Chapter 432 cure】

“This king is still standing here alive, you are crying like this to curse this king?” Yingzheng has no time to explain all this, but feels that the ministers care about him too much. Smallpox is really nothing in front of him.

Of course, there may be something in front of others. For example, Duanmu Rong.

She also ran into Chen San’s body just now in a hurry, and the possibility of being infected was very high. Ying Zheng said to Duanmu Rong, “Stretch out your hand.”

Duanmu Rong was taken aback for a moment, but still obediently obeyed. Ying Zheng repeated the steps just now, and injected the juice of cowpox into Duan Mu Rong’s body. Duan Mulong watched the contents of the small bottle flow into her body, and she was a little unsure. “My lord, is this treating smallpox?”

“You will have a good rest in these few days. Then you will get a smallpox-like illness, but it will not be too serious. After it is over, you will never get smallpox again.” Ying Zheng took the bottle back, and then again. Added: “Don’t blame the widow for not reminding you that once the smallpox is scratched, it will leave scars on the body.”

Duan Mulong withdrew her arm for 490, and still said blankly: “The doctor has medicine to heal scars. As a medical woman, she is naturally not afraid of leaving scars.”

“This kind of medicine you mentioned, the king will send someone to get some.” Ying Zheng was in a daze and remembered that Yan Lingji was also injured in the battle of Chu State that day. Girls always need to be pampered, how can they be scarred.

Chen Sanpao, who was lying and unable to get up, cried with a headache: “King Qin, why did you do this? My humble life is not worth your risk. You are the noble King Qin and the future lord of the world. How can you? To die for someone like me in vain?” When he contracted smallpox, Chen San knew that he was only waiting to die. He was always glad that he was born in Qin and was able to

Make money with your own hands to compensate your parents. These years, he was saving money to beg a wife, and his life was bright in the future. He knew that all this was bestowed by King Qin. The people he really hated were the soldiers of other countries who brought smallpox.

Yingzheng just said: “Recover well, and you will get better soon.” After that, he turned his head and walked away.

When the ministers saw that the victory came back, they all flocked to them. They all (aibd) were going crazy and kept clamoring: “Hurry up and let the royal doctor check the health of the king! Why are you, the king?”

“”This person is no more than a civilian, what right does he have for the king to do this?”

“This kind of unsophisticated behavior is tantamount to murdering King Qin, so you should ask him immediately!”

Duan Mulong walked over when she heard someone calling the imperial physician. How should she check this? I just touched that person’s body without any protective measures. It is already clear that smallpox has been infected, and there are no symptoms at all when smallpox is first infected, and you can wait for death when symptoms appear. . Duan Mulong didn’t say anything, just bit her lower lip.

Don’t look away. In any case, she couldn’t say that winning the government would die.

The ministers all believed that winning the government had been infected with smallpox, but they did not evade. King Qin is about to die. What are they doing? Do you live to see how Da Qin is destroyed? They can only pray for miracles to come and bless King Qin safe and sound.

When a group of people returned to the Xianyang Palace mightily, the eyes of the old officials were crying blind. This may be the greatest disaster of Da Qin, the majestic Da Qin, which cannot be shaken by the combination of the six countries, will destroy the country in this way. When they think of this, their chests feel like a backlog of boulders out of breath.

Yingzheng did not understand why these ministers were so sad, but ordered the people who defended smallpox not to send Duanmu Rong as a smallpox patient for quarantine. He also thought that if he were not King Qin, he would be quarantined. Think about it. It was funny, and a smile appeared on his face.

Seeing the expression of winning the government, the officials cried again. When it was over, their king was crazy, and they all said that the man is about to die, and his words are good. Does the king already know his death date, so he revealed A rare smile. The day after seeing the smallpox patient, the courtiers felt like this: The king is about to be gone, so let’s take one more look now.

Later, I will see a ulcerated King Qin. They don’t know how to accept it. On the third day: Chickenpox is about to grow. Many people have contact with the king, and they should have been infected. Daqin Chaotang was infected with smallpox and died. Will it become a laughing stock in history books in the future?

On the fourth day, the courtiers finally felt something wrong, thinking: Why the king hasn’t got chickenpox yet, no, they seem to be hoping that the king will be infected. Could it be that the king is the emperor who can avoid all these dirty things. They all looked at winning politics with curious eyes.

Yingzheng sat on the throne and looked at the courtiers: “You Aiqing seem to have something on your mind?”

On the fifth day, Duanmu Rong came back. The courtiers shunned her as if seeing a ghost: “You, you, don’t you have smallpox? Why are you here? Come here, get her out quickly.”

Fortunately, Ying Zheng retired the guards in time, otherwise, because of Duan Mulong’s temperament, he would have to stab these people with a silver needle. “Thank you Wang Shang for saving my life.” Duan Murong knelt down after seeing Ying Zheng. These days, she did have a lot of chickenpox as Ying Zheng said. I rarely get sick, not to mention that smallpox is so strict

Serious illness. For a moment she really thought that she was going to die, and she seemed to be back to the state of fainting after being poisoned in a daze. As a doctor, she knows that life is sometimes as fragile as silk, and sometimes as tough as iron.

She remembered what Yingzheng had injected into herself, and finally figured it out in her heart. She believes that winning politics will surely be capable of medical skills, and the level of medical skills is beyond her imagination. As long as she thinks of winning politics, she is extremely sure that she will survive. The Lord of the Qin Dynasty can make people die as well as life.

After waking up from the high fever, Duan Mulong was surprised to find that the chickenpox had disappeared, and there was no trace at all, as if it had never appeared before. After doing her own inspection, she hurried to the court. This life-saving grace does not only refer to this time. Duan Mulong has already determined that the medical affairs, the poison of a thousand feet and this smallpox have won the government.

Gave her three lives.

The healer never saves people but not herself. For the first time, she felt the feeling of being saved by others, and finally understood why the people she had saved respected her so much.

Ying Zheng asked Duan Mu Rong to waive the gift, and asked how he was doing.

Duanmurong smiled, “No scar left.”

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