Chapter 428 Doctor has female Duan Mu Rong]

Someone in the prison reported: “Outside Xianyang, there is a woman named Duan Mulong, who claims to be a medical family member. She said that she had captured the culprit and wanted to see King Qin.’

Duan Mu Rong, maybe it is the sister Rong that the little girl just said. It is a woman who can be given the hope of the doctors when they are alive and dead, and she is interested in winning the government: “Let’s go and see.”

Duanmu Rong had a fair complexion, and could not detoxify herself under time constraints, but temporarily suppressed the toxicity with a silver needle. Du Qianchi is worthy of being the master of the Poison Sect. The poison he used is very overbearing. Duan Murong felt severe pain moving in her body. She was sweating in pain, and her face turned pale as paper. She bit her lower lip and tried to prevent herself from showing pain.

Then he knelt down on the ground: “King Qin, the little woman has caught the real murderer who poisoned her relative, King Zhuang Xiang, and it is the master of the poison door who poisoned Qianchi. This is evidenced by the correspondence between him and Mi Rong.”

She had to have a struggling man by her side, who was the poisonous thousand feet. Duan Mulong didn’t use poison, but he slammed a few silver needles into his body, and the needles would flow through his body along with his blood, plus a dose of blood-stimulating medicine, which was enough to make him pain~ pregnancy.

“I also ask King Qin to be magnanimous and don’t deal with all the doctors, who are wronged and indebted. Although the poison family and the medical family belong to the same medical family, they have nothing to do with each other. The rest of the medical family has no knowledge, and they have done nothing wrong.” Rong’s tone trembled a little, and she didn’t know if it was the pain or the life of her family.

Ying Zheng looked at her upturned face, with fine beads of sweat on her cheeks. It seemed that she was seriously injured when she was fighting with Poison Qianchi. A woman in the medical school, compared with the master of the Poison Sect It is very rare to be able to win. Ying Zheng didn’t say anything. In his way of doing things, he would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go, and kill King Zhuang Xiang by poison.

It’s not enough for the doctors to bury them all-to calm his anger.

Lu Buwei’s attitude is very clear. He has always been vigorous and resolute in the affairs of King Zhuang Xiang: “Impossible! Even if you are right, how about? This poisonous family belongs to your medical school, and it is too late to dismiss the relationship now. Since he is he You don’t care when you are evil, then you can’t even think about getting rid of the relationship when he causes trouble!”

In this case, it simply means that the doctors should not try to escape the relationship. Duan Mulong is already a little desperate. He is also a doctor, and it does not matter if he is buried with the doctor. In doctors, used by doctors, all medical skills are given by doctors. The only thing she is unwilling to do is not being a doctor

What contribution to make.

Obviously she was the last hope of the medical school, but in the end, she just fell into the trap? She felt sorry for everyone in the medical school. They waited for her to save, but she was so useless. That’s it, life and death are alive, and there is no chance to repay the debt owed to the doctor. She closed her eyes and led her neck to slaughter, and the poison on her body seemed to be no longer painful, so the master was right.

, The pain is not as painful as the heartache.

Ying Zheng saw that Duanmu Rong had given up resistance, and he was already going to die, but he frowned and looked unwilling. He was very curious whether the closed eyes were hidden, and he was living towards death. . “open one’s eyes.”

Duan Mulong didn’t dare to defy, and she was still praying to win the government and change her mind to let the doctors make a living. After she opened her eyes, Ying Zheng discovered that the woman’s eyes were not as black as her hair, but dark purple. It would be difficult to find if she didn’t look at them for a long time. They are a pair of very interesting eyes, and there is hope at the same time. I hide the despair of death again, maybe only indifferent

Only those who live and die can have such a pair of eyes.

Yingzheng did change his mind: “Daqin still lacks an imperial doctor. If you can take refuge in this king, this king will only punish the perpetrators and spare other doctors.” This is the condition of the victory.

This condition sounds nothing to Duanmu Rong, she is even ready to die, let alone being an imperial physician. She agreed without hesitation: “The little woman is willing to be loyal to King Qin and cure all diseases for Qin with meager medical skills.”

She did not expect that in the end, she would have such a gift. After all, she was not honored to be a doctor, and it was her greatest honor to be able to do something for the doctor with what she had learned throughout her life. Even if this is the final contribution, there will be no more doctor Duan Mulong in the future, but Duan Mulong, the imperial doctor of the Da Qin Dynasty. I don’t know if it is the joy of my wish or the sudden loss of identity, Duanmu

A drop of tears burst into Rong’s eyes.

0……Look for flowers…

“The poison is very painful. Go and get rid of the poison. Don’t tell this king that the imperial doctor who just received is an incompetent person who can’t solve the poison on his body.” Ying Zheng looked at Duanmu Rong’s tears and thought she was It hurts to cry.

“Don’t worry, Wang Shang, this poison has been suppressed by me, and it only takes a few shots to draw it out of the body.” Duan Murong’s tone returned to a calm state, as if she had never experienced the great joy and compassion just now, she is still cold and cold. Duanmu Rong perfectly hides the heat in my heart.

Lu Buwei saw Duan Mulong’s attitude. No one dared to be so indifferent in the face of winning politics. Everyone was afraid or respected when facing winning politics, not like this woman. Lu Buwei snorted coldly: “The king is too kind. If I were to be replaced, the doctor would have died a hundred times.”

“According to the king’s decree, immediately release all the doctors in the prison.” No one dared to defend Kang under the command of Ying Zheng, and Lu Buwei could no longer embarrass Duan Mu Rong and deal with it honestly.

Duan Mulong was not relieved, and followed all the way to the jail. After watching all the medical staff were released, she let out a sigh of relief. They were all frightened. They didn’t seem to be in very good condition. They all gathered around Duanmu Rong to thank her for her life-saving grace, and Duanmu Rong explained the ins and outs of the matter.

The doctors suddenly realized that the poison Qianchi on the ground was groaning in pain, and all the doctors looked at him angrily: “This poison Qianchi is simply not worthy of being a doctor, and it has caused the whole doctor to almost annihilate the family.

Du Qianchi was tortured by Duanmurong’s silver needle, and he desperately kowtowed to Yingzheng: “King Qin spare me. It was all Mi Rong threatened me to do it. If he didn’t do it, he would kill me.

Ying Zheng put down the letter in his hand, it was just given to him by Duanmu Rong. Winning the government does not look at poison Qianchi: “Zhao Gao, put him in a snare, use all the torture, don’t kill it, and then put it to death in the middle of it.” The method of winning the government is very vicious and in prison. The doctors of the family were very scared. factory,

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