Chapter 411 Burning Handan]

Hua Rong looked at all this in disbelief. Wang Xiaocheng Zhao likes to listen to flattery, but he has never said it before. Such a humble tail begging for mercy is the first time in the world. Sure enough, only winning the government can make the majestic up and down. Skull.

Yingzheng sneered: “It’s too late. The widow said that you are no longer the king of the country of Zhao. Why does Fang yue claim to be a widow. None of these soldiers of the country of Zhao can live. The widow hates those who surrender the most.” After raising his hand, the Tiger Wolf Army waved the saber in his hand after getting the order, and the head of this little Zhao State soldier fell to the ground like a string of beads.

King Zhao Xiaocheng’s eyes widened. It was obvious that he had already done what Yingzheng said, but he won’t let them go. He looked up at Yingzheng, and his eyes were completely blank: “What is it going to be? Will let go of Zhao Guo.”

After returning to his senses in consternation, Mi Rong laughed wildly: “Hahahahaha! King Xiaocheng, King Xiaocheng, do you know what you are thinking about now? A bereaved dog!

Yingzheng turned his head and looked at Mi Rong coldly, smiling at fifty steps. Why is it not like this for Feicheng himself. Mi Rong shuddered with the look in the winning government’s eyes. His methods of killing were very vicious. Besides, he killed Victor Zichu by himself. Winning the government would never give himself pleasure.

Fei Rong was tied up like a fleshy worm. Even now, he is still greedy for life and fear of death. He knows that he will die but he keeps begging for mercy. It was Cheng Jiao, Cheng Jiao forced me to do this. Now I wake up. Will you let me go?

Yingzheng was unmoved, just watching him twist on the ground, dragging a trace of dust on the ground, looking dirty. Yingzheng turned his head in disgust, and gave orders to the tiger and wolf soldiers downstairs: “In Handan City, take all the gold and silver away, 々.”

Mi Rong on the ground still didn’t give up: “My lord, I am your uncle. I hope the king will remember the old feelings so that I can die faster.”

“I can’t help you.” Yingzheng refused coldly.

The tiger and wolf soldiers knew that winning politics had lost their interest in fighting, and Handan was their last stop. They also calmed down slowly and went straight to Zhao Guo’s treasury. The gold, silver and rare antiques inside are dazzling. The tiger and wolf soldiers are rough men. If they don’t understand the value of these, they will take away the beautiful and shiny ones. They have not exhausted after many days of fighting

Physical strength, carrying these treasures is still full of energy.

King Zhao Xiaocheng saw that Zhao’s treasury was so ruined, and he took the contents as if he were going in and out of a vegetable market, and he only felt anguish. But he could only kneel at the feet of Yingzheng and watch it quietly, and then sighed softly: “Take it, take it all.” He was still distressed when Yingzheng was making money in the State of Qin before, and now others have moved directly to the treasury. , Zhao Guo is still helpless

force. There is no way to compare the money that has been earned and these.

As the tiger and wolf army moved, they wanted to report how much they had gained. The victory just nodded and did not make a statement. When Zhao Guo’s treasury was completely collected, the victory was calculated in their hearts, and it would be enough for Qin’s expenses for the next ten years. The wealth of a Zhao country is probably that much. He nodded, “I’m ready to go. Take these two people to Daqin. As for

Put this Handan city on fire. ”

The fire light came up very quickly, first it was a small fire, then it turned into a raging fire, the fire was soaring, and the sky was burning red. King Zhao Xiaocheng looked at the fire in his eyes and suddenly burst into tears: “A sinner, I am a sinner, I am a sinner of Zhao Guo.” His intestines that he regrets are all green. He should not provoke Da Qin or take in Mi Rong. Even more should not defy the win

All of the previous sea of ​​fire was caused by oneself.

Handan, what a wonderful place, one of the big counties in the country of Zhao, was once so beautiful and rich, and now everything is on fire. He cried like a bullied child who was aggrieved, cried and cried, his eyes blacked out, and he passed out. Seeing this, the tiger wolf soldier walked over and dragged him back to Daqin.

Within a few days, the city of Xianyang had received the news of the return of the king. The city of Xianyang cheered and the people spontaneously stood at the gate of the city, neatly waiting for the victory to lead the tiger and wolf army back.

When I got the news, Zhao Ji and Fei Yan were also very happy. Zhao Ji walked to the window: “I knew Zheng’er would live up to the expectations and bring the victory back.” Fei Yan just advised Zhao Ji not to think too much. Politically speaking, it was all taken for granted. Zhao Ji gave a meaningful look, but she had already seen that Feiyan was also worried.

The city of Xianyang was full of joy, and the courtiers had long been waiting outside the city. After a while, a string of figures appeared in the distance, and the person walking in the front was heroic and domineering. Who else is not winning politics. The crowd of black and heavy people behind him looked roughly, and the officials sighed in surprise: “,” The three thousand tiger and wolf soldiers were undamaged. “The team followed

With two people, they were led by the rope, seemingly exhausted, and stumbled to follow.

“It seems that the king brought Mi Rong back, but who is the other prisoner of war?

“I don’t know, my face turned black, I really can’t tell who it is.”

When the team walked in, courtiers and people knelt to welcome them: “The king is mighty, invincible, invincible, and invincible!”

Yingzheng was very satisfied when he saw that his subjects did this: “These two people will be put in jail, and they will be released later.

A courtier came out and asked, “My lord, who is Hua Rong and who?”

Another courtier suddenly reacted: “Zhao Xiaocheng is king!”

Ying Zheng glanced at the Zhao Xiaocheng (Hao Zhao) Wang who was made very dark by the wind, sand and smoke: “He is not Wang Zhao.”

King Zhao Xiaocheng has lost all thoughts now. He saw that the subjects of Qin were so united, and finally understood that winning the government is the real king. Although he has a title and owns the Kingdom of Zhao, he is just a stupid and incompetent person. No wonder Da Qin was strong for a while. “I am not.” He admitted in a low voice that Zhao Guo has become riddled with defects, even if he can go back alive, it will be forever

Losing the qualifications of King Zhao, Ying Zheng is right, he is indeed no longer King Zhao.

The courtier hesitated and said, “Really want to put King Zhao in prison?”

Victory seemed to suddenly remember something: “Send people to guard strictly. Today the Tiger Wolf Army needs to be groomed, and the widows are a bit tired. Before they are executed tomorrow, they cannot be allowed to escape. Pry Mi my mouth open and let him speak. The true cause of death of the father”

Seeing the attitude of winning the government, the courtiers can only follow the king’s order. .

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