Chapter 430 Smallpox outbreak]

Since King Chu Kaolie secretly sent soldiers who had obtained smallpox to Qin, Chu’s infection rate has dropped to the lowest. There were also soldiers from Han and Wei in the army who were infected with smallpox. This time the attack on Baiyue was called by King Chu Kaorie. Both King Han and Wei wanted to confess to King Chu Kaorie. They insisted that they were infected with smallpox in Chu. Compensation is required.

King Chukollie had just lost the city, and he refused to pay a sum of money. He sent a letter to King Han and King Wei: “All the infected soldiers will be sent to the State of Qin, so that the State of Qin will accept this gift. Everyone in Qin, who is the most troubled, will have smallpox, including winning the government. Let the whole It is best for Daqin to be destroyed by a smallpox.

Smallpox is a severe infectious disease. People who get this disease are basically waiting to die. It is highly infectious and the condition is serious. Even people who are tired of life dare not let their smallpox, but death is quite painful. In doing so, King Chu Kaolie was nothing more than trying to make Qin State a large number of deaths due to smallpox. These soldiers infected with smallpox, Qin State, are like walking

The same weapons will bring great life to Da Qin.

At the Great Qin Dynasty Hall in 08, Lu Buwei reported to Yingzheng: “Smallpox is erupting among the people, and the minister investigated that the source was caused by people from other countries. I don’t know how the king should deal with this matter, and kill all these people? Or expel them?”

It is not that Lu Buwei is cruel, but the smallpox is so violent that everyone is daunted. This type of terminal illness cannot be treated at all. Traditionally, only isolation or fire to death has been the only way to prevent infection of other people. Besides, people from other countries cannot be deported if they are killed. There is no better way.

“Smallpox? Let me go and take a look.

Lu Buwei was shocked: “You can’t be the king. This smallpox is very easy to be infected. If the king doesn’t kill their ministers, they will try their best to dissuade them, let alone see the king. If the king is infected with this disease, then I will be Lu Buwei. It is Daqin’s greatest criminal minister.” Lu Buwei knelt down as he said, there is a tendency to win the government and not get up.

The other ministers also knelt down, all to prevent Yingzheng from going to see the smallpox patient. Everyone avoids things like smallpox, and is not afraid of winning politics, but wants to get close.

Ji Ya also knelt down: If the king really wants to know the condition of the smallpox patient, the minister is willing to go up for the king. Human life can be heavier than Mount Tai but as light as a feather. Winning politics is the lord of an era. If something happens to him, it will be the heaviest loss of the entire Daqin, absolutely not.

Win the government and laughed: “It’s okay.”

Duan Mulong saw that Yingzheng was so indifferent, and as King Qin, she would not do things that were completely uncertain. In her heart, she had always suspected that Yingzheng knew medical skills. She was so toxic that day that she fainted. After waking up, she asked all the doctors, and they all said that they did not detoxify themselves. She once said in front of Yingzheng that the poison needs to be injected to get rid of the body

After waking up, there was a new set of silver needles next to the bed. The silver needles were very delicate. I don’t know how many times better than the set I used before. The price of these small things is not low, let alone the cloth that wraps the silver needles. Rolls are also very expensive fabrics.

Sure enough, Ying Zheng said: “This king may have a way to treat smallpox.”

Duan Murong secretly guessed in her heart that someone who knows medical skills, can leave such silver needles, and knows how to deal with this kind of poison, is really the only one who wins the government. Duan Murong thought he was a cold-faced king, but he didn’t expect to save himself. It seems that everyone is ruthless king, and sometimes it is not necessarily right.

It’s just that smallpox is not the same as his own poison. Healers can save people but can’t save themselves. If you win the government, if you really get smallpox, a generation of King Qin will die in this way.

The courtiers were trying their best to stop them, thinking that there would never be a way to treat smallpox. Since this disease, no one has ever been able to cure it. Even doctors shook their heads and sighed when facing smallpox. As the King of Qin, Ying Zheng can do nothing but love the people like his children. The people can only express their pity when they have smallpox. What else can they do? It is not like other kings who can get smallpox.

It’s benevolence to drive away his people.

Even if there is a way to win politics. But they didn’t dare to take this risk. Losing victory in politics would be tantamount to losing the prosperity of all generations in the future of Qin. Sometimes a life is more important than 11 million lives, even if the Qin Kingdom died of smallpox, no matter how many people died, it would not be possible to win the government to commit danger.

Duanmurong stood up at this time: “I wish to go with the king. Doctors have a unique secret method to isolate infectious diseases. The minister will definitely protect the king from being infected by smallpox.” This person once wanted to kill her or even destroy the doctor she loved so much.

A better way of living at home.

She was originally an unbelieving woman. After seeing the victory, she had to admit that there are people in this world who can dominate destiny. It’s good for some people to dominate themselves. Some people can dominate a group of people around them, but they can dominate the world if they win politics. Just as she wanted to understand one thing after she became a doctor: if you can save one person, it is one person.

Ren Deren. The doctor who saves or does not save is to dominate the destiny of people. Intuition tells Duanmu Rong that 487 victory can dominate the fate of those smallpox patients.

The benevolence of doctors, for the patient’s sake, she is indispensable. What’s more, she wants to repay the life-saving grace of winning the government. Even if it is incomprehensible in the eyes of others.

She knew that Winning was a proud person, and no one could stop him. These ministers kept saying that they are good for King Qin and good for Qin State. But if you don’t oppose everything that Yingzheng does, it is really good for him. Duanmu Rong is willing to be the one who accompanies and wins politics.

The ministers were still not at ease: “This time even the doctors said that smallpox could not be cured, and now they are still talking about a secret method. The king should not believe what this demon girl said.’

Duan Mulong’s face became colder: “The unique secret method I said is to isolate smallpox infection, not to treat smallpox. The two are completely different, how can they be confused.”

In the end, the ministers still couldn’t say to win the government. They knew that even if they were forced to die, they would not be able to change their minds in the winning government. Keep as far away as possible.” After finishing talking, there were tears on his face. He has been an official in Daqin for so many years and has been loyal to the king and protector. Did not expect to have one

The heavens will tell King Qin to go to such a deep and hot place to commit personal dangers. .

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