Chapter 427 Doctor arrested]

“The King Chu Kaolie is really irresponsible. The six countries combined and the five countries are not fighting. It is ridiculous that Chu wants to fight against Qin with the power of one country.” The courtiers all laughed. I have forgotten how they were worried when they heard that Chu was about to attack Qin. For a while, Chu said that the army was strong, and for a while, Xiang Yan was scheming. Win now

It’s a ridiculous ridicule.

Winning government didn’t care about the quickness of these courtiers for a while. They were always kings and losers. If Chu failed, they deserved to be the laughing stock of the world.

“Wang Shang not only won a complete victory on the battlefield, but he was also able to marry the country of Han. Afterwards, the country of Qin and the country of Han will have good relations, and it will be a good thing to lose one foreign enemy. It is really fortunate for me.

Han Fei frowned somewhat displeased. He didn’t like this statement. He simply regarded his sister as a victim of this war. She was not the product of a political marriage. Naturally, Shengzheng didn’t think this way: “The widow has ordered someone to prepare the bride price, and it will be sent to Han country soon to take over the scenery of Princess Honglian. Never let her feel wronged at all.”

The courtiers 487 all heard the meaning in the words of winning politics. If the princess of Han country were really taken as a prisoner, I am afraid that she would not be given such an honor. Zhao Gao stepped forward and read the list of the bride price. The set of glass jewelry was not listed in it. It was given as a gift to Honglian from the winning government and was not included in the bride price. All the betrothal gifts are rare objects unheard of by courtiers

Son, in addition to gold and silver treasures, there are also a large number of food and materials and other materials. These things can make the Han country develop a lot faster.

Winning government has always been generous, but this time it is too exaggerated. Not to mention the value of these things, the total amount is also terrible, I am afraid that the person who gives the bride price can be as big as an army. What should I do if the king of Han is here to attack the country of Han? This award is enough to see the king’s intentions for Princess Honglian. Of course, this also gives Han Fei a lot of face.

The ministers did not dare to criticize Han Fei for a while. Before he refused to go to the country of Han, no one dared to mention it.

“Your Majesty, the group of monsters from the medical school have all been arrested. Let the king send you out.”

Yingzheng nodded and said, “Take the widow to have a look.

In the prison, these doctors have been detained for several days and nights. In this dark place, they are in fear every day. They are tortured by pain and despair. Seeing the arrival of Ying Zheng, they showed a look of horror.

Winning the political body contains the spirit of the emperor, without anger and prestige: “Since you have the courage to intervene in the affairs of my Da Qin, you must be prepared to endure the anger of my Da Qin.

The medical family shuddered when they heard this. They didn’t know what Yingzheng was talking about. “We don’t know anything, let us go to King Qin. Our medical family hangs on the pot to help the world, relieves the common people, and has never interfered in the affairs of the State of Qin. We also ask King Qin for advice.”

The other medical family members in the cell also began to beg for mercy, saying that they didn’t know what it was and had nothing to do with them. They did not know this, but in Zhao Gao’s view, this was just the struggle before the death of the prisoner. No one would take the initiative to admit his fault, let alone the poisonous killing of King Qin Zhuangxiang.

Zhao Gao leaned over to win the government’s side: “My lord, what do you want to do? The slave can ask the net to interrogate one by one to find out which one it is.”

Ying Zheng looked at the doctors coldly. The number was huge. It seemed that they had all the doctors arrested. If this is an interrogation and you don’t know how much it will cost, even if you find out at the end, the doctors will have to bury them all. . Just kill it directly. “All Ling Chi were put to death.”

When the doctors heard Ying Zheng say this, the begging for mercy in their mouths suddenly became muted, and their destiny had been nailed to death. Their faces (aibd) began to become desperate, and gradually became angry, and then cried with their headaches, facing their own death, even the doctors who had seen countless lives and deaths could not accept it.

No, maybe they still have the last glimmer of hope. That is a girl who is well-known to doctors. Her talent in medical skills is unmatched. She has been able to know countless herbs since she was a child. When she was young, she learned a lot more in medical skills than doctors. People with many years of medical skills are much better. It is always very outstanding among children of the same age. When she gradually grows up, the doctor

The technique has also been successful. Few people can match the status of the doctor.

Duanmurong. A girl who has grown up in a doctor’s house since she was a child, and people who are close to her can always smell the faint herbal scent of her body, and there is a refreshing feeling. She is as white as snow and wears white clothes for a long time, without unnecessary embellishments, looks simple and plain, born in a doctor, and has been with herbal medicine since she was a child. Seeing more life and death, she always makes people feel indifferent.

Feeling apart. Those teenagers in the medical school seemed to never be able to see her. She was always alone, and no one except the master could accompany her anymore.

When the soldiers of the State of Qin attacked the doctor’s house, only Duanmurong escaped. Yes, in addition to amazing medical skills, there is also that enviable beauty. Her martial arts are not bad, using silver needles as a weapon to hurt people invisibly. This martial arts is unique to her, relying on the knowledge learned by doctors, she is familiar with the lifeline of the body’s meridians, and sends out silver needles to attack the opponent’s martial arts.

The door is a must in the world.

Now all the doctors in the prison can only pin their hopes on Duan Mulong’s body. Although she is always cold and cold on weekdays, as long as she has a good relationship with her, you can feel a hot heart hidden under the cold iceberg. The cold outside and hot inside are probably the best description of Duanmu Rong, but hers Cold can hurt people, and enthusiasm can hurt people.

This time the arrest of doctors, regardless of men, women and children, as long as they have a relationship with the doctors, they have grasped the prison. There is a little girl hiding in the arms of her mother. She does not understand what Ling Chi is, but she knows what death is. , Do those things that happened to the patient also happen to herself? She asked her mother: “When will Sister Rong come to rescue us?

? ”

Sister Rong in her mouth was also distraught at the moment. Soon after she fled, she thought of the division of medicine and poison between the doctors. She was in the doctor’s door, and she would certainly not be ignorant of such major events. I am afraid that only the master of the Poison Sect, Du Qianchi, can have a relationship with the State of Qin. When the Yingzheng class returned to the court, there was not much time left for Duanmurong.

She could only commit the danger by herself, breaking into the poison gate alone, and after escaping from Qin Bing’s men, there were not many silver needles left on her body. When the last silver needle was sent out, she used it to seal her own sea of ​​anger. Poison Qianchi was really difficult to deal with, but it was always to catch him alive. .

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