Chapter 413 Unite against Daqin]

In the State of Wei, the king of Wei Anli called Wei Wuji: “The widow heard that the king of Qin won the political battle after the attack on the Zhao State and couldn’t eat and sleep at night. I was extremely worried and did not know what to do.”

Wei Wuji sighed softly, he didn’t know how to deal with himself: “The king’s worries are justified. The methods of winning the government are too cruel, so Wang Xiaocheng Zhao, as the king of Zhao, was brought back to Qin by the winning government. Sentenced to Ling Chi.”

“And it’s an unreasonable charge.” Wang Anli sighed.

“My lord, that’s not unnecessary. King Zhao Xiaocheng accepts Mi Rong, and clearly is against Qin. This is also the real reason for winning the government and killing him.”

“It’s really terrible. King Qin won the government. When he entered the Huns with two thousand troops, the widow couldn’t believe it. Now with three thousand troops, it is really terrifying to beat Zhao Guo like that.”

Wei Wuji sighed again: “After this battle, the State Treasury of Zhao Guo was emptied by the State of Qin. I am afraid that there will be no day to turn back. After Qin took the money, I am afraid that it will become stronger and stronger.

King Wei Anli sat paralyzed on the throne: “How good is this? Da Qin has become unstoppable over the years, and it has become more and more powerful. Even regardless of Da Qin, my Wei State is far from Zhao State, and Zhao State is beaten by Qin State. With that miserable appearance, if this is changed to my Wei State, won’t it only take a thousand troops to destroy my Wei State?”

Wei Wuji did not speak, was silent. He knew that Wang Anli’s analysis was reasonable, even he himself had thought about it.

“Last night when the widow went to bed, I dreamed that Yingzheng had entered with soldiers. The scene was so scared that the widow was in a cold sweat and immediately woke up.” King Wei Anli suddenly said this, with a sad expression on his face. Wei Guo is now It was too weak, he thought of winning politics and Da Qin. I feel my scalp is numb. I am afraid that one day I will end up very late. “Ai Qing can have

How can we share the worries for the widowed?” Now he can only rely on Wei Wuji~ alone.

“My lord, for the present plan, the only way to break the dominance of Qin is that the six countries are united together and work together to fight against Qin.” Wei Wuji said categorically.

Together is to win over the other five countries and use diplomatic means to fight Daqin together. Whether it is politically or economically, even when fighting a war, they must also send troops together. Only in this way can we defeat the powerful Qin State.

Wang Anli heard: “Is this plan really feasible? We are now the most vulnerable country. If we propose to the other five countries, I am afraid they will not agree.”

“You can accumulate a share of strength. Although Wei is weak, it can also provide troops. They won’t want it.”

After worrying about this, King Wei Anli was worried about the state of Zhao again. The six nations need to work together to unite. Now the form of the state of Zhao is well known in the world, and they probably won’t agree. At this time, Zhao Guo was indeed in dire straits.

After the death of King Zhao Xiaocheng, King Zhao Miaoxiang became King Zhao. The death of King Zhao Xiaocheng was so sudden that he didn’t even set up his will, so he died in Qin State. However, he won the government and did not completely destroy the State of Zhao, so he could only continue to linger, just find someone with blood and inherit the throne. The title of Mourning King Xiang is also obvious.

At the enthronement ceremony, when King Zhao Miaoxiang heard this title, his eyes suddenly turned red. This is simply an insult to him by winning the government. Although he is now King Zhao, he is obviously just a puppet.

If you put it in the past, it would be his most honored thing to become King Zhao, but now he is such a mess when he becomes the throne. The treasury is empty, and the enthronement ceremony is very simple, even simple. When sitting on the throne, the courtiers below were also silent and lifeless.

King Zhao Miaoxiang seemed to be able to hear people all over the world mocking him, and Zhao Guo is now in a smoggy miasma. There were countless casualties in a war and the loss of jewels. The first thing he did when he came to the throne was to collect the corpses of those who died, or else he would let them expose the corpses to the wilderness?

Those who went to collect the corpses were all vomiting dull, and they cursed that the tiger and wolf soldiers were not humans. The killing method was too cruel. The body was directly cut off, and the cross section was very flat.

They didn’t know that it was Da Qin’s steel knife. There is a huge gap in weapons, how can the war be won.

King Zhao Miaoxiang personally went to Qin to retrieve the body of King Zhao Xiaocheng, and when it was transported back in the coffin, King Zhao Miaoxiang smelled a pungent odor, and he did not dare to open the lid of the coffin to take a look. The look inside, instinct told him that it must be very tragic.

0……Look for flowers…

He hated Mi Rong, hated victory in politics, hated Da Qin as a whole! He sat on the throne, rubbing his hands tightly together, with red eyes, gritted his teeth and said, “Da Qin must perish! Definitely!”

“It’s good for the king to be so ambitious.” A minister of the State of Zhao leaned over to play.

“What’s the meaning of this?” King Zhao Mouxiang looked at his courtier questioningly. He didn’t even know what the minister was called. As for the government, he inherited and became King Zhao without knowing anything about it. Now he looks like a little boy. The child is as childish as playing at home.

“Returning to the king, there is news from Wei Guo, who is willing to seek a co-operation. I don’t know if the king agrees?”

“What does it mean to be together?” Wang Zhao Miaoxiang asked, opening his mouth. The courtiers couldn’t help sighing, their new King Zhao is really outrageous. But there was no alternative but to patiently explain to him.

King Zhao Miaoxiang became more and more energetic as he listened. As long as he can think of a way to fight against Qin, he can do whatever he wants. As he listened, he nodded in good agreement.

“Combine! Yes, just go together! Tell the widows how the other monarchs reacted.” King Zhao Mouxiang asked as eagerly as a child. The courtiers pretended to cough to remind him to pay attention to his manners.

“Now the monarchs of other countries have agreed. Only the king nodded, and the unity is complete.”

“Agree, few people agree.” King Zhao Mouxiang laughed excitedly: “Winning the government, you can beat me Zhao Guo, may not be able to beat the Six Nations Alliance! But now my Zhao Guo is made like this by the winning government. , Are they really willing to cooperate with Zhao Guo?”

“Naturally willing, the unity is just uniting against the Qin State, and other things have nothing to do with each other.” The courtiers quickly explained that even the king Zhao, who didn’t understand these, felt like they were teaching children.

“Okay, let’s do it! What then? What do the widows need to do?” King Zhao Mouxiang asked excitedly.

The courtiers wiped their sweat: “The meaning of King Wei Anli means that in preparation for the war, they secretly gather food to make reserve for the army to fight against Qin.” Factory.

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