Chapter 405 One year of filial piety]

The period of filial piety is one year. One year is neither long nor short, nor short. In the past, when winning politics was still a holy prince, he could do many things a year, make a lot of money, and benefit one party. In the first year that he became King of Qin, he did not do as much as before.

When the spring rain fell, Yingzheng and Feiyan walked in the imperial garden of Xianyang Palace under umbrellas. When Yingzheng rose, they mentioned the design of the imperial garden during the reconstruction of Xianyang Palace. “The winter jasmine flower in this imperial garden blooms early.” After saying this, he stretched out his hand to take out one, and put it in the hair of Feiyan.

The smoke was caught off guard, and his mind was confused by the action of winning the government, and his face was red from the roots of his ears. The small earlobes also turned red, like bright fruit.

Ying Zheng inadvertently noticed the earrings worn on Fei Yan’s ears, and gently raised her fingertips: “This is made of glass. It turns out Fei Yan also likes these gadgets.” Ying Zheng has long forgotten this is. At the beginning, I was the only one among the pile of jewelry, and I didn’t know that this earring was given to Feiyan by Bai Huagan under the guise of his own name.

Fei Yan was kept in the dark, and he blushed even more when Ying Zheng mentioned earrings.

08 “Unfortunately, Daqin Glass Factory has stopped production. Except for occasional high-level sales in Daqin, glass jewellery is hard to come by. When there is a chance to re-manufacture glass jewellery in the future, I will make a pair of red for you. Lining you.”

“It’s good to have this pair,” Fei Yan whispered. Since the last time Yingzheng said that red is beautiful, she often deliberately wears red clothes and saffron red jewelry. Over time, this color has really become his favorite color. Feiyan noticed that Yingzheng still prefers yellow, especially the yellow things that will be used frequently after King Qin.

When Xia Chan screamed, Shui Qing brought the account book again to beg to see her, and she did not expect that when she met again, the former Saint Prince would already be King Qin. There was more courtesy between the two, and Shui Qing felt that the distance from winning the government was farther away: “The amount of silver harvested from the six countries has reached an astonishing 30 million taels of silver, and it has been converted into gold by 3 million. two.”

Yingzheng nodded and said nothing.

“After this year’s dyed sweaters, sweet potatoes, potatoes and other crops are sold, more money will be earned from the six countries.” Shuiqing added in a low voice. For some reason, she instinctively wanted to win the political favor.

Yingzheng raised his eyes and looked at Shui Qing. It has been a while since Shui Qing’s appearance has changed too fast. He entered the money house all day long and watched money rights transactions. It was dirty and filthy. Between money and goods, there is a lot of care in her heart for the gains and losses of interests. Wearing a long aqua skirt, the heart is as clear as water. Slim, not pretending to be flattering, but self-contained. “Clear water, why not

See you holding a soft heart. ”

Hearing this question, Shuiqing bit her lower lip lightly and said embarrassedly: “The soft heart is old and dead.” Shuiqing knew that winning the government is still in the period of filial piety, and the most taboo is the dead word. She gave a timid look at the victory.

Dead, all creatures can’t escape a word of death, this is the eternal destination.

Shui Qing seemed to hear a seemingly non-existent sigh.

When the autumn wind started, Bai Huagan came to Xianyang Palace. He is now a business giant and needs to pay taxes to the government. Other small merchants handed them to Daqin Bank to exchange Qin banknotes. Bai Huagan told Yingzheng: “Today’s Qin Chao has been truly universal since its ascension to the throne.

The equivalent value remains unchanged. ”

Time is a very important thing. The prince who used to win politics was too vigorous and resolute. Whatever you say you do, the Qin Chao, which started to popularize last year, was really implemented this year. Yingzheng began to feel that it was not bad for Daqin to rest and rejuvenate his filial piety this year.

Standing on the three-story small attic next to the Xianyang Palace, looking out the window through the glass, I was full of emotions about winning the government. Zhao Ji was also by his side. Now Zhao Ji was the queen mother. She couldn’t bear to see her eyes flushed because she always missed Win Zi Chu. Win Zheng specially brought her to this small attic. This was Ying Zichu’s favorite place during his lifetime, and even Zhao Ji had never been there.

On the couch there is still a quilt presented by Yingzheng as a birthday gift. Now it is autumn, but Ying Zichu is already lying in the mausoleum, and the real world is unpredictable.

When the winter snow comes, dyeing woolen sweaters is another big profit. Yingzheng put all this money into armaments.

With woolen sweaters, wool scarves, and gloves, the cold in winter is not to be feared at all. Ying Zheng walked slowly in the Xianyang Palace. Now this is his own place. Snow covered the bricks and tiles of the Xianyang Palace. When it melts, it will take away all the dust and become completely new.

The three sword marks on the map of mountains and rivers are still clearly visible. When the sword was swung by the government that day, the first sword of punishment, the blade of the sword invaded like thunder and fire, and the deep depression could be felt by touching it with the hand. The stone wall is cold, but the heart to win the government is beginning to be hot. The one-year filial piety period is coming to an end. It is time to complete this first sword mark.

On this day, all the people in Xianyang city worshiped, and all the officials knelt, wrapped their heads in a white scarf, and fought in front of the horse formation. Behind them are three thousand tiger and wolf soldiers. Today they left Daqin and conquered Zhao.

Zhao Ji looked at Ying Zheng worriedly: “Zheng 470, do you really have to go to court? Is there no other generals in the court? As the King of Qin, how can you not cherish yourself like this.”

“This time, the children must go.” The meaning of wearing a white scarf is very obvious. Da Qin sent such troops to kill Mi Rong. King Zhao Xiaocheng has stated that he will not let people go. They can only use tough ones. The way opened the door of the State of Zhao: “The child minister will definitely cut off Mi Rong’s head with his own hands to comfort his father’s spirit in the sky.”

Zhao Ji knew that she couldn’t persuade to win the government, so she could only feel her tears and stay silent.

Fei Yan was even more disturbed on the side. It was not that she had never thought that she would accompany her to win politics. With her onmyoji, she could kill countless enemies. But she knew that Yingzheng would not allow this, and that the only state of Zhao was not yet under the pretext of winning politics.

Mi Rong on the other side is also pinching his life day and night, living like an abyss, walking on thin ice. Today is the day when winning politics and keeping filial piety ends. Mi Rong knows that his good days are coming to an end. In one year in Zhao State, he all relied on boasting about his achievements in Qin State to bless Zhao Xiao to become King. Let Zhao Guo admire him.

The so-called cultivating soldiers for a thousand days, using soldiers for a while. When it’s time for Ying Zhengxing to inquire about the crime, if the performance is useless, Zhao Guo will soon be abandoned as an abandoned son.

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