Chapter 402 Kill into a Jiao】

Cheng Jiao reacted after seeing such a scene. The surrounding ministers shouted the name of Yingzheng, and he was about to embrace him as King Qin. Cheng Jiao’s face turned pale, and Yingzheng suddenly dared to destroy the edict directly. This was something he didn’t expect. of.

“Are you crazy? It’s clear that the widow is the king of Qin appointed by the edict. King Zhuang Xiang has just passed away before he enters the soil, you dare to disobey his will.” Cheng Jiao has been claiming to be widowed, and this claiming that he is already there. I have repeated it thousands of times in my heart, just waiting to use it today. Now it hasn’t been used once or twice, how can the position of King Qin be taken by the winning government like this


“You should have heard it. All the civil and military officials in the Manchu dynasty said it was His Royal Highness the Holy Prince. No, it should be called the King now. Can this be fake?” Lu Buwei reached out and put his hand on Cheng Jiao’s shoulder, making him kneel on the ground: “Whether it is true or not, you should know in your heart. You should kneel down in front of the king, don’t ask for trouble.”

Cheng Jiao pointed at Yingzheng with a trembling finger: “You are frantic. It is clearly my name on the will, and it is mine!” He sputtered and rolled on the ground like an aggrieved child. All the officials 470 showed a look of pity.

Among them, the Chu people and the scholar-officials reacted the most. Today’s victory in politics is different from the past. Not only does he have the air of the emperor, but also has a bloodthirsty breath, which makes people inapproachable. Originally, they could support Cheng Jiao and make him a righteous King of Qin in the name of the will, but as soon as Ying Zheng appeared, they knew that if they did this seriously, they would have to join Cheng Jiao.

It’s unlucky.

Those with low official positions are the most stupid. Their reactions are a little slow and their minds are a little pedantic. When I saw the edict, I thought that King Zhuang Xiang had really become the king of Jiao, and they only obeyed.

The only Qingming people in the court are Han Fei, Li Si, and Ji Ya. On the night of King Zhuang Xiang’s death, they received the Queen’s secret edict, which nominally served as a guardian for King Zhuang Xiang in place of the prince, but in fact they discussed important matters.

At that time, Ying Zheng had already seen through Cheng Jiao’s actions. Cheng Jiao is as timid as a mouse, and someone behind him must make suggestions, and even personally help Cheng Jiao accomplish all this. They had already negotiated before the upper dynasty, destroyed the edict, in the name of the holy prince, in the name of the group of officials (aibd), the name is right, and the rule is inherited.

Lu Buwei was the first to stand up: “His Royal Highness inherited the edict and inherited the throne. It is a blessing for the Great Qin and the people. King Zhuang Xiang is in good health, and there must be fraud in his sudden death. He also asked His Royal Highness to take charge of the funeral.”

Cheng Jiao was frightened by these words, and Lu Buwei wanted to thoroughly investigate the cause of Ying Zichu’s death. Moreover, I was asked to investigate by Ying Zheng. Regardless of whether there was evidence or not, he would die miserably. When he thought that he had fallen into the hands of Ying Zheng, Cheng Jiao’s body couldn’t stop shaking, his eyes were full of panic, and he couldn’t speak. Began to stammer.

His reaction was too great, and the people in the hall could tell at a glance that Cheng Jiao had a ghost in his heart.

Ying Zheng walked slowly to Cheng Jiao, and looked at Cheng Jiao condescendingly: “Say, what does King Father’s death have to do with you.” He exuded a powerful killing intent, and everyone in the court could feel it. Winning the government’s murderous heart, the rain outside is getting more and more scared, the thunder is deafening, and the sky above the head is gloomy, as if it is about to collapse, Chaotang

Shang also became dark, lightning and thunder illuminating Ying Zheng’s cheeks, as well as those red eyes like bloodthirsty.

Cheng Jiao was frightened. He blocked him with his hand, and kept backing away to avoid winning the government: “It’s not me, it’s not me, I didn’t do anything.”

Ying Zheng leaned down, facing Cheng Jiao’s face, with one hand on Cheng Jiao’s neck, slightly contracted: “Let’s talk about who it is.”

The feeling is like the sensation of a poisonous snake crawling on the skin, which makes people shudder. Cheng Jiao felt that the winning hand was constantly shrinking, and he was about to strangle him. Cheng Jiao didn’t move. He was already terrified to the extreme. He didn’t even listen to his body, only his eyes kept widening as his strength increased.

Even people who know that their time of death has come can hardly face death.

“No, please, don’t.” Cheng Jiao felt something cold across his cheek. The man did not flick when he had tears, he was scared to cry.

Ying Zheng used his fingertips across Cheng Jiao’s tears, and a blood stain was drawn on his face. A sharp pain followed, and Cheng Jiao’s throat overflowed with painful moans: “As long as you tell who it is, The widow will spare your life.” The voice of the victory is like the whisper of a devil.

“You and I are brothers. Do you dare to kill me in front of the people in Chaotang? Don’t forget that there is a line of Chu people here. They will not allow it.” Cheng Jiao hadn’t finished speaking, and Yingzheng would have blood stained. The finger moved to the side of Cheng Jiao’s eye socket, and the blood stain left a strange mark on his face. “Ah!” With a heart-piercing scream, Ying Zheng even directly caught Cheng Jiao’s eyeball.

Dug it down.

Cheng Jiao’s body was distorted by the pain, but Ying Zheng still clenched his neck tightly, holding him in his hand like catching a cat or puppy. Cheng Jiao was breathless, his tongue hanging out.

“A widow has never dared to do anything. Killing you is easier than trampling on an ant.” The voice of winning the government pierced everyone’s hearts like a cone of ice. They all knew that if Cheng Jiao didn’t let go, he would be better than Death is still uncomfortable.

“Hua Rong was handled by Mi Rong alone, and has nothing to do with me.” Cheng Jiao’s hoarse throat came out such a sentence, and everyone in the court heard it. This was simply planned by Mi Rong and Cheng Jiao in trying to seek power to usurp the throne.

When he said this sentence, his value of use was over. All you need to do is to let everyone in the court know their crimes, and they are all dead.

The hand that was holding Cheng Jiao’s neck slowly loosened. Cheng Jiao thought that he had let go of winning the government, and there was just a glimmer of joy in his heart, before he could relax. The hand suddenly pinched it again.

Ying Zheng had a dismissive attitude toward Cheng Jiao. In his eyes, it was just rubbish, and one day it would be swept away. But he poisoned Ying Zichu to death, and the crime was unforgivable. Ying Zheng grasped the strength very well, kept it at the limit of his pain and did not let him die easily. Ying Zheng was admiring Cheng Jiao’s face, that face was full of blood and tears, and his tongue was dangling outside.

The eye turned into a blood hole, and the other eye kept turning up. This kind of pain tortured Cheng Jiao a little bit.

The people in the court can only breathe in helplessness. Seeing Cheng Jiao’s hand hanging down, he stopped struggling. As soon as Yingzheng gave off his hand, his body fell to the ground. .

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