Chapter 404 Enthroned as King]

Hua Rong did not mention the specific process of defeating Zi Chu, including Cheng Jiao’s death, which was also pushed to Ying Zheng. He said that winning the government is the king and cannot be allowed to become Jiao. Before he had time to take Cheng Jiao away, he Was killed by Ying Zheng first. King Zhao Xiaocheng was filled with righteous indignation, and he cursed winning the government: “Cheng Jiao and him are also brothers, and he is so cruel. Let such a person

How can the world be peaceful after becoming the King of Qin.

Hua Rong said: “Now that I have killed King Zhuang Xiang, winning the government will definitely not let me go easily. I also asked the king to protect me and give me a place to stay.”

“You can be regarded as a member of my Zhao country. Now that you are in trouble, it is reasonable to come to my Zhao country. Moreover, it is a great achievement to kill King Zhuang Xiang alone. Zhao and Qin have a deep blood feud, you help me Zhao The country is the great hero of my Zhao country.” King Zhao Xiaocheng showed a satisfied smile of “four seventy zero”.

But killed him. King Zhao Xiaocheng believes that Mi Jie is a capable person, and staying in Zhao will definitely help Zhao against Qin.

“After that, please take care of the king.” Mi Rong took the wine on the table and toasted.

“Don’t worry, I, Zhao Guo, will never succumb to the lewd prestige of winning politics. No matter what, I will save your life.” King Zhao Xiaocheng drank the wine together. Don’t dare to attack the country of Zhao. You just need to pretend that Mi Rong is not in the country of Zhao.”

Hua Rong has already fled to Zhao country. Luo Wang couldn’t reach here either, so he could only return to Qin State. He has found a new shelter, but no one else has. Yingzheng ordered that Changping Jun and Chang Guojun were put in jail and tortured them severely. It was necessary to find out whether King Zhuang Xiang’s death had anything to do with them.

Everyone felt how much Ying Zheng cared about King Zhuang Xiang’s death. Although he didn’t cry like other people, he didn’t have too many expressions on his face, and he didn’t even think about it, and Jiang Mi was decadent. However, from his many practices, he showed that he paid attention to this matter. From the time he strangled him to death, the courtiers knew what he had done to King Zhuang Xiang.

Death, winning the government will not be easily overshadowed, he wants all people involved in this matter to die in pain, in order to comfort King Zhuangxiang’s spirit in the sky.

Yingzheng made it clear that torture can be used when interrogating Changping-jun and Chang-guo, as long as the life is left. The two of them often fight against the victory in the court, and one has to suspect that they are colluding with Cheng Jiao. This is too much for them.

Mr. Changping and Mr. Changguo endured all kinds of punishments in prison, and the ones who bite to death just didn’t admit it. You must know that Da Qin’s punishment was not a joke. Both of them screamed and screamed for a little injury. Now it is so abnormal, it makes people really feel that they did not participate.

Choose one between death and pain, and some people speculate that they are greedy for life and fear of death, and would rather be punished than die happily. The interrogation has been unable to produce results.

Luo Wang has withdrawn, and Lu Buwei has reported Mi Rong’s escape to the State of Zhao to Yingzheng.

“Sure enough, I went to the country of Zhao. I don’t think he can go anywhere else.” Ying Zheng’s voice was very calm, and there was no trace of fatigue. However, Lu Buwei knew that in these celestial dynasties, all affairs were handled by Yingzheng, and he had to serve in front of Zhao Ji’s bed. Winning government hadn’t closed his eyes for many days.

“Now he is regarded as a guest of honor by King Zhao Xiaocheng. The minister sent a message to Zhao Guo to hand over Cheng Jiao, but King Zhao Xiaocheng vetoed it, saying that it would never be possible to hand over Mi Rong, and it appeared to protect him.” Lu Buwei Tell the truth.

After Ying Zheng heard this, he was very indifferent. These were all expected, but his heart was a little confused, and he was a little irritable to hear such things. King Zhao Xiaocheng thinks he is right, and he really thinks he can keep Mi Rong.

Lu Buwei felt the upset of winning the government, and then said: “The king should focus on stabilizing people’s hearts now. It is not too late to discuss Mi Rong’s affairs afterwards. If you can run, you can’t run the temple. Mi Rong has nowhere except Zhao Guo. Hidden.”

Indeed, Mi Rong can no longer run. King Zhuang Xiang has just died, and there is still a year of filial piety to win the government. During this time, he can only keep his filial piety in Daqin, and it will not be too late to find Mi Rong for revenge a year later. Ying Zheng gently closed his eyes and felt a headache. After thinking for a moment, he nodded.

After Hua Rong’s affairs were put aside for the time being, the most important thing was the enthronement ceremony to win the government. Zhao Ji was still immersed in grief and unable to extricate herself. After a few days, the number of people was reduced a lot. Winning government will single-handedly support the matter of enthronement.

Every step of the enthronement ceremony is strictly regulated. It stands to reason that Yingzheng, as the most prestigious king in the history of the Qin Dynasty, everything should be taken for granted. But the facts are counterproductive. King Zhuang Xiang was killed by human poison. Unlike other kings, he died in his old age. The will was directly destroyed by the winning government. The nominal brother Cheng Jiao was killed by the winning government himself.

The queen Zhao Ji was devastated.

Everything changed the taste of this enthronement ceremony. In the past, everyone in Daqin was looking forward to the day when the Saint Prince became king and led Daqin to prosper. I didn’t expect it to be like this at this time.

Winning politics asked Zhao Gao to do everything in accordance with the original process, and the enthronement ceremony was held as scheduled.

Everything was going on unacceptably. When it was time to read the will, there was no one. The courtiers knew that there was no will to win the government, which was a bit embarrassing. There was a wall at the place where the edict was supposed to be read. There was a picture of the country carved on it, which was ordered by the people to prepare for it long ago.

Yingzheng stepped forward and actually took out the sword of the emperor. The sword body is flawless, and the sword intent has no trace. Ying Zheng held the sword of the Emperor of Heaven and made three sword marks on the wall. The sword of the emperor of heaven has infinite profits, and the victory of the government carefully controls its power.

“These three sword marks 1.3, one is the enemy, and we must take the head of the Mi Rong item to avenge the country. The second way is to kill, kill all those who disobey the Da Qin. The three ways are the punishment. If I win the government, I will not bless Da Qin for a hundred years. , I would like to be punished by the extinction of heaven and earth.” After saying that he won the government, he collected the sword of the heavenly emperor and turned to look at everyone: “Take heaven as an edict, I am the emperor, who refuses to accept it?”

The emperor’s spirit in Yingzheng is stronger again, and the deterrence is extremely overbearing. Everyone shouted: “Long live your majesty!”

A grand ceremony was held amidst the cheers of the crowd. From then on, there was no King Zhuangxiang and no Prince Prince in Daqin. Only King Qin won the government. Zhao Jiqiang endured his sorrow, looking with joy that it was now King Qin’s victory, and Feiyan was by Zhao Ji’s side. And the Zhao Gao and others of the Luo Net were also secretly happy. .

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