Chapter 403 Mi Rong escapes

Cheng Jiao had died and was thrown on the ground like rubbish. He died with a hideous face like this, his eyes rolled down in front of his body. Yingzheng glanced at the corpse on the ground coldly, turned around and walked towards the throne with disdain, and the eyeball was stepped on the bottom of the foot by Yingzheng, and it became puffy.

Yingzheng sat on the throne, watching the pouring rain outside. All the officials were frightened by Cheng Jiao’s tragic death, and it took a long while to look away from Cheng Jiao’s body. The appearance of Yingzheng aloft made them seem to see the shadow of King Zhuang Xiang. When they heard that Cheng Jiao’s name was written on the will, they couldn’t imagine Cheng Jiao sitting in the king anyway.

The look on the seat. The emperor’s temperament in Yingzheng shocked the court, so that the civil and military officials had to kneel down and bow their heads.

Even Lu Buwei knelt down and bowed to Yingzheng. No one can deny that winning the government is the real King of Qin, the lord of the Great Qin, and the lord of the world in the future. Zhao Ji looked at the victory on the throne. It was her own child. I don’t know when, this child has been turbulent in the world in a way beyond her imagination. Her husband died and replaced him.

Sitting in this position was her own child. Zhao Ji was in a trance for a moment. She had to admit that Zheng’er had grown up after all and became a person who could shoulder Da Qin.

In just two days, Zhao Ji experienced too much anxiety and was already very haggard. When she knelt down, she felt that the sky was spinning, and she fainted.

Ying Zheng only ordered people to send Zhao Ji back to the bedroom, because he has more important things to do next: “Everyone has heard what Cheng Jiao said, the first king was killed by Mi Jie and Cheng Jiao, and now Cheng Jiao Is dead, immediately arrest Mi Rong, no matter how big the world is, there is no place for him to live in Mi Rong!” The words of Ying Zheng just fell, and there was another deafening thunder outside.

, The wrath of the emperor, the country is blood-stained, and the lives are charred. If Mi Rong died, Mi Rong had to die.

Before Cheng Jiao died, he was expecting this uncle to come and rescue him. It’s a pity that Micheng has already left Xianyang. To Cheng Jiao, he was just using him.

The tomb amended the edict can easily make the winning government submit? Mi Rong himself didn’t believe it. Winning the government to this step is enough to prove that the winning government is clever and has excellent methods. There are 10,000 ways to solve a mere legacy.

In fact, Hua Rong had already given up fighting against the victory, he already knew himself. He contends with the victory, which is tantamount to hitting a rock with a pebble. Not only can he not shake his opponent, but he will also be crushed to pieces. Yingzheng dared to kill at a young age, and he didn’t know how much blood was stained on his hands. Losing in the hands of others is nothing more than a death, and defeat in the hands of a winning government can only be a death.

But Mi Rong was not reconciled. He was only one step away from power and wealth, and he was all destroyed by the father and son of Yingzheng. Can he still fail to win Zichu if he can’t fight to win politics? The dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, even if Mi Rong is dead, he has to put his back on the back, this back is ~ to win Zichu.

From the beginning, he didn’t want to help Cheng Jiao, he was just using Cheng Jiao Poison to kill Win Zichu. Only a whimsical idiot like Cheng Jiao would believe what came to the throne. It’s not difficult to forge a copy of something like a will. The reason why Mi Rong forged the edict was just to use the dream of King Qin who became a Jiao to procrastinate for himself.

Even if Yingzheng knew that he was behind the scenes, what about? Those in the court would not easily believe that if they didn’t pry open Cheng Jiao’s mouth, there would never be a reason to kill him.

Adult Mosquito finally confessed to Mi Rong. At the moment before his neck was broken, he still thought that Hua Rong would come to rescue him, would bring the victory down, and then make himself King of Qin. Everything is just a dream.

From when Lu Buwei said that he would postpone the reading of his will, Mi Rong knew that Cheng Yang had become his own urging ground, and he drove away overnight. Non-costly is to promulgate the innate cultivation base, running around all the way. The sudden torrential rain could not stop him either.

The horse was running around and was finally tired. After being tripped by a stone on the road, he directly used the Mi Rong on his back. The Mi Ring was turned on the horse for a long time, and he was accidentally used out. He was afraid Xingluo walked along the path deliberately, this type of path has not been taken since Yingzheng built the concrete road. Just after it rained, the road was muddy, and he rolled to the ground

The body was covered with mud and water, and became embarrassed.

The horse fell to the ground and couldn’t get up anymore. Fei Rong looked at the muddy water on his clothes and cursed dejectedly: “I’m tired after running this way. Is this a horse?” Slap to death. On the other hand, he stood up, fleeing too hurriedly without time to change the clothes, so he could only drive on the road with a muddy water.

0……Look for flowers…

Hua Rong is now on the run. Even if the soil becomes very disgusting after being stuck on his body, he does not dare to stop at the inn on the road to rest. I only dare to buy some simple food and new horses.

He was covered with mud and looked like a servant. When he went to buy things, the boss thought he was a beggar from somewhere, so he picked up the things and prepared to drive people away, but he was frightened by Fei Rong’s ferocious appearance. Apart from winning politics, Mi Rong has never been so angry. Reluctantly, I was on the run, so I had to compromise and settle down. Turn around and leave after buying something

open. The bosses were still muttering, “Where did this stray dog ​​come from? It’s so dirty, and it’s fierce.”


Fei Rong rushed to the road, resisting the anger in his heart and continued on the road. He was going to find it, and now only where is the only place where he can make a living.

King Zhao Xiaocheng was very excited when he heard that Mi Rong was coming, and even warmly welcomed Mi Rong himself. When he saw Mi Rong wolf fox look, Zhao Xiaocheng Wang Qiang held back his smile and said with a serious expression: After hard work, the widow immediately arranged to pick up the dust.

Hua Rong nodded with a wry smile.

King Zhao Xiaocheng prepared a table of good wine and good food. Hua Rong saw it like a savage who hadn’t eaten enough for 800 years, pulling at the dinner table, not afraid of choking and stuffing it in his mouth. King Zhao Xiaocheng doubted whether this man was a miracle or not, how did he become so downhearted. He still couldn’t help the doubts in his heart, and asked out: “I heard that King Zhuang Xiang of Da Qin suddenly died suddenly.

I don’t know if this incident has something to do with you falling into such a state of despair?”

Hua Rong almost choked up when he was eating, and forced himself to swallow what was in his mouth before answering: “Killing Zi Chu is indeed a risky, but it is worth it. Only to avoid winning politics, he fell into such a field. Fortunately, Zhao The country is still willing to take me in.”

When King Zhao Xiaocheng heard that, King Zhuang Xiang really died by Mi Rong’s hand, and his face was happy: “You can kill Yingzi Chu, you are the great hero of the State of Zhao!” Factory,

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