Chapter 433 Treatment of smallpox]

The courtiers looked around Duanmu Rong. They did not see that Duanmu Rong had chickenpox. They asked very suspiciously: “Are you really infected with smallpox?”

Before Duanmu Rong could speak, a soldier outside the door reported: “My lord, something has happened. There is a patient named Chen San in the smallpox isolation area. He, he, he, he seems to be healed.” The soldier could not speak anymore. No one has ever seen smallpox survive, let alone alive. Even the doctors can’t confirm whether Chen San is okay, it’s just chickenpox on his body.

It did eliminate a lot, which is obviously a sign of healing.

Now when I heard the word smallpox, the courtiers reacted fiercely: “What nonsense, how can the smallpox be good? It seems to be good. Go back quickly. Last time, God blessed the king to not infect the king. This time the old minister. Even if this life was spared, the king would not be exposed to smallpox again.

“The Diaomin named Chen San, no matter if he is good or not, he should immediately ask Zhan, Wang Shang is really too kind.

Yingzheng ignored these courtiers, but was only pleased with the effect of the cowpox: “This king knows, this is a good thing. Set off immediately, and the widow will go and see his condition.” Yingzheng stood up from the throne and moved out of the hall. . The courtiers stepped forward and knelt down to stop the victory.

“The king must not go again.”

Yingzheng said helplessly: “You have just heard that Chen San’s condition has improved. This king is not only concerned about Chen San, but all the people of Da Qin who have infected smallpox. He can be cured, which means that smallpox has the hope of curing. Do you want this king to just give up in vain?”

The courtiers were silenced by Ying Zheng, and bowed their heads one by one. Winning said no more, passing by them, Duan Murong got up and chased it out.

Smallpox in isolation. An old medical man sat in front of Chen San. A few days ago, Chen San, who was still talking nonsense, is now like a normal person, except for a few chickenpox that has not faded away. The old man is a highly respected senior of the medical school, and even Duan Mu Rong is a respectful person. At this moment, he looked at Chen San tremblingly, muttering to himself: “Old

The husband spent his entire life unable to find a cure for smallpox. He didn’t expect to see the day when smallpox was cured before he died. There is no end to the cure. Boy, come on, you have all eaten~ what.

“I didn’t eat anything, it was King Qin who gave me something, and then it was miraculously healed. I don’t know what it is.” Chen Sangang-After speaking, the victory came.

Chen San hurriedly rushed over and knelt in front of the victory: “The King Qin’s life-saving grace will not be rewarded by the small people. In the next life, he will be a bull and a horse and is willing to serve for King Qin.”

To win the government is to let Duan Murong go to see Chen San. The medical old man walked over slowly with a cane: “Wearing to see King Qin. The old man heard that King Qin cured smallpox. I forgive the old man’s incompetence. He has been unable to cure smallpox with all his life’s efforts in medicine. He wants to know what this disease is used for before he dies. If it is cured, it can be regarded as a lapse of the old man’s aspirations for the rest of his life.”

Yingzheng just said: “Neither medicine nor injection, the original is against each other, and the root cause is the cure.”

The old medical man opened his eyes wide when he heard it, and after a long time he suddenly laughed. The old man’s unique hoarse voice was a little bleak: “So that’s it. The old man didn’t expect King Qin to have such medical skills. The whole medical school has been seeking ways to crack smallpox for generations. Nothing was found, the eternal problem of medical skills was actually solved by King Qin.” At this point, the old man’s cloudy eyes suddenly became clear.

When he came, his tone also became tough: “From now on, my doctor will be obedient to King Qin!” After saying this, he knelt down.

Duan Mulong also knelt down. This old man is very important to the doctor. He said that the doctor would not disobey. He said that he was obedient to the King of Qin, and that was the submission of the entire medical school to the State of Qin.

Yingzheng said to the old man: “In this case, the king needs a doctor to open a medicine hall in Daqin. From today, everyone in Qin will be inoculated with vaccinia to fight against smallpox. Zhao Gao, bring the vaccinia juice.”

The old man took the cowpox juice from Zhao Gao. It was a very small bottle, but the size of a knuckle, but there were so many doctors who tried hard to get something. He held it in his hand like a thousand pounds. The doctors hold the pot to help the world, and they are based on saving people. The old man can’t even think about how many lives can be saved in this little bottle.

“The king has found a way to treat smallpox. Later, someone will tell you how to extract the juice. The doctors will go to various cities in Daqin to inoculate every Qin.

0……for flowers…

The old man bowed his head repeatedly: “I am willing to work for King Qin.”

The other patients in the smallpox quarantine area were the first to hear that a cure for smallpox had been found. They cheered regardless of their illness, that was a thirst for life.

The old man quickly summoned the doctors and explained the smallpox matter. The doctors looked at the bottle lying on the old man’s withered hands, and felt unbelievable: “You mean this thing is the antidote to smallpox?”

“How do I use this medicine? Just drink it?”

“It is a good thing to be able to find an antidote, but how many people can be saved with such a small bottle?”

The old man sighed, and he felt a deep sense of powerlessness. King Qin had found a solution to smallpox. The doctors were so stupid facing the antidote. I really didn’t know where he was studying medicine. The old man could only patiently explain to the doctors how to use this “antidote”. Then Yizheng verbally ordered the doctors to follow the instructions of King Qin.


After listening to the old man’s words, the doctors were excited, and they all rushed to participate. Although they are not able to find a solution to smallpox, it is a great honor to be a healer to heal patients who have smallpox with their own hands, or to defend against smallpox for them. Although this honor was borrowed from King Qin.

Soon the doctors took action and went to the various city-states in Daqin. At the same time, the news that smallpox can be treated was brought to the people of Daqin.

The doctors did not dare to take credit. When talking about the treatment of smallpox, they honestly told them that it was invented by King Qin. What makes them strange is that when the people of Daqin heard that it was King Qin, they were not particularly surprised. They were used to it. Calmly told the doctor: “Our King Qin, that is a great person. He can always make something

Things that others can’t even think of. We common people all say that King Qin is not a man at all, but a god. I don’t blame the doctor for not being able to find a solution. After all, how can a mortal compare with a god?”

The medical family who said this was a little embarrassed. However, in their hearts, they had already admired Qin Wang’s five bodies, and they were very convinced by the people’s words. factory,

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