Chapter 414 Ten times the grain says if you don’t sell it, you won’t sell it]

Since winning the power and becoming the Queen of Qin, the State of Qin has experienced a year of recuperation and has reached an unprecedented state of prosperity. The people of the Qin State have their own businesses and their homes. Needless to say, Xianyang City naturally, Baoyang County also rose because of the relationship between the king of Qin, and the prosperity was no less than that of Xianyang.

Ying Zheng quickly adapted to the status of King Qin. In his opinion, the difference between being King Qin and being a prince is not that big, except that the place of management is a little wider, there are more things, and the way of management has been slightly changed. There is no other uncomfortable place, and it is easy to do.

When the moon was empty, there was only a shadow in the imperial study room. Since becoming the Queen of Qin, he has had one more task to win the government: the memorial. Although it has become more deeply exposed at this moment, winning politics is still working at the desk. Zhao Gao waited on the sidelines. He didn’t seem to be so adaptable to winning politics, and soon he became a little sleepy and almost fell asleep.

“Four seven seven seven” Zhao Gao, now you send this paper to Lu Xiang’s mansion immediately.” Ying Zheng suddenly ordered, interrupting Zhao Gao’s sleepiness.

“Yes, the king.” Zhao Gao quickly sorted out himself, and went to pick up the paper. If this paper follows the process, it will be in Lu Buwei’s hands at noon tomorrow. I don’t know what the big event is, making Yingzheng so anxious. Zhao Gao noticed that Yingzheng’s brows were somewhat frowned, and he couldn’t help asking: “Your Majesty, but where is the war going? I need a net to investigate.


“The net has been dispatched.” Ying Zheng said as he opened the next book. There is not much left on the table. You can have a good night’s sleep after all the reviews are completed.

“What?” Zhao Gao was very surprised. He had always taken care of the net for the Saint Prince. When it was dispatched, he didn’t know at all. No, Zhao Gao changed his mind. The net has indeed been dispatched in the past two days: “Could the king be so anxious about that matter?”

Winning politics was fascinated by the memorial, and ignored Zhao Gao.

Zhao Gao said to himself: “My lord, you are too cautious. Let the people below deal with these trivial things.”

While I was talking, the papers in the hands of the winning government had been approved. After putting it down, the winning government said: “This is not a trivial matter. Food is the lifeblood of the country. The amount of food, the price, and slight changes are all major national issues.”

“But my Daqin’s food has long been enough for everyone to eat, why is the king so worried?”

“Indeed, not only can it provide sufficient supplies to Daqin, but even the six countries can afford it. Therefore, this time the grain sales have suddenly increased by five times, and the widows feel that there must be something strange.” Yingzheng frowned slightly, the amount is really too much. too much.

As soon as there is a change in food sales, Lu Buwei will return to winning the government as soon as possible. It stands to reason that sales is a happy event, and it has increased five times. At such a good time, anyone would think of selling at a higher price and earning a lot of money from it. However, Yingzheng did not do so, and immediately ordered: “Don’t promise them, suspend the sale of food to the six countries.

. Zhao Gao, sent a net to investigate the whereabouts of the food, how much the six countries bought, what did they buy, and where they were hoarded. Report it immediately after checking it. ”

Of course, Lu Buwei and Zhao Gao didn’t understand why Yingzheng did this. They looked at each other and wanted to say something more, but they also felt that the order for the victory couldn’t be violated. They shut up obediently and went to work honestly.

Today, Yingzheng raised the issue of food, and he was so urgent to give him a paper, Zhao Gao felt even more puzzled, what happened to the king? If you want to say that the way of business is the best in the world, why is there money this time? If you don’t make a profit, you’re still worried about Zhongnan’s appearance.

Before Zhao Gao could ask anything, Ying Zheng had already picked up the next memorial and looked at it. Zhao Gao sighed softly, feeling that his king was too strict with himself. Turned around and left the Imperial Study Room and went straight to Xiangguo Mansion.

It’s so dark outside. This is a suitable place for the snare operation. Think about it, they have been out to investigate for many days, and they haven’t come back yet. After such a long period of time, it seems that they have been hindered. This kind of night is not suitable for Lu Buwei. When he saw Zhao Gao, his face was full of fatigue, and he opened the memorial with great spirit.

He immediately became energetic after opening it. This memorial was written by him to Yingzheng about the changes in the grain business. Yingzheng’s review is simple and clear: “Stop selling, and do your best to recover those that can be recovered, and do so as soon as you receive the news.”

Lu Buwei’s expression was solemn: “What’s wrong with Wang Shang? The demand for food in the six countries has reached ten times this year, but Wang Shang has not only failed to produce it, but has to try his best to recover it. What is this going to do?”

Zhao Gao’s ears were pointed and his eyes widened and asked, “Ten times? What do the six countries need ten times more food for? Do you want to eat it?” Of course, the food is eaten, but it is suddenly ten times more than the people’s appetite. It can only be explained by 0.

“It’s not the king’s way to have money and not make money, Zhao Gao, follow me into the Xianyang Palace to meet the king.” After that, he took a step and walked out. Zhao Gao hurriedly followed. Winning is the king of individual ministers. Lu Buwei is getting old, and he lets himself come late at night to send memorials and summon him directly from time to time, so that he can guess the intention of winning the government. Lu Buwei is kind and quick-tempered. The impatient is about to enter


As soon as the two entered the Xianyang Palace, Zhao Gao saw several familiar figures. “You are back, how is the investigation of food progress?” These people are just the snare killers he just talked about. Shocked salamander, Bianri, black and white Xuanjian, Zhao Gao breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, in his lower eyes, Zhao Gao became nervous with a small wound on Bianri’s wrist.

The Ranet Killer has extraordinary martial arts. Every mission has never disappointed him. No one has ever been injured. Although the small wound seen on his wrist is very slight, it is enough to shock Zhao Gao: “How is this? It’s true that there is a problem with the food issue? Where did you trace it?”

Ying Zheng waved his hand to hide the killers of the net: “All the food bought by the six countries has entered the arsenal.

“Arsenal? What are they going to do.” Lu Buwei stood there blankly. He could roughly guess why, but he didn’t dare to confirm.


“This is the reason why the widows don’t want to give them food. There must be monsters when things go weird. The net has already heard the news. With Wei Wuji of Wei State as the leader, all countries have secretly sent troops to gather together, and the direction they are gathering is exactly Da Qin!” Ying Zheng looked up at Zhao Gao and Lu Buwei, they were speechless.

Lu Buwei hurriedly knelt: “It is the minister who is stupid, and I ask the king to forgive him.” On his way to Xianyang Palace tonight, he was also annoyed by the fact that he won the government and did not sell food. Ten times, the profit in it made him heart-stirring. Yingzheng blocked the way of making money like this, which made him feel uncomfortable. Before he could question anything, he heard the information retrieved by the net, and everything proved

Winning the government is the most foresighted. They dullly suspected the king, and they almost gave the six countries a chance to jointly attack Daqin, which is really unforgivable. .

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