Chapter 397 Dangerous Thoughts]

Ying Zheng looked at Fei Yan’s white smile and felt his heart softened: “Of course they will. When they start to kill for themselves, there will be more interesting things.” Fei Yan became interested when he heard that Ying Zheng said this. , I thought it was an interesting story.

Fei Yan asked Ying Zheng curiously: “Is there something fun going to happen again? Will you take me to see the puppy this time? Now that I think about the scene that night, I think it is very interesting.

This time the story is not fun, there are countless casualties, and blood has flowed thousands of miles away. Yingzheng has anticipated that this time the central inspection team will lead to much more than that. The line of scholar-officials and Chu people in the DPRK is about to be eradicated, and some people may not be able to sit still. They will not be slaughtered in vain. They won the government and even guessed what crazy things they would do. There is no thread in his heart

Not to be shaken, at that time, the sword in his hand will not hesitate at all.

Fei Yan still asked reluctantly, Ying Zheng didn’t want to say these bloody things. Looking at the kind of koi in the pond, he asked Feiyan: “Do you like red?”

“Red?” Feiyan was caught off guard by the question, Xiangnan muttered this, does Yingzheng like red? Secretly took a look at Yingzheng’s profile. He has been pacing the fish in the pond and the bait in his hand at 467 hours. The food was sprinkled in, and he looked very focused. “I like it, Fei Yan’s favorite color is red.” Fei Yan was very happy, thinking of the fire he is best at using.

The flame is also red, which is simply a color tailored for yourself.

What Fei Yan thinks is the beautiful and passionate red, just like a young girl’s first love. What Win Zheng thinks is the scene of blood splashing all over the sky. The road to the emperor is already bloody.

Cheng Jiao is the kind of life-saving person that Yingzheng said. He would go to Mi Rong to discuss it, which was something that was expected by the government for a long time. After thinking for a while, Feicheng looked at Cheng Jiao. Cheng Jiao thought he had finally figured out some wonderful way. Micheng just sighed, “Oh. I’m afraid I can’t help this time.”

“Uncle, uncle save me. You can’t help me. Only you can help me in the world.” Cheng Jiao begged.

“Even if I want to help you, I can’t do anything about it. The power to win the government is already overwhelming. No matter what, I can’t compete with him.” Mi Rong’s face is full of sorrow, and he has to admit that the current court is winning the government. NS.

“There is also my power. My power and my uncle will have the same hatred of the enemy, and fight against the winning government together.” Cheng Jiao behaved very humble at this moment.

“What’s the best use of your little power? They are all made up of wine and rice bags. When they really need to be used, all of them are tortoises with their heads shrunk. It is better not to keep them.” Fei Rong said unceremoniously. In fact, what Cheng Jiao said belonged to his own forces.

Cheng Jiao felt that he had been humiliated, but Fei Jie was now his only life-saving straw, and he could not express any dissatisfaction.

Fei Rong sighed as he looked at him: “Seeing that you are being bullied by the winning government into this way, my uncle can’t bear it.” Cheng Jiao thought that Mi Rong was going to save himself. Light up, looking at Mi Rong, hoping to find compassion and compassion on his face. But Feicheng did not. He just continued to say: “Unfortunately I am still observing filial piety.

No political participation. How to be the enemy of winning politics?”

He has been far away from the court for too long, and he has no idea about the changes in the court. Now let him rush into politics, and he is not very sure.

Cheng Jiao asked back: “Does Uncle feel that he is old and should leave the court?”

“Impossible, no matter how long I leave the court, I will not completely withdraw. As long as I have a chance, I will definitely go back again!” Mi Rong was poked into the painful spot, and his words were a bit passionate.

“(Aibd) Since Uncle (aibd) has such ambitions, why not take this opportunity to suppress the victory and let him never dare to attack us again.

Fei Rong was a little moved by the words: “Even if I have the intention to do this now, I am afraid I can’t help you. The Chu people and the scholar-officials are falling too fast. Even with my help, it will not help.”

Seeing that Mi Rong was about to retreat again, Cheng Jiao felt that he had no patience to persuade him again: “Uncle, today I only ask one sentence, do you help or not. If you don’t help, you know the consequences yourself, not me. Threatening you, what really threatens you is winning politics. We are people on the same boat, but my uncle is hesitant. Do you really have to wait for winning politics to take me?

Should we kill them all?”

Hua Rong’s reaction was dull, and even some pretending to be cowardly said: “Winning politics will definitely not dare to kill us.”

Cheng Jiao heard that behind it was ashes. Indeed, it is possible to win politics and not kill them, but it is only a small life. Let them live like big dogs of the bereavement, without the power and the power to bully them in the DPRK. Or directly imprisoned, like a rotten wooden puppet. That kind of life is really dark. It’s not that Cheng Jiao never imagined that one day he would become that way

Son, it’s just that he didn’t dare to think and didn’t want to think about it.

Once he and Ying Zheng were given high hopes from the same position. Why is it that in just a few years, he has fallen into a beggar’s appearance, and can only pray for the eyes of others every day. However, Yingzheng enjoys reputation and wealth as it should be. Everyone shouts the holy prince, everyone respects him, girls admire him, and the father loves him, everyone

All staring at him. Even if it is the pride of heaven, these are too extravagant.

Cheng Jiao shed tears unconvincingly, and cried to Mi Rong and said to Mi Rong, “Uncle, if you are not willing to help, it is better to kill me now. I know I can’t beat the victory in politics, and I don’t want to live a life of being under the fence in the future. . If you really want to be like that, it’s better to die!”

Hua Rong finally changed his expression and looked at Cheng Jiao with a deep and unpredictable look: “Yes, it seems that you are not as incompetent as I thought. In that case, my uncle will help you. But this trick is very dangerous. If you fail, you must die.

Cheng Jiao was frightened and shuddered: “I’m not afraid! If you want to make a big thing, you have to pay a price. Anyway, winning politics will not let me go. It’s a dead word anyway, it’s better to fight.”

“Very well, it seems that you still have some savvy.” Mi Rong smiled satisfied, not in vain, he just kept pretending, just want to see if he can be a bit prosperous. .

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