraordinary bearing, he is quite kingly demeanor, maybe he really is King Qin Yingzheng himself.

Ying Zheng asked the wind mention: “How is your swordsmanship?”

Feng raised his eyebrows and said faintly: “There are few people in Chu Kingdom.” He had long heard that the King of Qin was good at making swords, but he had never fought against each other. If he had the opportunity to meet today, he would definitely not be able to be this one for thousands of years. Feng’s opportunity: “Feng has just seen you have extraordinary skills, but although you are fast, you have no weapons. It is expected that if you and I meet each other, Feng’s weapons will be slightly better.

The sword in his hand is the last sword cast by the rumors of stroke and beard. After exhausting his life’s hard work and fusing tens of millions of swords, the last sword left is of course the best among the swords. Feng Ti always regarded this sword as more important than his own life, as if he was born to wield this sword.

Ying Zheng snorted coldly, and Feng Ti’s words were full of arrogance. It all came from this sword. If this sword was destroyed, would he commit suicide on the spot? Fei Yan couldn’t help laughing. This person is really interesting. If a person can’t control the sword, the sword will defeat the sword user. Even the sword of the emperor of heaven, which is the winning government, is only used after it is controlled by the winning government. Duanmu

Rong was also helpless with this person’s arrogance, she was seeking her own death, Duanmu Rong sighed lightly.

Xiong Han saw Fei Yan’s smile and Duan Murong frowning. It was so beautiful. There was such a stunning beauty in the world. Xiong Han was already obsessed with it. He opened his mouth stupidly, and his saliva flowed. Come down.

He reacted and quickly wiped it with his hand. Seeing how the two were about to fight, he quickly reminded Feng Ti: “Don’t hurt which two women, I want them both, such a beautiful woman like a flower, It’s not good if it hurts a little bit.”

Fei Yan sneered at him: “It’s so daring when you die, you forgot what I said to you just now?” As he said, a flame was lit up at his fingertips, and he made a gesture to burn the other arm.

Feng mentions that this woman is actually good at onmyoji. Xiong Han is now injured, and he is no match for two. Feng Ti hurriedly stabbed the victory with a sword. As long as the other person could fall down, the two women would not be difficult to subdue.

This sword is like a rainbow. Xiong Han smiled, winning the government is dead now. Fengti seems simple, but in fact it is extremely powerful, and it has the meaning of breaking ten thousand magic swords. Countless masters have died under this trick, and this person is no exception!

In the next moment, Ying Zheng stood unscathed, and the air of the sword whistling bloomed beside him, and Duanmu Rong and Feiyan were all affected. They flirted with the tousled hair and looked at the unbelievable wind on their faces. carry.

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