Chapter 412 Mi Rong, Zhao Xiaocheng, Ling Chi executed]

As soon as Ying Zheng returned to Xianyang Palace, the first thing he did was to visit Zhao Ji. Fei Yan had expected that people with filial piety like Ying Zheng would go to Zhao Ji first, so when he heard that the leaders of Ying Zheng returned to the court. , He kept guarding by Zhao Ji’s side.

Zhao Ji has also become accustomed to the company of this little girl. Since the death of King Zhuang Xiang, Feiyan has always taken care of Zhao Ji instead of Yingzheng, which is regarded as his filial piety. As soon as Yingzheng came in, the heartstrings of Feiyan were disturbed, and those who had not won the coup for a few days were even more manly, and still carried a faint bloody smell. When I saw Zhao Ji and Wei Yan, Yingzheng’s face was obviously more

A touch of softness. Fei Yan chuckled at him: “The King.”

When Zhao Gao knew that the winning politician pried out the truth from Mi Rong’s mouth, he took the net into the prison with great interest. The methods used by the net are much better than those in the prison, and Zhao Gao has long been uncomfortable with Mi Rong, so this time he must be tortured.

When Hua Rong saw Zhao Gao in prison, he was still struggling with a guilty conscience: “What kind of stuff are you a dog slave, I am the king’s uncle. You dog minions do it!”

Zhao Gao smiled weirdly: “Uncle? Do you know how your last nephew died? Tsk, that scene, even people like me who are used to seeing blood can’t stand it. You two are conspiring. He died as bad as 477. Tell me what will happen to you.” After that, Zhao Gao asked Luo Wang to greet him. “Put those instruments of torture one by one, don’t kill people.

Row. ”

Mi Rong looked at the penetrating torture instruments, and a cold sweat broke out on his back: “No, no!”

“Hush, don’t ask for mercy. It’s not fun to beg for mercy. These torture instruments are all my treasures. They will rust if you don’t use them. Don’t speak until you run out.” Zhao Gao smiled. Eerie and terrifying.

King Zhao Xiaocheng, who was also in the prison, saw that Mi Rong was treated like this, for fear that he would be the next one. He shrank in the corner and kept shaking. Soon after, Mi Rong’s screams came into the ears of Zhao Xiaocheng. The sound is more mournful and sharper than the other, and the people who listened to it were chilly.

Zhao Gao noticed the appearance of King Zhao Xiaocheng: “No wonder he admits that he is not King Zhao. It really doesn’t look like this. There is no king like this.

After a night, Da Qin went to court again a few days after leaving the government.

When Hua Rong was brought up, the people who had been tortured were not like humans and ghosts (aibd). His whole body was full of blood, and his clothes were in dilapidated condition. He couldn’t even walk, he was dragged up directly by someone. As soon as the person dragging him let go, Mi Rong fell to the ground and couldn’t stand up after lying down for a while.

“Bold Mi Rong, I can’t bow to the king.” Everyone knows that Mi Jie is no longer able to bow in this way. I’m afraid this person has one foot in the gate of the ghost, and he is still hanging in a breath.

Yingzheng waved his hand gently: “No need, just lie there. It’s the last grace that widows give to uncle.”

Hua Rong can’t bear it anymore. He now begged to die: “It’s the doctor, I arranged for the doctor to do it. Lord, please, kill me and give me a good time.” His voice was very hoarse. , Is almost inaudible, it seems that he is really struggling on the verge of death.

The courtiers sighed, thinking that Mi Rong was a figure covering the sky with only one hand in Daqin, but it is really sad that he has become like this now. Even more sad than him is King Zhao Xiaocheng. Although he has not been tortured, his whole person seems to have died long ago, with only one sentence left on his knees.

Yingzheng stood up from the throne and walked slowly to Mi Rong: “Uncle, it’s a year late, you should know what will happen.”

Fei Rong closed his eyes desperately: “Please, give me pleasure.”

Winning politics ignored the news and went straight out. A guard came forward to drag Mi Rong and King Zhao Xiaocheng to follow to win the government. They came to the mountain and river stone monument carved when Yingzheng was enthroned that day, and Yingzheng gently stroked the first sword mark: “Uncle, this was carved specifically to remember your blood feud. You can apologize here.”

Hua Rong was still lying motionless on the ground. The guard thought he was dead, so he kicked him quickly. Hua Rong’s body moved a little, and it seemed that he was still alive.

“These two offended Da Qin, their crimes are not tolerable, and they are divided by the punishment of Ling Chi. Thousands of knives are ten thousand swords, and no one can be less!” After saying that, the two men were tortured in front of the mountain and river stone monument, and returned to the court. When Yingzheng sat on the throne, the screams of Zhao Xiaocheng and Mi Rong’s screams were heard outside, and they were endless.

“My lord, I don’t know how Mi Rong said the doctor should deal with it.” Li Si stepped forward. He also heard about this doctor. He seemed to be living away from the world, hanging a pot to help the world, and heal the wounded. How could it be related to the death of King Zhuang Xiang. Just now Mi Rong was about to die, but couldn’t ask for more information, only knew that the general scope was in the doctor.

Lu Buwei’s eyes seemed to be blazing, and the district doctors dared to poison King Zhuang Xiang: “Your Majesty, please leave this to the minister to deal with. Since the doctors dare to have unruly intentions against Da Qin, then they must do their best to endure Da Qin. An angry preparation.

Yingzheng said indifferently: “Okay, this matter will be handled by Xiangguo.” Since winter and spring, the blood debts from a year ago have not been fully repaid.

Lu Buwei turned to face the courtiers: “Immediately arrange for Daqin’s tens of thousands of elite soldiers to capture the doctors. I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let go of one person! Check the doctors thoroughly!

The screams of Mi Rong and King Zhao Xiaocheng outside hadn’t stopped. Ling Chi was an extremely cruel punishment. Just now Mi Rong was already dying, and he would still scream uncontrollably in the face of Ling Chi. The sound lasted until the sunset in the west before stopping. It is said that the death of the two was extremely miserable, and even the people who went to clean up vomited on the floor.

From that day on, everyone felt gloomy when they passed the mountain and river stone stele. Winning did so deliberately. He wanted to let the people of Da Qin and the kings of the six nations know the fate of the hostile Da Qin. Three sword marks, one should be on Mi Rong, the other should be on King Zhao Xiaocheng, and the last one was carved by Ying Zheng for himself. Everyone knows that this sword mark will never

Maybe it should. With winning politics, Daqin cannot fail to prosper.

The kings of the Six Kingdoms were afraid when they heard the news that Yingzheng had broken the Zhao Kingdom and executed King Mi Rong and Zhao Xiaocheng. The cage of keeping the filial piety period has been opened. No one can predict what kind of things will be done in the future. Everyone in the Six Nations is in danger, for fear that he will be the next King Zhao Xiaocheng. ,

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