Chapter 426 The price that Chu has to deal with]

Tianze, Yanlingji and others are all caught in a bitter battle. They have realized what consequences their conceit will bring. This time I am afraid that they will not be able to attack Chu, and it will bring disaster to Baiyue. They have already begun to regret it. With the support of winning the government, Baiyue has just made a little improvement, and now it is about to ruin everything for nothing? They are unwilling, but difficult

To highlight the heavy encirclement.

Just when they were about to be unable to support it, Chu’s army suddenly retreated. Yan Lingji looked at the Chu State army who had been about to pounce just now, and didn’t understand what had happened and why they would retreat at such a critical time. She was surrounded by flames to protect herself. She raised her head after the accident, and the flames shook and twisted the scene in front of her.

She found the stalwart figure at a glance.

Victory had already led the troops to defeat the front line army of Chu State and rushed straight to the rear. The soldiers in the rear could only return to the defense quickly. This was the real reason for the retreat of Chu’s army. On the battlefield, the woman who hid herself in the flames wanted to look at the king who raised her sword in the distance. After she realized that the danger was no longer dangerous, the flame gradually became smaller until it faded, revealing her

In her body shape, during the fierce battle just now, she had two more wounds on her body, one on the waist and the other on the shoulder.

She slowly walked towards winning the government, not knowing what she should call the person in front of her, and finally just whispered: “King Qin.”

Ying Zheng looked at Yan Lingji: “Baiyue wouldn’t be naive to think that it would be able to compete with Chu with these new equipment? It is not smart to let girls go on the battlefield.” The remnants of Chu were ruthless by Qin. The slaughter, only the screams of Chu soldiers on the battlefield, this scene is really not so beautiful. But it left an unparalleled impression in Yan Lingji’s heart.

This war is ultimately a victory for the Qin State. Yan Lingji asked the ghost envoy, “Is it true that Qin is invincible, 々?” What she sees and hears is always how Qin wins. Defeat.

Ying Zheng did not answer him. After leaving this battlefield, he still had to lead his troops to continue to attack Chu Kingdom. The Chu State had to pay a heavy price for their attack on the Qin State.

Yingzheng is gone, but Yan Lingji still stays where she is. She is motionless, her mind is full of thoughts. When Wushuang walked to Yan Lingji’s side, Yan Lingji realized that he shouldn’t be stunned for so long, and returned to Tianze’s side with Wushuanggui.

The soldiers of Baiyue all cheered for the victory of this war. As the prince, Tianze naturally enjoyed the high respect of the soldiers in the middle. Yan Lingji walked to Tianze and said softly: “Maybe we have nothing to be thankful for. In the war just now, Baiyue was almost about to lose, and it was the Qin army that saved us from defeat.”

Tianze heard Yan Lingji’s words of disappointment, and the smile on his face went a lot: “This is what should be done to win politics. They should cooperate with each other inside and outside, and I am afraid that it is Qin who suffers from defeat. Winning the government is just using us.

“But King Qin gave Baiyue food and weapons, and he didn’t need any compensation. He is really an eternal emperor, and Baiyue should be grateful to him.” Yan Lingji didn’t understand why Tianze was so arrogant. She saw the impatient look on Tianze’s face, obviously disgusted by her words. Yan Lingji advised Tianze: “After this battle, Chu State

Will not act rashly. Baiyue was free from the infringement of the Chu people, and just recovered.

Yan Lingji was trying his best to avoid war. Tianze now has no sense at all. If she rushes to attack Chu State without the help of Qin State, she can’t imagine Baiyue’s end. Tianze didn’t think so: “Baiyue is back to me now, I must make everyone regret what they did.”

“What are you going to do?” Yan Lingji asked with frowned.

“Lead Baiyue to annex the Seven Kingdoms!” Tianze said this loudly, and the Baidu King and the Exorcist were overjoyed. Wushuanggui remained silent, while Yan Lingji just sighed. Tianze’s mind can never be changed by himself.

King Chu Kaorie almost vomited blood when he knew the battle ahead. Ying Zheng actually took the army to annex the territory of Chu Kingdom, with no fewer than ten cities!

“Asshole! It’s all those Baiyue people doing ghosts. If this war didn’t have them acting as shit cudgels, Chu would not have lost so much. The widows would definitely not let the Baiyue group of barbarians come in and contact them immediately. Han and Wei, the widows will attack Baiyue soon, and they won’t be in love.” King Chu Kaolie’s rage can only be vented on Baiyue’s body, and he doesn’t

Dare to provoke the winning government, let alone admit that Chu State was defeated by the winning government, or when the opponent did not touch the tiger wolf army at all.

After all, Baiyue is much better than Daqin. It is said to be attacking. In fact, Chu State can no longer withstand any battles now. It just pretends to the people of the world so that Chu State will not lose face in this battle.

After this battle, the unity of the six nations was completely defeated. A war that traced its roots back to the victory of the government and retaliated against the state of Zhao, the seven nations were all in it, and almost everyone in the world was involved, including Baiyue. At first it was a joint attack on Qin, but in the end it ended in Qin’s overwhelming victory. Such a result has aroused everyone in the world to marvel, and all countries are embarrassed


On the day Qin returned to the dynasty as a victor, the entire Qin nation cheered, and their respect for King Qin was overwhelming. When they heard that the victory had returned to Xianyang, everyone in all the cities and towns in Daqin was heading towards Xianyang. Bowed his head in the direction of his. There is a saying: The six kingdoms and eight directions Zhu (is the money good) cut the call, and the king of Han is worried about holding the jade beads. Hundreds of soldiers are unobstructed,

Victory over all people in one day.

After Yingzheng returned to Xianyang, Li Si and Han Fei rushed to see Yingzheng, and reported all the events during the period of the expedition. The only big thing is the doctor.

*”Your Majesty, I’m really gratifying that I won a lot of Chu country this time on the expedition. In the future, King Chu Kaolie will face my Chu country again, I’m afraid he will be a human being with his tail between his tails. “The civil and military officials in the court hall were very happy. They were worried about the unity for many days. They did not expect that not only would there be no major crisis, but they would also get the land and city of Chu. This is not a loss.

The anti-earning business made them feel good, and there was nothing to say except for their admiration for winning the government.

“It’s not just a battle against Chu State, the Six Nations is nothing to look for. My Qin State didn’t move them, but they sent it to the door by themselves.”

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