Chapter 442 Hard to separate]

Guren rubbed his eyes and felt sleepy after seeing the victory. In an unfamiliar environment, Guren was a little scared. After waking up at night, there was no court lady by his side, so he ran around alone. The guards said that his brother was outside the palace and could not get out by himself. She ran to look for the winning government, but unfortunately no one paid attention to her, and waited until dawn to see the winning government.

When sleepiness struck, Honglian fell to sleep, and the bed was still warm, which made Honglian feel very comfortable.

When Yingzheng left, he saw that Honglian was sleeping soundly, and went to court after telling the palace staff not to disturb.

In the court hall, after many ministers finished their salutes, they reported the affairs of Daqin to Yingzheng. Daqin Chaotang did not report the good or the worry. Since winning the power and inheriting the throne, all matters need to be reported.

“Since Wang Shang founded Baoyang County, many city-states have followed Wang Shang and created small counties to accommodate refugees from the six countries, so that they no longer need to live in temporary residences, truly become Qin people, and settle down in Daqin.”

“How effective are these counties?” Yingzheng asked.

“Returning to the king, although it is not as prosperous as the Baoyang county founded by the king, it is not bad. While alleviating the refugees’ housing, people gathered together 497 to make business more developed.”

Yingzheng nodded, this is a good thing.

Han Fei and Li Si reported: “The Daqin Academy is thriving, and students from all over Daqin are eager to participate. They all love Qin studies very much, and they are very absorbing in Qin studies. There are many outstanding students. They will definitely take the next imperial examination. CUHK shines.”

The Daqin Dynasty now has no scholar-officials and Chu people. Most of them were selected from the imperial examination system. They were very happy to hear that the imperial examination system would recruit new people for Daqin Chaotang. Many ministers have already felt their own powerlessness, hoping that more talented people can share their worries for the king.

After that, many ministers reported many things, all happy events. After all the reports were completed, the ministers shouted: “The great Qin is prosperous, and all the merits of the king. The merits of the king are in the future.

Yingzheng waved his hands to the officials: “Since you are finished, Daqin is indeed safe and peaceful, so this king can go to Baiyue with confidence.”

As soon as this remark came out, the officials were shocked for a while, and they reacted after a while, and their king (aibd) was about to do dangerous things again: “You can’t be the king! Only then did the officials say that the king is good for the future. You have to take care of your body. You should pay great attention to meals and rest during weekdays, not to mention going to battle on the battlefield.

“Why is the king suddenly attacking Baiyue? As long as they don’t have any doubts about Daqin, it’s not unreasonable for such a small place to let it go.

“The king is the emperor of the Qin Dynasty. How can he go to Baiyue and other barbarians with his own risk. If the king really wants to destroy Baiyue, he can send troops to attack. There is really no need for the imperial conquest.” Some ministers have already started. Crying.

The last time I asked Yingzheng to see a smallpox patient, the ministers were already scared to death. They said nothing this time to let the king do anything that might threaten his life. They know that it is not winning politics but the entire Daqin Group to maintain.

Moreover, there has never been a Wang Gang in the whole world who uses it for himself and acts recklessly. The ministers decided that as long as they worked together, they shared their advice. It must be possible for the king to change his mind and take his life back!

It is a pity that they underestimated Ying Zheng. As early as when Ying Zheng was still the Saint Prince, they had said similar things to King Zhuang Xiang. He is the lord of Da Qin, not he listened to Da Qin, but Da Qin listened to him.

Despite the sorrow in the court, the victory of the government will not be affected. Just sitting on the throne quietly listening to the strange rhetoric of the ministers. When the ministers were already speaking hard and dry, they had nothing to say.

Ying Zheng just told them the purpose of this visit: “The king has found that smallpox was introduced into the six countries from Baiyue. If you leave it alone, it will only let smallpox continue to wreak havoc. At that time, except for the Qin country, the rest The six kingdoms will be extinct without exception. This matter concerns all beings in the world, and this king cannot just sit back and watch.

When the civil and military officials heard that Yingzheng said, they could only bow their heads and bow together: “The king is kind.”

“The minister has an unrelenting request, and I hope that the king will complete it. This time the expedition to Baiyue is extremely dangerous, the king must bring more guards, so that I can rest assured.”

This is the back hand of the ministers. On the face of it, it is the comfort of sending guards to protect the victory. In fact, they want to open up the relationship with these guards and prevent the king from going into battle to kill the enemy. Keeping the winning government behind, also keeps him away from danger.

Lu Buwei stood up in time and smiled at everyone: “There is still a king’s opponent in this world?”

The ministers were taken aback, then burst into laughter. Indeed, King Qin is invincible. Their worries are unnecessary. They presumptuously speculate on the dangers of war from the perspective of a mortal, but forget that no one in the world is an opponent to win politics. When Baiyue hears that the king is coming up, they are afraid that it will be too late to run, let alone to the king. Upside down.

After retiring from the court, Ying Zheng returned to Xianyang Palace to see Honglian. The bed has been cleaned up, and there is no trace of Gulian. Today’s morning session did go on for a long time, and the victory was only when Honglian had woken up and returned to his palace, so he didn’t ask much.

After a short break, Ying Zheng was preparing to go to the Imperial Study Room to prepare for this expedition to Baiyue. As soon as he left Xianyang Palace, he saw a red figure in the distance trotting all the way, and when he ran closer, he threw himself into the arms of Ying Zheng. Inside, he immediately raised his head to look at Yingzheng, with tears still hanging on his face.

Zhao Gao followed Yingzheng, and when he saw Princess Honglian did this, he reminded him: “The princess is not in harmony with etiquette.

Winning the government is just a wave of hands. Of course, the princess of Da Qin has to be pampered.

Hong Lian ignored Zhao Gao and asked directly: “Brother said, you don’t want Hong Lian.” After waking up, Hong Lian found that Ying Zheng had not returned, so she sneaked out to find her brother. Han Fei and Li Si were talking about it. Honglian heard about Yihao’s victory over the politician’s expedition to Baiyue. Han Fei knew that there was no point in hiding it, so he had no choice but to tell Honglian.

“This king is just going to Baiyue. If I don’t want you, I will be back soon.” Yingzheng could only persuade this little princess who had just become a princess.

“Where is Baiyue, Honglian will also go, and take Honglian with him, okay.” Honglian grievedly looked at the victory, he didn’t like the feeling of being left behind.

“No, it’s dangerous, and you can’t be hurt. This king promises to come back as soon as possible.” Ying Zheng squeezed Honglian’s face and tried to make her behave. .

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