Chapter 419 Colored and red like blood]

Seeing that Han Wangan was about to agree, a giant sword with killing intent flew into the hall, brushed Li Si’s cheeks, and finally stuck on the wall behind Han Wangan.This giant sword was powerful enough to kill a person. , You can tell by looking at the cracks on the wall. Li Si was afraid for a moment, but still forced his heart to calm down. Which sword was just a little bit off

, Now their heads will be plugged into the wall together. Although I knew that this mission to the country of Han was extremely dangerous, Li Si still felt terrified when he really faced the moment of life and death.

There is also Han Wangan who feels the same. This confrontation is essentially a heart attack. Whoever fears first will lose. Whether it is Li Si or Han Wangan, for both of them, losing is equivalent to losing their lives, and Han Wangan was in fright. After this happened, “Four Eighty Zero” quickly stood up and shouted, “Hey, come here. Escort escort!

People want to assassinate me, come soon.

“Don’t worry about the king, this sword belongs to the minister.” The person who walked into the hall was Ji Wuye. When he passed Li Si, he gave Li Si a vicious look.

“Weapons are not allowed on the hall, what does General Ji do.” Han Wangan’s face was very angry, but he still spoke politely to Ji Wuye.

“The minister heard that Daqin had sent an envoy. Before he walked into the hall, he heard that the envoy was disrespectful to the king. He felt that it was Damn it. So he threw the sword in. The king, he just said something, the minister will never Agree.” Ji Wuye’s attitude was very firm.

Li Si said with some sarcasm: “Since ancient times, the courtiers have obeyed the king’s orders. Although General Ji is highly powerful, it is better to follow the will of the Korean king in national affairs.” Li Si’s words were to make Ji Wuye shut up. By the way, let Han Wang domineering once, and agree to avoid more troubles sooner.

“The envoy said that I should not interfere with King Han’s decision. Then I would like to ask the envoy, what right do you have to interfere in the internal affairs of our country. Just now you said that if the country disagrees, the country will be destroyed. , It’s too exaggerated. Don’t forget the country of Han and me, Ji Wuye. If you want to move King Han, you must first ask me about the giant sword in Ji Wuye’s hand.” Ji Wuye said this for reasons

In order to make King Han feel at ease, if he really confronted Yingzheng, even if he lay his body in front of Han National City, he might not be able to stop the pace of Yingzheng.

“General Ji’s words mean to go to war with the State of Qin? King Qin will defeat the State of Zhao with only three thousand tigers and wolves, compared to both of you know. Besides, General Ji shouldn’t forget how his left eye is not. Right?” Li Si was not afraid of Ji Wuye’s fierce eyes, and stared at him as well.

Han Wangan’s face suddenly turned pale, Ji Wuye and Yingzheng, he felt that the odds of winning the government were a little bit bigger. The great general of the Han country that they have been relying on is actually vulnerable to victory in the face of victory.Thinking about it, if Han country rejects Qin’s request, it will really be the first to be destroyed as the envoy said. , And then I also want to Zhao Xiaocheng Wang Yi

So was executed by Ling Chi.

Li Si saw the appearance of Han Wangan, knowing that he had understood the pros and cons, and quickly seized the opportunity to ask: “King Qin is still waiting for me to reply, what’s the decision for King Han to be an early decision.”

The first reaction of King Han took a look at Ji Wuye, he had no ideas at all, and could only rely on Ji Wuye. It’s a pity that Ji Wuye just lowered his head and remained silent, his hand slowly covering his left eye, feeling the pain hit again.

“King Han Guojue please, King Qin is still waiting.” “Li Si saw that both of them had nothing to say, and he took the opportunity to force them to make a decision. It was like dropping a bait hook and waiting for the fish. Take a bite while hesitating.

“Okay, the widow agreed.” Han Wang gritted his teeth and agreed. “My Dahan is willing to make friends with Da Qin Yongshi.

Li Si heard Han Wangan say this and smiled with satisfaction. He thought: This Han Wangan is really timid, and Ji Wuye is too easy to talk. The technique of lobbying is intimidating and inducing. Just under threat, Han Wangan agreed, and it seemed that he could still work harder. “King Han, as the leader of the Han country, is difficult to chase after a word.

In the future, King Han suddenly repented, where should we go to reason?” Li Si shook his head.

“Come on, prepare a pen and ink for the widow. We have made an agreement, and no one dares to break the contract under the black paper and white letters.” King Han hurriedly called for someone to fetch it.

“What’s the use of the handwriting? A thin piece of paper, the fire will be soaked in water. Or do you mean that when the two countries go to war, you can use a letter of agreement to retire a million heroes?” Li Si was aggressive, and the blunt King Han said nothing. , There was a long silence.

Ji Wuye is going to take the sword and cut Li Si: “The Han country has already condescended to reduce the fiber and promised you. If this is not possible, then it can’t be done. I think you are insulting my Han country by winning the government. Give you one last chance and say Know exactly what you want from the State of Qin, otherwise.” Ji Wuye drew the sword from the wall and pointed it directly at Li Si.

“It’s very simple. I heard that King Han has a daughter named Guren.”

“You dare to fight Princess Honglian’s idea.” Ji Wuye’s eyes are about to breathe fire. Qin is really a bandit and a gangster. Not only does he earn money from Han country, but now he also wants to take away the princess from Han country. It is deceiving too much. His hands with the sword were trembling, and he waited for the sword to fall, causing Li Si to be in a different place.

Han Wangan was scared to death by Ji Wuye’s actions. If this really killed Qin’s envoys, winning the government would definitely destroy Han. Han Wangan saw Ji Wuye’s appearance and did not dare to go forward to dissuade him, for fear that he would die in front of Li Si.

At the moment, a girl’s lively and lovely voice came in: “Father, where are you?” This voice made people feel sweet, and Li Si had even forgotten that there was a sword in front of him. , Couldn’t help but glance back.

It was a little girl with pink jade, dressed in light veil 1.3, graceful and colorful in the trot all the way. The childishness on his face has not faded, and he can see a little look like Han Fei between his eyebrows and eyes. Li Si knows that this may be the rumored jewel in the hand of King Han, the princess of Han Kingdom-Honglian. When I first saw a real person, it was as innocent, simple and cute as the rumors. Just at the moment

The jet-black green silk was scattered on the shoulders.

Honglian entered the hall like this, Ji Wuye snorted and put away the sword in his hand. Guren didn’t have any reason to step on Li Si and Ji Wuye, and went straight to Han Wangan’s arms: “Father, you are here, and my daughter has been looking for you for a long time. The maids said that the father is here, and the daughter hasn’t waited outside for a long time. When I waited, I ran in to see, the father is indeed here. Father

Is Wang playing hide and seek with his daughter?”.

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