Chapter 406 Tiger Wolf Soldier’s New Weapon]

Yingzheng is a person who has grudges and will avenge him. From the time Ying Zichu died, his life was temporarily recorded. In the direction of Zhao Guo, three thousand tigers and wolves marched to the outside of Zhao Guomen city without stopping. Ying Zheng looked up at the towering tower. The towers of every country are very strong, but Zhao Guo’s way is vulnerable in the eyes of Yingzheng.

In the year of keeping filial piety, in addition to recuperating and rejuvenating, winning the government has been thinking about the attack on Zhao Guo, so the armaments will naturally not fall. Dare to lead three thousand tigers and wolves to attack the Kingdom of Zhao. There are reasons to win politics. With three thousand troops, I think it’s a lot to win the government, but some people don’t think so. That’s because they are measured by ordinary soldiers. The fighting power of the tiger wolf soldier should not be underestimated,

Ten ordinary soldiers came to besiege a tiger and wolf soldier at the same time, but they were unable to kill it, and its combat capability was evident.

These three thousand tiger and wolf soldiers have been equipped with the latest weapons, which are war swords produced by the Daqin Steel Plant. The design of the blade has been lengthened on the basis of the original sword, with greater power and longer attack range. The weight of the knife has become much lighter, and the tiger wolf soldier’s physical strength is different from that of ordinary people. The weight of the weapon can be reduced to make its combat capability more durable. Daqin Steelmaking Plant

The craftsmanship is very sophisticated, and the most critical point and blade parts are sharpened and extremely sharp. After using the new type of weapon, the tiger and wolf soldiers are obviously more brave and good at fighting than before.

The way of war, one is offense, and the other is defense. In terms of defense, the tiger wolf soldier’s equipment has also been improved. The armor is made of uniform steel, and the design is more suitable for the body, so that the armor will not affect the tiger wolf soldier’s movements. When this kind of armor was newly made, workers at the Daqin Steel Plant used a kitchen knife to chop it wildly, and there were only shallow marks on the armor. As the saying goes

No matter how tall the husband is, he is afraid of kitchen knives. Now that he has a kitchen knife, he can’t cut into his armor.

This set of equipment is better than the equipment of the most elite army of the Zhao Kingdom by more than one grade. Da Qin didn’t use soldiers for a year, and now he suddenly dispatched, it turned out to be like a thunder. The Tiger Wolf Army is well-trained and lined up neatly downstairs in Zhao Guocheng, raging and majestic.

The soldiers of the State of Zhao were frightened when they saw these people wearing such equipment. They had seen these things, and only felt that the light from the sabers and armor had blinded their eyes. They looked at each other, and no one dared to act rashly. I just pray in my heart that these people are not coming to attack the city, they don’t dare to fight these people, but they just look at the momentum

I’m so scared, I don’t have the courage to fight. They were just dumbfounded, watching every move of the people in the city.

Winning Zheng stood in front of the battle, facing the city gate alone, and the tiger and wolf army behind him was also several meters away. The hundred towels wrapped around his forehead were blown by the wind behind his head. The sky was suddenly full of cumulus clouds. Shooting down from the clouds and shining on Yingzheng’s body, he hits the strings and draws the bow.

A golden cone-shaped arrow came out through the air. No one could see the trajectory of the arrow. Only a loud noise was heard, and then a cloud of dust was raised on the flat bottom.

When the dust dissipated, the soldiers of Zhao Kingdom had a look, and the city gate had fallen down! They did not dare to guess at which arrow this was the result of winning the government. Then everyone came up with the voice of winning the government: “Here, it belongs to Daqin, 々!”

Before the soldiers of the State of Zhao could react, the army of three thousand tigers and wolves was murderous and rushed in. Their speed is extremely fast, coupled with the unified silver equipment, to the Zhao soldiers on the city wall, it looks like a silver flash, rushing into the territory of Zhao.

At this time, their general guarding side responded: “Quick! Stop them, can’t let them in!” The soldiers of the State of Zhao woke up like a dream, and took up arms to fight.

It has been heard that people once said that life is like a dream, and a dream is like life. Perhaps living is to dream, or dreaming is to live. Winning political leaders killed all those who didn’t obey Daqin. These soldiers of Zhao’s city were already dead the moment they woke up from their dreams.

At the narrow place of the city gate, soldiers of the State of Zhao swarmed up. The tiger wolf soldier at the front really looked like a long-hungry tiger wolf finally seeing the prey, and he couldn’t wait to pounce on it. The tiger wolf soldier standing at the forefront swept forward with the battle sword in his hand, and Zhao Guo’s soldiers hurriedly went to block it.The battle sword directly interrupted the weapon they were blocking in front of them, and also cut their bodies.

A row of people was completely torn apart and fell neatly.

The soldiers of the Zhao State behind saw this scene, knowing that they could not stop it at all. They stepped back cowardly, maintaining a retreat posture, and standing in front of them the big sword that had been with them for many years, preparing to block the sudden attack.

After the tiger wolf soldiers saw the blood, their eyes were stained red instantly. They had been thirsty for too long. Without the blood of the enemy, the tiger wolf army would not be called the tiger wolf army. Their knives pierced straight forward, directly piercing the bodies of two or three rows of soldiers from the State of Zhao, and piercing them into a string with knives. When the knife was pulled out, the Zhao soldiers fell down, and the tiger wolf army continued to move forward.

Stomped their bodies under their feet.

The power of this sword is amazing. It can cut the iron like mud and can easily crush the weapons in the hands of Zhao soldiers. This makes the tiger wolf soldier’s breakthrough progress like a broken bamboo, stepping on the body of Zhao soldiers and entering the city gate. The corpses were spread all the way in the city gate, and the blood ran far along the city wall.

General Zhao’s border guard saw this scene, and his heart was terrified. The border was violated and the city gate opened wide. As a general guarding the border, he has already neglected his duty and his life is worrying. Can only shout the soldiers bite the bullet. As long as he can kill more enemies, when Zhao Xiaocheng (Is Zhao Hao) asks the guilty king, he may still be able to use his exploits to kill the enemy to save his life.

It is a pity that these devils from Daqin are not only powerful swords in their hands, but also treasures that Zhao soldiers have never seen before. They tried their best and finally slashed the sword at the tiger wolf soldier. When they issued the final full blow, only a shallow trace was left on the armor. For this blow, they fought their lives, but only in exchange for a trivial little

It’s just a trace.

The soldiers of the State of Zhao looked unwillingly at the tiger wolf soldier who was smiling in front of him. When the sword split his body, they seemed to hear the other party proudly say: “^

It’s impossible to beat these monsters.

“It turns out this armor is really good. “The soldiers of the State of Zhao desperately realized that their so-called fatal blow was nothing more than the tiger wolf soldier deliberately borrowing their knives to try the armor.

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