Chapter 423 Retreat without a fight]

Before they could come up with a good idea, another news came. Han Wang soon joined Princess Honglian to Daqin, and the two countries will continue to support each other for a hundred years. This time is good, the six countries agreed to join together, this soldier is still on the way, there are no three at once. The other three countries really don’t know whether to scold or cry.

Among them, the most troublesome is King Wei Anli of the Wei State. This time, Wei State took the lead in this combination, and it was Wei State who was the first to bear the brunt of problems. Both Qi State and Chu State sent envoys to ask if they should continue the reunion. King Wei Anli could not make up his mind, so he could only discuss with Wei Wuji. In the end, the latter two came to the conclusion: “Withdraw, quickly withdraw. Those who want to withdraw are better than other countries.

Soon, let the State of Qin tell the State of Wei that the State of Wei took the initiative to withdraw his troops, and I would like to have a rhetoric with the King of Qin in the future, begging for personal affection. ”

Before the news from the envoy, Qi Wangjian made a decision: “Passing the life of the widow, immediately withdraw the troops sent out in the Battle of Hezong, and return immediately after the order is issued, without delay.

Tian Dan stood up and said: “Please take the king back and take his fate. The battle of unity is the last opportunity for my Qi country. The king must firmly grasp it. I think how strong and prosperous my Qi country was at the beginning, and the other six countries have bowed their heads. However, Qin was overtaken by the country, and the country is domineering. It has repeatedly suppressed our Qi country. If Qin’s prestige is not destroyed, how can Qi be dealt with in the future?”

Qi Wangjian also knew that there was some truth in what Tian Dan said: “Widowed people are also helpless. Now the six countries are united, and only I, Qi, Chu, and Wei are left. The decline of Wei’s national strength is really not worth mentioning, Qi. The United Kingdom and Chu State are probably not the opponents of Qin State.

“Qi and Chu are both very powerful countries, how could they not be opponents of Qin?” Tian Dan couldn’t believe it. In his heart, Qi would always be the strongest.

Qi Wangjian sighed: “Oh. That’s all in the past. Haven’t you heard of King Qin’s victory in chasing down the Xiongnu and attacking Zhao country? Only two or three thousand troops can achieve tens of thousands of our Qi country. What the troops can’t do is really unbelievable. The widow is getting old and not as young and energetic as before. Knowing that if you can’t win, you have to run quickly. Just press.

The widows mean come on, send the order to retreat!” Qi Wangjian waved his hand, and the military order was issued immediately.

All the Qi states in the Wei state retreated without a fight, and one ran faster than the other. The remaining Chu soldiers didn’t know whether they should advance or settle in the same place. They already felt in their hearts: “Maybe they will be ordered to withdraw troops from King Chu tomorrow, and there is no point in going forward.”

King Chu Korlie, who was far away in the capital of Chu kings, didn’t think like this: “A group of Confucianists! They say they don’t fight, and they squeeze like what they look like. Wei Guo is impressive~ Look at each other!”

Someone asked King Chu Kaorie in a low voice: “My lord, what should we do now? Should we continue to move forward or withdraw our troops in time. Both Qi and Wei have already withdrawn, and we, Chu, have little chance of winning against Qin alone. -It doesn’t make sense anymore.”

King Chu Kaolie was very irritable: “Withdraw? What to withdraw. Don’t withdraw! The food and the army have already been prepared, how can it be possible to withdraw now. It is said that Xiang Yan will continue to move forward, and do not come back unless Qin is defeated. .”

Xiang Yan in front felt very sad when he heard the order. No matter where the King of Chu was, he was clearly a desperado. It was just because of his identity that others were letting others die for him. Xiang Yan himself thought that this time it was necessary to withdraw, but he did not expect to receive such an order from the king of Chu, but he had no choice but to let the soldiers move on. Xiang Yan knew that they must be in their hearts.

I hate King Chu Kaorie.

There is still a slight chance of winning a joint attack against Qin, but now it has become a unilateral attack by Chu against Qin, and the situation is different. If you don’t say anything about it, it’s not that the Kingdom of Zhao was irritated by the State of Qin, but King Chu Kaolie didn’t know, but he sent them to death. On the way Xiang Yan continued on the road, she wished that Qin would not pursue them, and how many would survive?

A few, if the situation becomes bad, they will retreat as soon as possible, which can be regarded as an explanation to King Chu Kaorie.

When Han Fei met Yingzheng, a line of court ladies stood neatly in front of Yingzheng. They all had trays in their hands, and on top of them were a dazzling array of glass jewelry, holding them one by one in front of Yingzheng. However, Yingzheng seemed to be dissatisfied with these, and shook his head when he glanced at it, and the maids retired sensibly.

0……Look for flowers……

“These are all glass cleaning. Hasn’t Wang Shang already stopped the production of Daqin Glass Factory? Is it going to be manufactured and sold again?” Han Fei looked at these glass jewelry, obviously better than the last time, some styles are very good. It’s novel, I don’t know why the winning government suddenly became interested, and the war is currently tossing glass jewelry.

“No, the widow only wants to choose the most special one as a gift to Princess Honglian of Han country.” Ying Zheng said as he looked at the glass jewelry presented by the last court lady, he shook his head again as expected. There is no glass jewelry in the room that can satisfy the winning government.

“Honglian Chen’s younger sister.” Han Fei was a little surprised. He only knew that glass jewelry was used as goods to make a lot of money from six countries. He didn’t expect winning politicians to give to his sister as a gift. However, it is reasonable to think about it. His sister loves these shiny things very tightly. Among the money they make, I am afraid that a lot of money belongs to her father and king.

“Honglian is very straightforward. Her favorite color is pink. She usually wears silverware as accessories on her clothes. If Wang Shang gives a piece of pink glass jewelry, she will be even more happy.”

Yingzheng nodded: “You go back first, all these glass jewelry will be destroyed. Let the Daqin Glass Factory make a batch of pink jewelry and put it back soon.”

“It’s not easy for the king to make these things. It is too wasteful to destroy them directly. They can be left and sold again in the future.” Han Fei stopped the palace maid who was about to leave.

Winning politics disagrees: “Things are rare and valuable, and nothing is worthless if they are flooded.” Swords are worthy of heroes, and jewelry is worthy of beauties. The cost of glass jadeite is very low, and winning the government is intended to enhance its value.

Han Fei understood that the meeting was no longer obstructed, and instead began to talk about the business: “The king, the six kingdoms are now only Chu, but they insist on attacking our Qin with the power of one country, and they have now reached Da Qin. Border, I don’t know what countermeasures the king has?”

“The countermeasures were never decided when the soldiers approached the city. Since they dare to come, of course they must do their best to offend Da Qin’s consciousness.” Ying Zheng’s eyes drifted away with the birds outside the Xianyang Palace. factory,

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