Chapter 429 Isn’t it easy to die?]

Duan Mulong looked at the poisonous Qianchi who was kneeling down and begging for mercy. She didn’t have any mercy at all. This man deserved to die because of his wickedness, but the way he died was cruel.

Hearing about such a cruel execution method by Yingzheng, Du Qianchi only felt that life is better than death. Even if he was accompanied by poison for many years, he did not dare to face the various tortures of Daqin Luowang and Ling Chi’s punishment. He has heard of the fate of Mi Rong and Zhao Xiaocheng, and has been avoiding it because he is afraid that this day will come. On that day, Duanmu Rong came to arrest him. He was still very disdainful of this woman.

Thought really fell into her hands.

At that time, I am afraid that even death is a kind of extravagant hope. Poison Qianchi knows that he will win the government and will not let him go because he is begging for mercy. He was about to bite his tongue and kill himself.

Duan Mulong saw his “four-eight-seven” motive, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop it. It’s dangerous. Ying Zheng reacted faster than Duan Mulong, and he broke Du Qianchi’s jaw: “If you want to die, you can’t help but take it.”

Poison Qianchi was dragged away in this way, Duan Murong did not even have time to remove the silver needle from his body. The two kinds of pain and torture were added to the body. Poison Qianchi was afraid that he would be tortured alive.

Seeing Yingzheng’s cruel treatment of Poison Qianchi, the doctors were a little bit afraid, for fear that they would kill them all if they were repented by the victory. Yingzheng turned and looked at the medical family: “This king is going to establish Daqin Pharmaceutical Factory. If anyone from your medical family stays, please keep it.”

The doctors looked at each other and won the government instead of killing them. Instead, they wanted to keep them. Although they didn’t know what Daqin Pharmaceutical Factory was doing, the doctors could not be troubled by anything involving medicine. They looked at Duanmu Rong with some helplessness. The doctor was saved from death thanks to this catastrophe. They already regarded Duanmu Rong as the leader of the doctor.

“What King Qin said is very clear. Stay if you want to stay, and leave if you want to leave. You decide for yourself.” Duan Mulong’s tone didn’t have any warmth. “If you really want me to make the decision for you, then stay. The doctors live in refuge all the year round, living in the mountains and old forests and villages. That kind of life is by no means leisurely and comfortable. The doctors are just afraid of someone coveting ships in troubled times.

The medical skills of doctors are nothing more than. Da Qin’s prosperity does not require me to say that you all know that with Da Qin’s Diyou, in the future, doctors will no longer need to hide from the world as an excuse.

Before coming to Xianyang City, Duan Mulong had always lived in a place called Jinghu, which is why she was called Jinghu Medical Immortal. There are indeed beautiful mountains and clear waters, but how can the small lake compare to the river and the sea, she has long been tired of the feeling of shrinking in that small corner. Presumably the same is true of other medical practitioners.

The little girl asked, “Sister Rong, will Da Qin really protect us? This person just said that we are going to die.”

Duan Mulong knelt down and touched the little girl’s head: “Don’t be afraid, King Qin has already forgiven you. From now on, as long as you are obedient and obedient. Don’t you like medicine the most? You also wished to be a doctor. Sister Rong is already Da Qin’s imperial court. After being treated, if someone bullies you in Daqin, Sister Rong will help you pierce him.

“Really, sister Rong is so kind.” The little girl hugged Duanmu Rong happily. She also didn’t want to go back to the original doctor’s place, Daqin Pharmaceutical Factory, which sounded great.

After the doctors discussed it, they felt that they would not mention the fact that they were going to kill them after winning the government. Only talking about the Daqin Pharmaceutical Factory, the doctors have a backstage such as winning the government, why not? They stood in a row. Kneeled neatly: “The doctor is willing to work for Da Qin.”

Yingzheng nodded in satisfaction. He has wanted to build a pharmaceutical factory for Daqin for a long time, and now he is taking advantage of this opportunity. Ying Zheng had already begun to conceive the future of Daqin Pharmaceutical Factory, and a voice interrupted his thinking.

“Sister Rong!” the little girl suddenly exclaimed. Duan Murong fell suddenly, her body curled up, her face pale, her fingertips cold. Until now, she has not gone to detoxify herself. It wasn’t until all the doctors who had just been arranged for her, she suddenly felt the piercing pain.

After Daqin Pharmaceutical Factory was opened, the wind went smoothly, and the doctors’ knowledge was loved by the Daqin senior management. Things like colds usually suffer a lot of crimes. Now, just go to Daqin Pharmaceutical Factory to find a doctor, and the medicine will be cured within a few days. These diseases seem to them to be trivial, and they can be cured without much effort.

Daqin Pharmaceutical Factory also accepts civilians at ordinary times. The ordinary people don’t have to worry about the cost of medicine. The medical family moved all their herbs to Daqin Pharmaceutical Factory. Together with the support from Yingzheng, the cost of medicine is very cheap. Such conditions of being close to the people naturally make the common people feel good.

Wherever the medical family have experienced such battles, they used to treat them one by one. Those who can come to the door will be treated, and they will not come to see the doctor if they are sick. In addition, the doctors live in relatively remote areas, and there are two types of patients who are actually treated. One is the patients who are in the youth and have no cure, and the patients who are short of death have gone through a lot of hardships to find a doctor. What a pity the doctor

The home is for curing diseases, not robbing people from the hands of Lord Yan. If you can’t cure it, you can’t cure it. There is another kind of more interesting, that is, I was ill, but healed on the way before I found a doctor.

They have never had the experience of showing up to the common people to treat illnesses like this. People are very fragile. A little wound or a little sickness is torturing. Just one dose of medicine in front of them can help them dispel their pain, which brings a lot of sense of accomplishment to the medical family.

Because of the Daqin Pharmaceutical Factory, Daqin was able to enjoy peace and security for a time. The happiness of Daqin is the suffering of the other six countries.

For example, King Chu Kaorie, seeing that the victory of the government is now living well, he is very depressed and very unhappy. But what can he do? He can’t hear 1.3 when he scolds Yingzheng, and he can’t beat him. So he has to join forces with Han Guo and Wei Guo to prepare to attack Baiyue.

The army is well integrated, and when it is just waiting for the troops to be dispatched, another horrible thing comes. The army was infected with smallpox. Fortunately, the isolation did not cause too many casualties.

King Chu Kaorie was a little proud after hearing this: “It’s really God bless the country of Chu. We can isolate the smallpox, otherwise the three-nation coalition forces will all be ruined in Baiyue.” In his opinion, the country of Chu has no good things. It is the fortune of Chu State not to happen very badly.

After sighing, King Chu Kaorie came up with an extremely insidious method and ordered his men: “Send the sergeants who have been infected with smallpox to Daqin secretly. This matter should be hidden. Those responsible for sending them are not allowed to come back. Lest they bring the smallpox back, do it soon!”,

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