Chapter 422 Instigate Yan State]

As long as Han Fei comes up with a bad idea, his face will unconsciously show a look that makes people invisible. Yan Wangxi strokes his beard while staring at Han Fei, as if he is thinking deeply and thinking. What clues were found in Han Fei’s face. The two people just looked at each other like this. After a while, Yan Wangxi and Han Fei suddenly laughed at the same time.

Although the two did not speak, they have reached a consensus. When Prince Dan saw that the momentum was not right, it was clear that it had been negotiated. If Yan Guo sent troops to attack Zhao Guo, then he would directly lose two countries, plus Han had already eccentricity, which was equivalent to the collapse of the joint in half. .

“Father, you have to think twice. As an envoy of the State of Qin, Han Fei is all about fighting in the six nations, and then Qin will take advantage of the fishermen. If the father believes him, he will be known by the six nations. It is a small thing to end up with a perfidious infamy. If it is really attacked by a group, it will be in trouble.” The prince Danyi said righteously and vowed to stop Yan Wangxi.

“What the prince said is not correct. If you take Zhao’s land, Yan Guo doesn’t know how much stronger it is than it is now. I am afraid that other countries will come?” Of course, Han Fei will not tell Yan Wangxi. Winning the government basically puts Zhao Guoneng. All the people moved were emptied, and Handan was all burned up. Even if he goes now, he can only occupy Zhao’s land.

Yan Wangxi got the bait very easily. He was very angry when he heard Prince Dan’s 483 objection to him. He shouted through Jiu Jin: “Come here, throw the prince out for the widow. Don’t disturb the widow and the envoys of Qin State to drink. !”

The guards next to him froze for a moment, knowing that this is the prince, they dare not act rashly. Prince Dan was even more embarrassed and angry. What was the matter of his own dignified prince being thrown out, he was not thrown around in rubbish. Continue to say to himself: “Father, you are drunk, and your son will help you go back. We will not discuss the matter of reunification for the time being, and wait until the father is awake.


King Yan was overjoyed when he heard it, and was even more annoyed: “Are you a wood? The widow is not drunk, and everyone listens to the widow. Quickly, throw the prince out, it’s noisy.”

The guards had to copy it. Han Fei looked at the way they carried Prince Dan out, did not deliberately hold back the smile at all, and laughed loudly. Yan Wangxi heard Han Fei’s hearty laugh and laughed. The two of them didn’t care about the poor prince who received a terrible shame.

In the end, Han Fei and Yan Wangxi just drank in the dark, and they were sent back to their residence by the maids. The first thing Wang Yanxi did after he woke up was to give (aibd) a feast counseling letter on the front line, asking him to turn around and go to Zhao Guo directly.

Not only the soldiers of the Yan Kingdom were puzzled, but the other countries in the coalition didn’t know what the Yan Kingdom was going to do. Until the newly-repaired city gate of Zhao Guo was knocked open again, the people woke up like a dream.

King Zhao Miaoxiang heard the news and was flustered in the court hall: “What? Yan Kingdom attacked my Zhao Kingdom? Why? Didn’t we discuss together to attack Qin Kingdom? They don’t know the direction or the way, how can they turn around? Hit me Zhao Guo on the head.”

The ministers also had no way to deal with this king Zhao Miaoxiang, how could they admit the wrong way. Although they don’t know what kind of nerve Yan Guo is committing.

King Zhao Miaoxiang couldn’t stop the soldiers of the Yan State. Zhao State sent the last remaining troops to attack the Qin State. It is still on the way. The entire State of Zhao is like an empty city, unable to withstand the attack at all. “Quick! The widow needs to repair a book and send it to King Yan, telling him that he has typed the wrong place, and let him retreat quickly.” King Zhao Mouxiang still thinks that King Yan made a mistake by accident.

, The idea is very naive.

Aside from a letter, Zhao Guo had no way of resisting it. I was the sword sister and I was the fish, allowing the soldiers of the Yan State to invade the land, burn and loot the land of Zhao State, and lost a large tract of land.

But the letter from Yan Wangxi that they were waiting for was written like this: “Mourning King Xiang is really stupid. Looking at you like a pig’s brain, I must not manage so much land. The widow is to share the worries and mourn for Zhao Guo. The king does not have to be polite.” Yan Wang Xi didn’t care at all, and the hastily written letters in the letter were all satires to Mourning King Xiang.

King Zhao Miaoxiang slumped on the ground after seeing the letter: “King Yan did it deliberately. We, Zhao Guo, may be in danger this time.” Zhao Guo has no troops to stop Yan Yi’s invasion, and every city is as if it is not fortified. The city gate was wide open to welcome the arrival of Yan Yi. Every time the soldiers of the State of Yan go to a place, it means that that place no longer belongs to the State of Zhao and has been occupied by the State of Yan.

According to it.

Seeing that the country of Yan opened its blood basin and gobbled up the food of the country of Zhao, King Zhao Miaoxiang gritted his teeth and said: “Receive the troops! Recover all the troops sent to attack the country of Qin. The country of Yan deceived too much, this time. They will be surrounded by Zhao country firmly, let them enter or leave! All the swallowed land will be vomited out to the widows.

As soon as King Zhao’s order came out, the soldiers of the State of Zhao who had joined the ranks returned in a hurry, and even their homes were gone. Why did they fight against State Qin?

The instigator who caused all this is peaceful in Qin. Han Fei and Li Si talked: “Although Zhao won the weak for a while, but withdrawing his troops in time, he still has a chance to fight against Yan. I am afraid that the Yan Nationality will suffer a lot of damage and it will be impossible to steal chickens. Instead, erode the rice.”

Li Si did not agree: “Zhao’s national strength is declining, internally fragile, and vulnerable to a blow. Even if the periphery returns to defense for a while, it will be useless. If Yan is in a rush, I am afraid it will be able to destroy Zhao directly. Moreover, it is not only Zhao Guo’s siege. Reinforcements were dispatched in time, but it was Zhao Guo who was flanked.

After the two spoke, they both looked towards the winning government. They both insisted on their own words. They didn’t know who was correct. They had to leave it to the winning government to judge. Yingzheng smiled and said: “What you said makes sense, but it’s not right. In this war, whether it is the Kingdom of Yan or the Kingdom of Zhao, there is only one outcome: both lose and lose.”

Han Fei and Li Si suddenly realized that this is the most desired result of winning the government. They dare to pay the corresponding price for Da Qin, and let the two countries kill each other, and Qin can sit back without a single soldier. The benefits of the fisherman could not help alleviating the siege of the unity, and also weakened the national power of Yan and Zhao in disguise. This trick is not bad.

What happened between Yan Guo and Zhao Guo quickly spread to the ears of other monarchs, and they all couldn’t figure it out: “Have you been fighting for so long? Didn’t you participate in the battle?”

No one needs to answer, this time I really won’t participate. They are worrying about whether to persuade them and let them continue to participate in the war of co-chapter, or ignore them, and the remaining four countries will continue to attack.

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