Chapter 421 Han Fei’s Ambassador to the Kingdom of Yan]

Since Princess Gulian had already said so, the others had no right to object anymore. Who didn’t know that this little princess of Han country was so spoiled, that she said nothing about everything, and no one could change the decision.

Li Si gave King Han a look. King Han knew that it was best for him to go down the steps at this time. He could only stand up and say, “Widow will let Princess Honglian marry Daqin, envoy, such an answer, King Qin I should be satisfied.” Han Wangan sighed helplessly.

Li Si heard that Han Wangan had completely agreed, changed his arrogant and self-sufficient attitude before, and knelt down directly: “May Da Qin and Han country have a good relationship for a hundred years.” This set of etiquette has been done enough, and it has given Han Wang face and Qin. After the country has established a relationship, the country of Han is no longer the former country of Han, and the king of Han is no longer an opponent of the country of Qin. As a minister of the country of Qin, he is

Don’t be too arrogant.

King Han was very useful to Li Si: “To give a banquet to the envoys, the envoys stayed in Han country for one night and set off tomorrow.”

Before Li Si could agree, Honglian said very excitedly: “Okay, okay, this princess also has something to ask you, it’s your brother Qin, isn’t it? You have to tell this princess well. “Gulian said, pulling Li Si out.

The King Han who was sad and sad, and Ji Wuye and Xueyihou who were annoyed were left behind. The two of them didn’t play any role at all in this negotiation.The root was slipped away by Li Si, and they also underestimated Princess Red Lotus. They were so decisive that they even dared to easily decide on their half-life happiness. It’s really the simple and ignorant red they know

Princess Lotus?

Li Si returned to Qin on the second day and brought back the long-awaited good news from Qin: “Your Majesty, the minister has fulfilled his mission and has persuaded Han Wangan to agree to an alliance with Da Qin and marry Princess Honglian into Da Qin, 々.”

As soon as this remark came out, the crowd was in an uproar. Li Si’s trip was very rewarding. Not only solved the siege of Daqin, but also the unexpected harvest of Princess Honglian, allowing Han and Qin to form an alliance through marriage. This princess Honglian is a key figure. Not only can she sell Han Fei’s favor, she can also please win politics. Who doesn’t know that the treasure of Han country is not gold, silver, or panacea.

Princess Honglian is one person, all over the country, better than countless people on earth.

Yingzheng was very satisfied with Li Si’s trip: “Since the country of Han has shown good to my Daqin, the foundation of this unity has been shaken, but it is far from enough. The widow needs a person to continue to separate the other five countries and let them know each other. Carnage.”

Han Fei stood up and said: “Last time the minister shied away from going to the country of Han, this trip is willing to do it for him. Among the remaining five countries, the Zhao country is the weakest, and the king of Yan is suspicious and vacillating by nature, and is the best object of separation. Let the minister go to the country of Yan as an envoy.”

Yingzheng quickly nodded in agreement. The first thing Han Fei did after the next dynasty was to go to Li Si: “I only ask you a word. If you still care about our fellowship, answer me truthfully.” The expression on Han Fei’s face is very serious, Li Si Knowing that he was not joking. “My sister, Honglian, is she willing to marry Ru Da Qin? Or is it you forced

Forced my father to marry her?

Li Si took out a letter from his cuff and handed it to Han Fei: “Here are all the answers you want to know.” This was handed to Li Si by Honglian.

Han Fei opened the letter and saw the crooked handwriting inside, and immediately recognized that it was written by his stupid sister. This means that Honglian came to Daqin voluntarily and was very interested in King Qin, and even a little impatient, asked Han Fei to pick her up soon. envelope

There is also a long black hair in it. That was when Guren wrote a letter and the maid helped her comb her long hair.

Looking at the letter, Han Fei’s face became very soft. His sister couldn’t even see through himself. No one knew whether it was an innocent little princess or a thoughtful little witch.

Li Si only told Han Fei: “You must be careful when you go to Yan Country.”

Yan Wangxi is just like what Han Fei said, it’s a wobbly wall. Mingming Yan had already sent troops together with the other five countries, and when he heard the envoys of Qin coming, he gave a big banquet and warmly received him. In addition to Han Fei and Yan Wangxi, there was also Prince Dan, who had acted in the banquet. Han Fei was more clever in lobbying than Li Si. After three rounds of wine, when the seats are full,

Han Fei started the real purpose of this trip.

“Does King Yan know what Zhao’s military strength is now?” Han Fei first introduced a seemingly inconspicuous question, letting Yan Wangxi relax his vigilance, talking about Zhao and not Yan, let alone Qin. When talking about things in other countries, the atmosphere is always a lot more relaxed.

*” I don’t know. “Yan Wangxi is already a little drunk, making exaggerated movements while speaking.

“Zhao Guo is now confused by King Qin. Now they are some children, and most of the adults have died in the hands of King Qin. It is incomparable with the previous Zhao Guo. Now among the Seven Kingdoms, I am afraid it is even Wei Wei. The country is inferior, the national strength is the weakest, it is simply vulnerable, let alone compare with the Qin country.” This is not Han Fei deliberately belittle Zhao Guo, the facts are true.


Yan Wangxi pondered these words in his heart, and suddenly he was so clever that he half woke up even drunk. Looking at Han Fei meaningfully.

Han Fei knew that his fish had taken the bait: “If King Yan changes his plan at this moment, using the excuse of being together, the class will invade the Kingdom of Zhao, and he will definitely gain a lot.”

When Crown Prince Dan saw that the situation was not right, Han Fei wanted to destroy Hezong. Not only did he let King Yan attack Zhao Guo, but he even helped to find an excuse. He quickly said: “Fang Cheng, you have already said it, Zhao Guo is now China’s national power is declining. What is the use of Yan Guo to bully a weaker country? The treasury has already been emptied by Qin.”

Han Fei pretended to smile: “King Yan doesn’t know yet, my sister Honglian Princess has promised to marry Daqin, Han country has already withdrawn from the list, and your other five countries are united, including Zhao Guo. Oil bottle, when attacking Qin country, it will be defeated. At that time, Han country can rely on in-laws to stay out of the matter, what should you Yan country do, huh? “Don’t move out of h

There is no way around the alliance between an country. Han Fei even took out the letter from Honglian to prove: “How about? Did you go to find the oil and water, or wait for the defeat, you choose yourself.”

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