Chapter 420 There is lotus blooming like fire]

“Honglian, don’t mess around in the main hall.” Han Wangan said the reprimand, but his tone was soft, for fear of scaring the little princess in his arms. “Why did you run out without combing your hair, what about the maids who took care of you?”

Honglian pouted: “Daughter, don’t want those palace ladies. They are clumsy and broke their daughter’s hairpin. That hairpin is so beautiful. It’s the daughter’s favorite one. It hurts if it is broken. Ming.” As he said that, Gulian really cried, raising his hands and wiping tears with the back of his hands, crying very aggrieved.

Han Wangan can only put aside state affairs to comfort his precious princess: “It’s alright, don’t cry. If it breaks, it will break. Father Wang will buy you one that is exactly the same.”

“I can’t buy it. That one is made of glass jade. It is the only one in the world. If it is broken, it will never be there.” Gulian thought that she had completely lost her beloved thing, and cried even more loudly.

Li Si heard that it was actually glass jewelry, and thought: “Princess Honglian didn’t know that the 08 glass hairpins were from Daqin.

“Da Qin?” Honglian stopped crying and looked at Li Si curiously.

“It’s the same country as Han country. I wonder if Princess Honglian intends to marry into my Qin country?” Li Si saw that Princess Honglian was innocent and full of curiosity about everything. He was the best person in this hall to deceive. Now, if Princess Guren nodded, the opinions of King Han and Ji Wuye wouldn’t matter.

“It’s the same country as Han country, country?” Gulian repeated it blankly. “I seem to have heard it somewhere.

“Yes, I am the messenger of Da Qin, and I am also the brother of Han Fei. I am fortunate to be an official in Da Qin with my senior and be loyal to King Qin.” Li Si moved out of Han Fei’s name. He knew that Honglian and Han Fei were brothers and sisters. Using this as a bait can definitely make Princess Honglian raise her interest in Da Qin.

“Brother, brother is in Qin?” Unsurprisingly, Gulian really got interested, jumped out of Han Wangan’s arms and ran to Li Si. Li Si leaned over to salute.

“Exactly, if Princess Honglian is willing to marry Daqin, her brothers and sisters will be reunited. The glass hairpin mentioned by Princess Cai is something that my Daqin glass factory has stopped producing, but as long as Princess Honglian speaks, King Qin will definitely make it again for the princess. The princess can do whatever she wants.

Guren blinked his eyes: “Really, Father and Father, I’m going. The daughter hasn’t seen her brother for a long time. I miss my brother so much. Father, let my daughter go.”

Han Wangan watched that his daughter would be abducted so easily. I couldn’t help sighing: “Honglian, you are still young and don’t know what it means to marry into Daqin. If you really marry in the past, you won’t be able to come back again.”

“Never come back?” Gulian covered his mouth and looked at Li Si with some fear: “You are a big liar, you want to trick me away.”

“King Han’s words are bad. My Daqin is much better than Han. If Princess Honglian really marries into Daqin, her life will not be worse than that of Han. Where is the strongest country in the future, Han? Isn’t the king unclear? Qin can be the strongest support for the princess. Not only Princess Honglian, but also the entire country of Han. When King Han and King Qin become in-laws, two

The country has been well formed for a hundred years, so Qin will naturally not attack the Han country. ”

Han Wangan was moved again, indeed.

Li Si said like a kid: “Does Princess Honglian want to miss her elder brother? Now the brother is very important in Qin. After Princess Honglian gets married to Qin, if anyone dares to bully Princess Honglian, the brother must be the first to protect. You, don’t let the princess be a little wronged. The King Qin of the Great Qin Dynasty can be called the hero of today, and even the seniors always admire King Qin.

The princess will not regret marrying King Qin. “It’s not so much that Li Si is here to be a lobbyist, it is better to say that he is here to abduct a girl, just as he is talking, a red figure slowly enters the hall.

“Qin country promised not to attack Han country, did you think of the other five countries? Withdraw from the union, so that the other five countries missed the opportunity to attack Qin country. They will never let Han country go. Han country is not as tough as Qin country. If the five countries are united, the country of Han will inevitably perish.” The voice is very cold, and it makes people feel like they are in winter. Not to mention the white people

The skin is pale and almost transparent. With this appearance, there is anyone else besides the bloody man of Han country. “Since Hengjian is all perished, why listen to him Li Si?”

When confronted with Xueyihou’s red eyes, Li Si felt a chill rise. This person seemed to be sucking blood for a living. Li Si took a deep breath and calmed down. Can the country of Han be allowed to fall? What’s more, it is always good to perish later. Isn’t it? Bloody Hou.”

Xueyihou and Ji Wuye had nothing to say, and what Li Si said was reasonable. If they do not agree, Daqin will immediately send troops to attack the Han country, and the Han National Assembly will be destroyed in an instant. Now the fate of Han country is in Da Qin’s hands, and Da Qin insists on princess Honglian, which means that everything they have is placed on Honglian. Looking at the innocent princess Guren

, They were a little sad. The things that a group of men should take on, unexpectedly need a weak girl like Princess Honglian to carry on their backs.

Gulian looked at everyone suspiciously, not knowing why the atmosphere in the hall suddenly fell silent. She has always been called the happy fruit of the father, how can he show the sad expression of the father at this time. Honglian jumped over and ran over: “Father, let the daughter go. This person said that if the 480 daughter goes to Daqin, he can make the father and everyone in the whole country happy.

Fu happy. The daughter is willing to do this. ”

Han Wangan touched Honglian’s head: “Silly daughter, why are you so stupid, willing to sacrifice yourself?”

“Sacrifice? The daughter is not a sacrifice. The daughter wants to be the elder brother. And the daughter herself is very curious about that King Qin, and the daughter wants to meet him.” Honglian took Han Wang’s sleeve and flung it around and acted like a baby.

Xueyi Hou messed up and said: “Hmph, King Qin wins the government, that man is cruel and innocent, and kills people without blinking. When I see him, Princess Honglian will be frightened and cry.”

“Princess Honglian doesn’t know the world, and it’s normal not to know. King Qin’s hands were soaked in blood, and he slaughtered the soldiers of the State of Zhao. He didn’t know how many lives he was carrying. He strangled his own brother alive, and his uncle was also punished. Ling Chi’s torture has just died. Princess Honglian still doesn’t know what Ling Chi’s torture is, it’s the cruelest punishment in the world.” Ji Wuye pressed

He lowered his tone and deliberately frightened Guren.

Gu Lian pouted, “In the eyes of this princess, you two are the most terrible. One looks like a ghost, and Gu Lian has to walk around every time he sees you. The other is fierce. My old man, Honglian doesn’t want to talk to you. This princess has decided, and she will go to Qin country!”

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