Chapter 443 Same way]

After receiving the promise, Honglian cried suddenly aggrieved: “Liar, you are a big liar. After you say it, you will be your princess, but he is unwilling to take others out. Don’t believe you in the future.”

Zhao Gao was frightened by these words. No one had ever dared to say this to Yingzheng, and he still cried and said unreasonably.

Winning the government was not angry: “This king never lied. If you want to know if you lied to you, you can use the promise you just made to verify. Gulian will know as long as he waits for the king to come back.”

No matter what Ying Zheng said, he couldn’t persuade Honglian, and couldn’t persuade him. Honglian was just a fragile girl. It was too dangerous to go to Baiyue. In the end, Zhao Gao took the initiative to ask: “The princess has just come to Daqin and hasn’t eaten the cakes made by the imperial dining room. It is better to take the princess to taste it, it is delicious and delicious.

“Huh? Pastry.” Honglian stopped crying immediately and looked at Zhao Gao curiously.

Ying Zheng was relieved to see Hong Lian like this, and ordered Zhao Gao to take Hong Lian away, and the imperial dining room could eat it casually. It didn’t matter if he got fat.

After finally coaxing Honglian away, Yingzheng went to the Imperial Study Room with peace of mind. Soon Han Fei and Li Si came to see each other. These two people have never been the same as the ministers in the court to discourage the victory from acting.

A crying face of Ewha with rain soon appeared in front of him, and Ying Zheng soon understood that it must be Honglian who was worried about his safety and begged his brother Han Fei to go with him.

Sure enough, Han Fei said: “The minister is willing to go with the king~ Baiyue.”

“This king is unwilling.-” He refused very simply.

Simply embarrassed Han Fei and didn’t know how to continue. But this promised my sister’s business, so I just did it-it doesn’t seem to work.

Yingzheng looked at Han Fei’s embarrassed expression and said: “According to King’s understanding of Honglian, she is self-willed, but also considerate.” He signaled Han Fei not to worry too much about Honglian.

Han Fei had no choice but to give up. Li Si stepped forward and said: “This time he is going to Baiyue, the minister wants to go with the king. Although the minister is not good at leading soldiers to fight, he knows some ways to win. It can be the same as the last time he went to the country of Han. , To act as a lobbyist and persuade Baiyue to descend.’

“No, Baiyue is not better than Han country. You can persuade Han country to surrender, but Baiyue has only one way to attack.”

Han Fei also means the same thing as winning the government, but winning the government like this is tantamount to saying that Li Si is useless, so he kindly persuades Li Si: “Daqin Academy can’t do without you, stay with me in Daqin.”

Li Si had no choice but to give up.

As the King of Qin, Yingzheng has some thoughts. Whenever he left Xianyang City, Daqin’s state affairs were handled by Han Fei and Li Si on his behalf. He didn’t worry about handing over state affairs to others, so it was impossible to take Han Fei and Li Si away from Xianyang City.

And the two of them should stay here together, holding each other in check to deal with state affairs. It would be too dangerous to control the affairs of Daqin in one person.

After the two left. Suddenly, Ying Zheng remembered the previous battle between Chu Kingdom and Baiyue. I don’t know if Yan Lingji’s injuries were healed. Duan Murong said that the doctor had medicine to heal the wounds. Later, he was busy with smallpox and never sent Zhao Gao. Pick.

Now that we are about to set off, we can only send someone to summon Duan Mulong and let her deliver the medicine.

After Duan Mulong arrived at the Imperial Study Room, her face was complex, and many words were in her throat, and she didn’t know how to speak.

After a while, she said: “Can the king go here with the minister? The minister does not intend to offend, but is the duty of the imperial physician. If the king is injured, the minister should get treatment as soon as possible.”

“This king will not be injured, even in the shadow of a sword, no one can hurt this king.”

Duan Mulong still refused to give up: “It is true that no one can hurt the king, but the soldiers of Daqin are not necessarily. Although the ministers are the imperial doctors, they work for the king. But after all, the doctors are kind, and they cannot be left alone. The minister is willing to do his best for Daqin.”

“The injuries suffered on the battlefield are all traumas, and military doctors are better at treating these. Although you are good at treating injuries on the battlefield, you may not be better at dealing with injuries on the battlefield than military doctors.

Duan Mulong felt that Ying Zheng rejected her, and she didn’t know why. It just became more determined to go together. “What Caichen just said is all excuses, and I ask the king to forgive him. In fact, the minister only admires the king and wants to learn from the king along the way, so he can be aggressive in medicine.”

Win Zheng couldn’t refute this reason. Since Duan Mulong had already spoken to this point, he didn’t want to shirk any more, so he nodded and agreed.

0………Look for flowers…

Duanmurong’s iceberg-like face has not changed, and no one knows the joy in her heart at this moment. Before she thanked her, another woman came in. Duan Mulong had never seen her before. Seeing her in red, she thought she was Da Qin’s new princess.

There was more than one woman in red around Yingzheng, and Feiyan came. She entered the Yushufang first sentence: “I want to go too!”

For the past two days, she has been avoiding winning politics for the sake of Princess Honglian. Unexpectedly, she would go to Baiyue to win politics without paying attention, and she finally couldn’t help but come to win politics. Unexpectedly, as soon as I came, I saw that Yingzheng promised to take this woman with him. She is not reconciled, and she wants to go with this stalker.

After speaking, she glanced at Duanmu Rong, the provocation was self-evident. She is annoyed to see that body is plain white. And standing beside Duanmu Rong, there was a cold scent of herbs, which Feiyan didn’t like at all.

Yingzheng started to have a headache. Why do so many people follow Baiyue after a trip to Baiyue, and they are still vying for one by one. Is it possible that hundreds of more people have treasures? It’s so attractive.

“Take me, my onmyoji has reached a level of superb quality, even Donghuang Taiyi praised me. Baiyue group of people, I don’t pay attention to them, one onmyoji can kill them a lot. “Fei Yan said these words to Ying Zheng. She is not the same as that Honglian. Not only can she protect herself, she can also go to battle and kill the enemy, taking her Belle to nothing.

One harm.

This is also for Duanmu Rong, what is the use of a little doctor girl. Medical skills can’t kill the enemy, no way can compare to Yin and Yang skills.

Fei Yan looked at Duanmu Rong, his face looked very pale. He was obviously a doctor, but he looked like a sick young child, and looked weak. But that’s it, but he has a pair of grayish-purple eyes. Feiyan admires these eyes very much. The beauty makes people palpitate.

Duan Mulong felt Fei Yan’s eyes and looked back coldly. The silver needle hidden in her clothes was already ready to move. I really want to give her a few shots so that she won’t underestimate the doctor’s martial arts. Who said that medical skills can not hurt people, aside from poison, her martial arts using silver needles as weapons is not necessarily inferior to the famous onmyoji. factory,

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