Chapter 418 Embassy in South Korea, internal disintegration]

No one thought that Han Fei would disagree and moaned in the hall for a while. Some courtiers jumped out and said: “The king’s orders for Han Daren dare not follow. Could it be that Han Han is so big that he can’t even command? In the opinion of the minister, the king has taken into account Han Han and Han country. Relationship, that’s why I handed over this glorious matter to Master Han, could it be you?

Do you want to let the king down?” This person said impassioned, and in his words, he belittled Han Fei to a villain who did not follow the king’s order and was not loyal to Qin.

This situation caused other people in the court to look at Han Fei frequently. Only Li Si knew what Han Fei really thought. Han Fei knelt on the ground and bowed down towards Yingzheng and said, “Your Majesty, Han is the homeland of Han Fei. Although Han Fei is an official in Qin, he must not do anything to harm Han country.” .”

When the courtiers heard Han Fei say that, if they didn’t hurt Han country, they wanted to hurt Daqin. Han Fei’s remarks made it clear that he was an enemy of Da Qin, and the courtiers were annoyed: “My lord, Mr. Han’s words are guilty and rebellious. Please also ask the king to deal with Mr. Han immediately!’

“The king, please dispose of it immediately.” The courtiers said in unison. They accused Han Fei’an of treason, saying that it was a disposition, in fact, they wanted to put Han Fei to death.

Ying Zheng looked at the Manchu civil and military united in such a unity, he did not take it seriously, no matter how they united, the final decision is still the King of Qin, whether to kill Han Fei has to win the political decision. Ying Zheng noticed that Han Fei, who was kneeling on the ground, seemed to be trembling, but his invisible movements exposed his inner entanglement. Yingzheng was noncommittal on the admonitions of the officials.

Among the officials, only Li Si hadn’t made a sound. He sighed and walked out: “My lord, my brother and I are the same door. I know that he is upright and can learn from Da Qin. Only the word of kindness and justice is difficult to let go. In view of the brother’s contribution to Daqin, he also asked the king to take back his order. The minister is willing to take the place of the brother, and the minister knows that the lobbying ability is not as good as the brother, and h

An country has nothing to do with it. If the lobbying fails, the minister is willing to surrender his life to apologize to Da Qin. ”

The courtiers started talking again. No one thought that Li Si would be so cruel. It was not a joke to use his life as a guarantee. Han Wangan has no reason to listen to him at all. This lobbying is basically doomed to Li Si’s failure.

Han Fei looked at Li Si with furrowed brows. He, his junior, was often compared with himself, and was always regarded as inferior to him by others. But today when he was in trouble, Li Si not only didn’t take the opportunity to retaliate, but also sent charcoal to help out in the snow, which made Han Fei’s eyes full of ungrateful tears.

“No, this matter is the only one of Han. Li is my Da Qin Dongliang. If Han Wangan turns his face and refuses to recognize him, he will directly detain Li in the Han country to threaten Qin. Wouldn’t it be worth the loss.” Opposition was raised.

“No need to talk about it. Since you are so confident, let Lis handle the lobbying. If you fail, you should deal with it according to your own method.” Even if the political talk says that, in fact, there is no idea of ​​killing Lis at all. The self-confidence he said was not Li Si’s self-confidence, but his own. He believed that Li Si’s trip would not let him down. He trusted it after all

My pet, if you can’t even do this thing well, then how will you be responsible for Daqin in the future?

Han Fei stood up and said, “So, Junior Brother Lao will take a trip. I will repair a book, and Junior Brother will wear it on her body. If necessary, he can save his life without any worries.”

“Brother rest assured that there are risks in this trip. Li Si knows that he will do his best to complete the mission. If you succeed, you will fall back. If you fail, you will die. There is no reason to protect yourself from living.” Li Si righteously rejected Han Fei’s. kindness.

Although Han Fei’s kindness was rejected, Ying Zheng secretly ordered Zhao Gao to send six sword slaves to protect Li Si. On the second day, Li Si served as the envoy of Daqin to the country of Han and stood in front of Han Wangan.

“Everything does not go to the Three Treasures Hall. King Qin sent me to the country of Han for only one thing.” Li Si raised his eyes and stared at Han Wangan.

Han Wangan was a little restless. He naturally knew what was going on. Everyone knew about the six nations’ joint attack on Qin. It was just that Han Wangan didn’t know why Qin Guojun sent an envoy, and Wei took the lead. All should be the first to go to the State of Wei. Han Wangan decided to pretend to be stupid: “What’s the matter?

Must Wang answer your question?”

0……Look for flowers…

“King Han calmed down, but I came here today with King Qin’s words, and asked King Han to be confident.”

As soon as he moved out of the title of winning politics, Han Wangan stopped being arrogant, and quietly waited for Li Si to speak.

“King Qin knew that the six nations would unite to besiege Da Qin. King Qin hoped that the kingdom of Han could withdraw from the ranks and retreat in time. Otherwise, the kingdom of Han would be the first to destroy the kingdom of Han. Then, King Han will end up with Zhao. Like King Xiaocheng.” Li Si stared at Han Wangan, seeing his hand on the throne suddenly tightened, and his face turned pale.

Han Wangan didn’t know why. When he heard these words, he seemed to have seen Ying Zheng standing in front of him holding the sword of the Emperor of Heaven, preparing to chop off his neck. I was terrified in my heart.


“I don’t know if King Han ever heard of how King Zhao Hyo-sung died? The death was so miserable that the swords used by Jianzi had changed a lot to kill them alive, even if he killed countless people on the battlefield. The general shuddered when he saw it. The people who collected their bodies vomited to death. The blood on the ground was not cleaned for days and nights. They died in King Qin.

King Han hasn’t seen the mountain and river sword stele when he was enthroned, but it’s okay. King Qin said that in the future, there will be monarchs in the six countries who refuse to accept Da Qin, so they will all be put to death. That place has been gloomy since the death of King Zhao Xiaocheng. Every time I pass by, I feel terrible. “Li Si said like a sharp and cold cone of ice, piercing it one by one.

In the heart of King Han.

Han Wangan was in a cold sweat, and couldn’t even speak. He was guided by Li Si to constantly imagine the bloody death of Zhao Xiaocheng, feeling that the knives seemed to be on his body, and his pain was better than death, regardless of him. No matter how you cry for mercy, the knife will not stop, one knife after another, scraping the bones and cutting the flesh, making him unhappy and hanging his life at the same time

, Do not let him die, knowing that a living person exposed his whole body of bones before he died.

Han Wangan was so scared that his legs became weak.

“I don’t know whether King Han agrees or disagrees with King Qin’s words.” Li Si seized the opportunity to ask. factory.

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