Chapter 444 Fight

Duan Murong was feeling a little angry, but Ying Zheng suddenly said: “Feiyan, don’t mess around.”

Fei Yan stomped on his feet violently: “Huh.”

At this time, Duan Mulong felt that she was a little weird. She looked down at her hand, and there was a layer of red smoke on it. Touch with the other hand, but it is not smoke. This thing slowly dissipated, and my eyes were a little sore. After taking the pulse for herself, she determined: “Yin Yang technique.”

The little girl in front of her can perform onmyoji, and her level is not low. Duan Murong was upset that she was so careless. Fei Yan realized Duanmu Rong’s killing intent before using onmyoji. She held fortune and hoped that she won’t be able to see anything.

It was a pity that it was discovered, and the light in those gray-purple eyes was almost completely extinguished.

The two “Forty-nine and Seven” people didn’t want to fight in front of winning politics. The reason why Duan Murong didn’t make a move was because she knew that the silver needle could be used as a hidden weapon, but she didn’t think that winning politics would be ignorant. However, Fei Yan actually did something to her, and Liang Zi of the two people was settled.

When Fei Yan and Duanmu Rong were close to the fight, Lu Buwei came to see him: “The king, the news just received. In order to retaliate against Baiyue, Lianhe Wei and Han are ready to attack. But just before the expedition, the armies of the three countries were all infected with smallpox. Among them, the smallpox in Chu Kingdom was the most serious. The officials felt that this matter must be strange.”

“It seems that the king guessed right, the source of smallpox was indeed Baiyue. They realized that Chu was going to attack Baiyue, so they used smallpox to create civil strife.” Yingzheng guessed right.

Duan Mulong was shocked when she heard the word smallpox. She thought that smallpox had been completely wiped out, but she did not expect that the Six Kingdoms were still suffering from smallpox. Duan Mulong frowned at the thought of someone dying for this.

Yingzheng said to Lu Buwei: “It seems that Baiyue is not stupid, knowing that it will be suppressed before the war. It is only my Daqin who is going to send troops this time. The more you take advantage of the opportunity to be a ghost. Don’t beware of smallpox, but also be careful of Baiyue’s other methods.”

Lu Buwei salutes and takes orders.

“How is Baiyue’s attitude towards Daqin now?” Yingzheng asked Lu Buwei.

“This Baiyue is a group of unfamiliar white-eyed wolves. Not long ago, the minister sent someone to get back the armor of the weapon they had previously aided, but they did not give it alive. They also threw the messenger back to the State of Qin in a tortured manner.” Lu Buwei He gritted his teeth and saw his dissatisfaction with Baiyue.

Ying Zheng raised his eyebrows: “Oh?” This is the first time he has heard of such a thing.

Lu Buwei continued to chatter: “Especially the Baiyue prince named Tianze is a bastard. In the end, the Baiyue King directly ignored Daqin.”

This is obviously to confront Da Qin, and Ying Zheng asked: “Which messenger is where, take this king to see.”

Duan Mu Rong and Fei Yan also followed. Duan Mu Rong was an imperial doctor. Maybe he went to see the messenger. Maybe he could still be saved. She has always been confident in her medical skills, as long as she is alive, she would not come back without her.

It’s a pity that she really ran into trouble this time. When she saw this messenger, Duan Murong was accustomed to seeing patients who were not human, and couldn’t hold back the impact. There is no more good flesh on this person, and he can’t even see his personal shape. Lying on the bed, he can’t even tell which is the head and the feet. The skin of the whole body has turned black, with a lot of folds,

It’s like smoked bacon that has been dried.

Talking to him seems to be inaudible. Although his eyes are open, he won’t blink. He should be blind. I didn’t say a word and didn’t move, if it weren’t for the faint floating in the chest, it really made people think that he was dead.

Duan Mulong went to get his pulse, and as soon as he touched this person’s arm, there was a loud noise at the joints, as if they were crushed. But this person didn’t react at all, still motionless, as if he didn’t feel any pain at all. Duan Murong found that this person’s pulse was very strange, she had never seen it before, she frowned and meditated for a long time but couldn’t come to a conclusion.


Fei Yan looked at Duan Murong from the side, feeling very upset: “Little doctor girl, are you okay? After so long, there is no result. Isn’t it said that doctors are alone in the world with medical skills? I think they are fooling people. ”

Following the pulse all the way, this person’s body was strange, but he couldn’t tell what was strange. The symptoms reflected on her body were also something Duan Mulong had never seen before: “Return to the king, the minister is incompetent, unable to diagnose the disease, and can only be sure that it is not caused by poisoning.”

Fei Yan walked to the messenger’s side, she wrinkled her nose in disgust, and some could not accept the ugly appearance of this person. She covered her nose with one hand and stretched forward with the other. There was a flame of gas in his hand, and the fire slowly spread downward and burned to the messenger’s body, wrapping him in the fire all the time. The messenger remained motionless, the flame slowly went out, the messenger was dark

Red veins appeared on his body.

This situation made Feiyan also a little confused: “What is this strange thing, using onmyoji is actually useless.” She just wanted to use fire to explore the changes in the messenger, but the fire was actually absorbed by this person’s body, and She couldn’t take it out anymore.

These fires flow as if they have become the blood of this person. Is this person still having blood? Obviously, they have already done it like a person. Fei Yan wanted to cut through the person’s skin to find out, but found that the person’s body could not be cut at all: “It’s too strange. I have never seen this before. It may be a forbidden technique in the Yin Yang family.”

Yingzheng nodded and let Feiyan back down, and glanced at the messenger on the bed: “How did this person return to Qin in this state?”

Lu Buwei had to answer truthfully: “The envoys sent out said that he was the only one who entered the Baiyue Palace on that day. No one knew what was going on inside. Only after a while, this person was thrown out by Baiyue’s guard 1.3. See others. He was still alive and brought him back to Qin State.”

As the saying goes, the two armies don’t cut them in battle. Daqin and Baiyue haven’t fought yet, and they really didn’t kill the messenger. But the behavior is no different from provoking Da Qin. “It seems that they don’t take my Da Qin seriously.

Lu Buwei didn’t dare to speak. Who in the world would dare to disrespect the great Qin, he was the only exception. But they will soon pay the price for this contempt.

Even Yingzheng was a little surprised. I didn’t expect this group of Baiyue people to be so violent, even Da Qin dared to provoke. “Why are they?” Few people will be confident for no reason. What secrets are hidden in Baiyue. It is already incredible that they can use smallpox to deal with the Six Nations. If there are really other things, I don’t know. What kind of power will it have.

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