Chapter 435 Belonging to Qin]

No amount of food can withstand people’s consumption, no amount of money can withstand spending, and no amount of people can help being expelled. The monarchs of the Six Kingdoms were in danger of getting smallpox, and constantly expelled their people. As time passed, the population of the Six Kingdoms dropped sharply. Looking at the monarchs, they didn’t take it seriously. They finally breathed a sigh of relief and felt that they were finally safe. How the people have nothing to do with them

Yes, as long as you don’t have smallpox, everything is easy to say.

The people of the six nations already know how ruthless their king is. All the smallpox patients have an unanimous idea: instead of just waiting to die, it is better to go to Qin to try their luck. They have heard about King Qin generously opening the city gate to treat smallpox patients.

They thought about it and thought that maybe King Qin hadn’t changed his mind now, and they might still be able to catch up with this Fuze by running to Qin. They didn’t understand why King Qin wanted to do this, but they knew the benefits of this matter to them. Compared with their current king who doesn’t care about 08, they are more willing to become the citizens of Qin.

They hated the heavens a long time ago for not letting them be born in Qin. When it came to life and death, this feeling became stronger and stronger.

If you leave, you can leave, and those who don’t leave will wait for death. Without waiting for the expulsion of the kings of the Six Kingdoms, they had already set off for the Kingdom of Qin. It is not that the kings do not want their people, but that their people have abandoned the king.

Not only good birds know how to choose wood to live. There was a lot of discussion in the court on the matters of the six countries, and they could only wait for the winning government to make a decision.

“My lord, people from these six nations are coming to my Qin State. I am afraid there are some traps. In case it is a meticulous work sent by the six nations, it will be detrimental to Da Qin.”

Yingzheng laughed softly: “Most of these people suffer from smallpox and are weak. What can they do to Da Qin?” The meticulous work is dedicated to those who are deeply hidden or possess special skills. How can the sick and dying be careful.

“But if these people were cured, they were just helping the Six Nations in vain. Not only would it be of no benefit to my Great Qin, it would be taken advantage of by the Six Nations. The ministers really can’t figure it out.” , And it’s not profitable. I have never done a thing that made a loss, don’t know what happened this time?

“When you treat all these patients according to the king’s intention, you will be able to figure it out.” Yingzheng’s attitude is very clear. Not only can smallpox be cured, those who may be infected, or those who are afraid of smallpox, as long as they want to be vaccinated with vaccinia, are welcome.

After the decree to win the government, the doctors kept spinning like a top. Every day they face the crowds of people from six countries at the entrance of the Medicine Hall. There are many things they repeat every day.

For example, smallpox can really be cured. It only needs to be vaccinated with cowpox. There is no deception, no poisoning, and no quack. The method King Qin found was not a doctor. King Qin ordered medical treatment, and the doctor was also ordered by the king to do such a thing.

It’s the same day after day. The medical family had just finished one vaccination, moved a little, and said to the other medical family nearby, “I will make dozens of more calls, and those people will surely show up.”

Another disdainful answer: “I only count three. Believe it or not, the one that should come will come, three, two, one.

As soon as the words fell, a group of people gathered outside the door, and they knelt at the door of the medicine hall without saying anything: “Thank you, the genius doctor for saving his life, the genius doctor has rejuvenated his life, and I have achieved medical skills. NS.”

The doctor raised his finger and calculated: “This wave of people is not bad, a little improved, and can speak idioms. A little bit higher than the previous level.”

The medical family who lost the bet sighed helplessly. It seems that today is his turn and he will have to spend his tongue to explain: “Cough cough, listen, I will only say it once. Don’t thank us, thank you. King Xie Qin. Do you understand?”

“You are a simple explanation, cut corners.” The medical disciple laughed helplessly. Looking at these smallpox patients from the six countries, he kindly gave a direction: “Now, where is the direction of Xianyang City, the capital of Daqin. , The place where King Qin lived.

These people who recovered after being inoculated with chickenpox finally understood who saved their lives. They bowed their knees in the direction pointed out by the doctor just now, and made a pious gesture of worship. When they straightened up after a while, their faces were already covered with tears.

And the people they worshipped felt their respect, and they were discussing with the courtiers how to settle their affairs.

The courtiers looked at the winning government in a puzzled way: “Why don’t the king worry about these people. The disease has been cured. Of course, they are fighting back and forth. You can’t save them and kill them again.”

“They can’t go back anymore. Most of these people from the Six Nations are suffering from smallpox, and they didn’t have much money on them when they were expelled. I can’t go back, all stay in Daqin.”

“The king can imitate the methods of the Six Nations and drive them out, lest they die in Daqin’s prosperous incident.

Ying Zheng looked at the courtiers standing under the court. Today is his last day in court. 490 Winning politics If you need to imitate the monarchs of the six countries, then it is not winning politics. The courtiers were also silent, not knowing where the stupid people came from.

“There are at least one million people from the six countries who came to Qin this time. They arrange things for these people in the Daqin Mansion and order the Sanmo giants to build temporary settlements. Standing on my Da Qin land, it is even my Da Qin. People should live well and settle down without neglect.” Yingzheng glanced at the courtiers, this is an irresistible order.

People from the Six Nations got errands in Daqin Mansion, and they can get money as long as they work hard. They were surprised to find that the work assigned to them by Da Qin was not only not tiring, but also a lot of money, so there was no need to worry about food and clothing. The environment of the temporary resettlement site is not bad either. I didn’t want to leave even after being in Daqin.

One of them stayed, and the two stayed too. A group of good relations agreed to stay in Daqin, but in the end they didn’t leave. There are more people in Daqin, and every city-state has become very lively.

People from each country enter Daqin in different places, and the city-states they gather are different. Some people were not severely sick with smallpox. After entering Daqin, they walked to a farther city-state, and then went to a different city-state because of their positions in the medicine hall and the government office. From the border to the inland, when they have all settled down, it can be regarded as evenly distributed. .

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