Chapter 434 Six Nations Infections]

Qin is thriving, but not in other countries. Not every monarch can be like winning the government. They are horrified by the smallpox virus. Seeing that the winning government has a way to treat smallpox, they are helpless.

In the face of life and death, few people can stand the test. What’s more, ordinary people. People who had smallpox in the six countries immediately packed up their things and dragged their families to Qin as soon as they heard about Qin State’s cure for smallpox. Anyway, in the Six Nations, as long as they get smallpox, there are only two kinds of fate. I was quarantined and waited to die, and was kicked out and waited to die. Hengjian are

If you die, you might as well go to the Qin country to hit your luck and see if King Qin will show mercy to save them.

The Six Kingdoms’ methods of dealing with smallpox are very simple and rude. They not only isolate people who have smallpox, but also the people they often contact with and their family members are all separated from each other, for fear that smallpox will be infected. Therefore, many people who have not contracted smallpox at all will stay with smallpox patients and then die.

In the past, they were only isolated in their own country. Now the monarchs of the six countries are frantically driving smallpox patients to Qin, hoping to spread the disease. Even if they heard about Qin Guo’s handling method, they didn’t care.

After hearing the news, King Chu Kaolie only mocked and said: “If Qin kills these smallpox people, he will be accused by thousands of people, saying that Qin is unrighteous and can save but not save. At that time, the world will be slobbered. Can drown Qin State.”

The court officials of Chu State felt reasonable after hearing this, but then asked: “Then what do you say if they are saved by winning the government?”

“Then it’s best. Since Da Qin has a way, let Qin do it. The widows don’t believe that those medicines don’t need money. If they can’t save the government or can’t bear the financial resources, Qin will naturally break through.” Chu Kao King Lie showed a sinister smile.

The courtiers of the Chu Kingdom had no choice but to use smallpox, they could only agree with King Chu Kaolie: “The king is wise.

And in Qin State. The ministers quickly reported the victory: “There are many patients who have been infected with smallpox gathered outside the city of Daqin. I don’t know how the king will deal with it?”

It has been many days since the doctor was assigned a mission, and Ying Zheng asked: “How is the doctor doing the vaccination for the people of Daqin?’

Duan Mulong stood up to report: “The progress is very fast. Every city-state in Daqin has doctors who specialize in vaccinating vaccinia. Most Daqin people have been vaccinated with vaccinia. It can be vaccinated nationwide.”

Yingzheng nodded. The doctors really exist to save people. When it comes to treating patients, the doctors’ speed is amazing. “According to the king’s decree, open the gate of Daqin, and all smallpox patients outside the city will be connected to Daqin, including their family and friends, regardless of men, women, young or old, from where they come from.

“Is the king trying to save them? The number of people outside the city who want to come in is by no means a small number. Let them all come in?”

“Of course, all are accepted.”

There were also courtiers worried that those people would spread the smallpox on their bodies to the people of Daqin. Duan Mulong told them that as long as they were vaccinated, they would no longer get smallpox. Soon everyone in Daqin will be vaccinated with cowpox, and it is the only country in the world that does not worry about smallpox.

Duan Mulong, as a medical representative, no one can question what she said in the treatment of illness.

“But to treat these people, we need to inject them with cowpox. Do we really have such use for cowpox?” When the courtiers heard that they were from the Six Nations, they remembered that the Six Nations had to fight Qin together, so they didn’t get angry. Come in one place. It will cost them money to let them in. How can they lose money?

Duan Mulong looked towards Ying Zheng and made sure that the other party did not intend to stop her before she said: “The king has already told the doctor how to cultivate vaccinia. For the doctor, it is a trivial matter. , Don’t be afraid of how much you come.

The courtiers could not find a reason to block the victory of the government, so they could only follow the king’s order. When the others bowed their heads and bowed to the mansion to salute, only Duan Murong looked up at the winning government. It is said that the doctor is kind, and the king is ruthless. Winning the government can use this opportunity to cause a large number of deaths in the six countries due to smallpox, but he chooses to accept these patients, and every time he sees the king can cherish his own

The people are already rare, but winning politics is different. Maybe only people with the world in their hearts can do this.

Ying Zheng naturally knows what Duanmu Rong is thinking, he looks at Duanmu Rong with a pitying look.

Long hate the alienation and self-contemplation, do not speculate about the king’s heart.

When the Daqin city gate opened, the smallpox patients outside seemed to see hope. This iron wall of copper coins that could not be opened by a million masters would unexpectedly be opened for their sick and weak bodies.

They entered the different city-states of Daqin, and the people of Daqin saw the red chickenpox on their bodies along the way. They were not at all comfortable and would not avoid them far. They just did their own things normally and treated them as normal people. Every city-state has a medicine hall where doctors of doctors specialize in vaccinating cowpox. These doctors never ask if they are from Daqin, right

They treat them equally, and only need to pay the same money as the Qin people to get vaccinia.

After the miraculous liquid flowed into the body, they asked incredulously: “It’s over? That’s it.”

Da Qin has completely defeated smallpox. In the Six Nations, the rate of infection of smallpox is almost horrifying. Nowadays, not only are people infected in the three countries of Chu, Han, and Wei, but other countries connected to them have also been infected. The monarchs of the six countries have no way to treat smallpox for their people like winning the government.

They just drove out blindly, as long as someone was found to be infected with smallpox, they all drove out. In a hurry, I rushed to the heads of the six countries.

Smallpox is an unreasonable disease. Whether you have a wealth of money or power in the wild 1.3, as long as you have not been vaccinated with vaccinia, you will have to be infected.

This has stumped the monarchs of the six countries. Among those infected with smallpox, there are their favorites, cronies, and heroes. If they are driven away, they are ruthless and unrighteous, and they are still incompetent. If you don’t get rid of it, what should you do if you get the infection on yourself?

In order to prevent themselves from getting smallpox, they simply didn’t even go to the front, and directly locked themselves in the bedroom. , Urging people outside to expel smallpox patients.

There is only one reason why the monarchs of the six countries are so afraid of contracting smallpox. They don’t want to be blistered to win the government and help their lives. They might be ashamed to death when that happens.

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