Chapter 446 Guo Chu Yu Xiong Han]

It has been more than a month since the Six Nations heard the news that Qin was about to attack Baiyue. They were very puzzled in their hearts, not knowing what kind of madness was guilty of winning politics, and they had thoughts about Baiyue. When all the Six Nations were preparing to watch from the sidelines, they found that a month had passed and Da Qin hadn’t moved.

They began to speculate that the attack on Baiyue was just a whim to win the government, and then they turned their heads and forgot. Did not attack Baiyue at all. Qin was calm and there was no news. There was no movement anywhere in Baiyue, and it seemed that everything was fine.

The Six Kingdoms is just a good show that ends before it starts. I don’t know that Yingzheng has already arrived in Chu Kingdom with Feiyan and Duanmu Rong long ago. To go to Baiyue, Chu is the only way.

All three of them changed their outfits and put on ordinary clothes. Both Yingzheng and Feiyan dressed up a lot more plainly, Duan Mulong was originally plain and elegant, and did not change much. This time, he concealed his identity and showed himself as a master and servant.

As heard, Chu country is already a lot empty, and the three people walking on the street don’t have to worry about the crowded and collision of passers-by. In such a place with few people, a lot of people gathered in front.

Fei Yan asked casually: “I haven’t seen many people after walking all the way. Why are there so many gatherings here? It’s so lively, let’s go take a look.”

Yingzheng nodded, ready to satisfy her curiosity, besides, they just happened to pass in front.

I thought it was something interesting, but when I approached I realized that it was a rude man pulling a weak woman out. The woman was crying and begging for mercy, and didn’t want to go with the man. The man threatened:” “If you are going with me, I will kill your daughter. ”

There is a very young girl next to which daughter, she is dragging the woman’s clothes tightly, as if to drag the woman back.

A passer-by said, “Hey, Xiong Han is here to grab a woman again. He doesn’t even let anyone with a child go. He is really a beast, 々.” His voice was suppressed very low, as if he was speaking to himself, for fear. The others listened.

Ying Zheng, Fei Yan, and Duan Mu Rong are not ordinary people, and they can hear this clearly. Seeing the injustice, Lu drew a knife to help, Duan Murong secretly took out a silver needle and pierced the woman directly.

The woman stopped crying suddenly and fell to the ground, her eyes staring straight. Upon seeing this, the rude man kicked the woman on the ground carelessly: “Hey, don’t pretend to be dead.

The little girl cried with tears when she saw her mother like this. Everyone knows that this woman is dead.

The man swallowed a little bit scared when she saw the woman did not move: “It’s really bad luck. If you say it, you will die. He threw her away from me.”

The onlookers didn’t dare to offend the man, so they had to move forward and lift the woman away. The little girl cried and followed.

When Duan Mulong passed by, another silver needle shot out. Duan Mulong glanced at the woman one last time. This is the unique secret method of doctors, which can make people be in a state of suspended animation for a short time. The second needle is to relieve this state. Everyone will think she is dead in the future, and these troubles will go away with it.

This woman is all right, but their trouble is coming. The man saw Duanmu Rong from the crowd. The sadness in her eyes revealed that the man was dumbfounded. He hurriedly approached, staring straight at Duan Murong with both eyes: “Oh, beauty, what a beauty.”

Duan Mulong glared at him in disgust. This person is able to dominate the streets, and he must have a high position in Chu. Duan Mulong didn’t want to cause trouble so she used the needle on that woman. If this person has an inch, she doesn’t mind sticking all the remaining needles on him.

Fei Yan heard the people next to her say: “Oh, I don’t know which girl this is. She was picked up by Xiong Han Ding, but there is no easy life.”

Ying Zheng heard the name of Xiong Han, and looked up and down at the man in front of him. He was very burly, but unfortunately his face was very vulgar. If it weren’t for his gorgeous clothes, he really thought he was the man from the mountain village.

Xiong Han saw the red smoke on the side again: “Yo, he is another great beauty.”

Fei Yan frowned, this Xiong Yan is really a royal child? How to say so rude and frivolous.

Ying Zheng guarded them behind, and didn’t want to pay attention to Xiong Han, and walked straight forward.

Xiong Han hurriedly chased after him and stood in front of Yingzheng. He saw that Yingzheng was dressed in valuable clothes, and guessed that the other party was also a child of the rich family. He knows all the nobles in the Chu country, and now this person should come from another country. Xiong Haan coughed twice and straightened his back to pretend to be a gentleman: “My son, I am going to buy your two maids. I don’t know how much they cost together.”

She can’t even pretend to be pretended, and what she says is still so annoying. She is not as bullying as Duan Murong is not as good as Duanmu Rong. If she wins the government’s acquiescence, she wants Xiong to die without a burial place.

Yingzheng ignored Xiong Han, only treating him as the air, did not look at him, and continued to walk forward. Fei Yan and Duan Mu Rong have been following silently. Before Ying Zheng spoke, they would not act rashly when they were angry.

This move was misunderstood by Xiong Yan. He thought that winning the government was afraid of him, so he didn’t dare to speak more, so he said on his own: “”Since you don’t say anything, it’s a free gift. “Speaking of Xiong Han, he stretched his hand to Duanmurong. He kept staring at Duanmurong’s white and flawless face, looking at the cold skin like ice and snow, and wondering if he would feel warm when he touched it.


He would never know this question. As soon as he stretched out his hand, Ying Zheng stopped him, and by the way he scrapped one of his arms. The speed is very fast, no one can see the action to win the government, only a scream from Xiong Han, and then he rolled his arms on the ground, shouting (Mano Zhao) in his mouth: “It hurts! Help! Ah! I’m going to be so painful!”

The guards next to him were shocked, they didn’t even see how everything happened. Hurriedly went to help Xiong Yan on the ground.

Xiong Han let out a cold sweat, yelling pain in spite of his image. How could he look like a royal family, plus his original appearance of five big and three rough, it makes people feel that everything is out of place.

Fei Yan couldn’t help laughing, and looked at Xiong Yan’s painful face: “Hey, you bear, you really look like a bear. Going to eat grass obediently in the future, don’t think about eating meat, otherwise I Just remove your other arm and bake it for you.”

Duan Murong was not so vicious, but said to Xiong Han: “This arm is completely useless at the time. Even if the pain passes, this arm will gradually become necrotic until it rots. I advise you to chop it off as soon as possible, so as not to endanger it later. life.”,

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