Chapter 449 There is only one person named Yingzheng]

Fei Yan was still upset at first, and the people of Chu State were really desperate. Don’t even think about leaving if they dare to come. Before she could do anything, she saw the scene of Chu soldiers killing the people. Fei Yan felt a little uncomfortable, and she felt compassion for these people. Duanmurong’s gray and purple eyes became even colder. Life is so precious. These soldiers are so despising the lives of others.

There must be a life-for-life consciousness.

Ying Zheng saw the thoughts of Fei Yan and Duan Mu Rong, and knew that when trouble came to the door, the solution was never to avoid it. There are about five thousand elite soldiers outside, but for winning politics, the number is not that many.

Duan Mulong took the initiative to ask: “My lord, I will solve these people.”

Fei Yan doesn’t want to lag behind in this aspect. The onmyoji she is proud of is not used to make fire and cook: “Little doctor girl, do you have five “500” thousand needles on your body?”

Duan Murong nodded looking at Yingzheng, and waited for Yingzheng’s order to pierce these five thousand needles into the bodies of these cruel soldiers. Fei Yan looked at Duan Mu Rong with some suspicion, this attire didn’t look like it could hide five thousand silver needles.

“No need, this king will take care of them.” After saying this, he flicked his sword, and the elite soldiers of Chu did not survive. ,

The surrounding people of the Chu Kingdom were so frightened that they hurriedly came up to persuade them: “Run, these people are all guarding the capital of Chu, unlike ordinary soldiers. Killing them will not let you go. “The people do not know their origins, but thank them for their life-saving grace.

After the three of them listened to the people’s words, they knew that this matter had become more and more troublesome, and Chu State would definitely not let it go. Fei Yan sighed helplessly: “Is King Chu Kaorie a pig? How many people will be sent to die.” Fei Yan never feels guilty for murder, but seeing too much death makes her feel exhausted. .

The king Chu Kaorie, who was scolded by him as a pig, was yelling at Xiong Yan in the courtroom: “The widow is so overwhelmed by the smallpox thing, you are so troubled by the troubles, because you are alone, letting Feng Ti’s sword master die. From now on There is one more general in Chu State, how can you bear it!”

King Chu Kaorie was about to be blown up with anger, and a stupid son and a great swordsman, no matter how bad they were. Losing it to the loss, it is always the tiger’s poison not eating the child, he can only scold Xiong for being incompetent and incompetent. After scolding, there is no way to take him. Even if he was punished, he would forget it again in a few days and continue to go around doing evil.

Xiong Han knelt on the ground and kept kowtow, asking for forgiveness from King Chu Korlie. He was a father and king, and he kept calling Chu Korlie softly. King Chu Kaolie had no choice but to let Xiong Han get up first.

Realizing that King Chu Kaorie’s anger was fading, Xiong Han was about to rejoice, but a sharp pain suddenly came from his arm. The pain was so heartbreaking, he screamed, and the courtiers were scared. Not light, thought Xiong Yan was going to die.

When King Chu Kaorie saw that his son suddenly became like this, he was so frightened that he quickly called the imperial doctor for diagnosis. The final result made King Chu Kaolie despair. He raised his head and looked at the sky. He was no longer able to complain about the injustice of the sky. He closed his eyes in pain and said, “Saw it off.”

After the imperial doctor got his life, he went in to “heal Xiong Lie.” A moment later, there was a more tragic cry from inside. King Chu Kaolie knew that his son had become a waste. No matter how bad the state of Chu is, he will never let a man with a broken arm be the king of Chu. Xiong Han has bid farewell to the throne forever, and now this son has no use value at all, Chu Kaolie

Wang Xin is dead ashes.

It’s not that he is hard-hearted, but that the world is cruel. King Chu Kaolie himself also struggled to survive in this cruelty, let alone Xiong Han.

After the imperial doctor took out the bloody arm of Xiong Han and threw it away, King Chu Kaolie walked in and saw the gray Xiong Han on the bed. He asked, “Who did it?”

Xiong Han did not expect that his father would not ask about his injuries, but care about these things. He was desperate in his heart. He knew that he had been abandoned by his father, and he had finished playing everything. From now on, all he has is a broken body, as well as endless ridicule and contempt. He became a cripple.

No, maybe he has one last chance. If that person dies, the father will definitely take him seriously. Xiong Han wanted to get up excitedly. He shouted loudly: “Father, you can rest assured that your father has taken five thousand elite soldiers to besiege them and the group. Make sure that they can’t escape with their wings!”

His appearance was very sad, disgusting like a struggling maggot. King Chu Kaolie looked at him blankly and continued to ask the question: “Who is it?”

Xiong Han lowered his head and remembered the two words Feng Ti had said before he died: “Win Zheng, that person is called Ying Zheng.” He kept repeating the name as if to please King Chu Kaorie.

King Chu Kaorie was shocked when he heard it: “Impossible.

As soon as he finished speaking, a guard came from outside to report: “The more than 5,000 people sent by His Royal Highness have all been killed, and now all three have left the Kingdom of Chu.”

When Xiong Han heard the guards say this, he suddenly became sluggish. Feng Ti couldn’t kill him. Even the five thousand elite soldiers couldn’t stop him: “Where is this sacred?”

King Chu Kaorie was almost killed by this rubbish: “Who else is called to win the government in the world? Even the young old people of Chu country know that it is the name of King Qin, but you are a widowed son, but you don’t know it. What is your use?”

Xiong Han remembered many deeds about King Qin before, knowing that the number of people who died in his hands was countless, and it was a miracle that he did not die as he was in front of him. ,

“What did you look like when you saw him?” King Chu Kaolie asked.

“Like a thirteen or fourteen-year-old rich man, accompanied by two stunning beauties 1.3.” Xiong Han replied positively, hoping to attract the attention of King Chu Kaorie, he prayed in his heart not to be abandon.

King Chu Kaorie laughed suddenly when he heard it, his smiling face was distorted and he didn’t care. He patted Xiong Han on the shoulder: “Well done, this is a great achievement. A widow will remember it.

Xiong Han was very confused and didn’t know what was going on. He also laughed when he saw King Chu Kaolie laugh, trying to please King Chu Kaolie. Regardless of the pain when his arm was just sawn off, tears flowed with laughter.

King Chu Kaolie turned around and left the room. This was the first time that Xiong Han had contributed to Chu State and the last time. This son was already a waste, and it was time to be abandoned. He would never care about Xiong Han’s affairs anymore. There was only one person he really cared about, and that was winning politics. .

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