Chapter 398 plot】

Cheng Jiao looked at Mi Rong expectantly, his head was empty, and now his head was cut off by others, and he could only rely on another person’s head to think of ideas. It’s also ironic to want to come.

After a while, Mi Rong finally spoke: “Now you and I can’t fight against winning the government. Other people can’t help it.

As soon as Cheng Jiao heard this, he couldn’t let Mi Rong have the slightest retreat: “How can uncle say such frustrating words again. Winning the government is not because we can let us go by kneeling and begging for mercy. Uncle, you have to think about it. Now it’s a matter of life and death.”

“Don’t worry, wait for me to finish. It is true that the two of us can’t fight and win politics, but one person can.” Mi Rong lowered his voice, and said in a mystical way.

“Who is the uncle referring to?” Cheng Jiao quickly thought in his mind. In the past few years, the court has always won the government and the one person is the only one. Except for those who obey the winning government, there are still good fruits to eat, and some others have been won. Weakened power, some were subdued by the winning political system, and the most miserable even lost their lives: “Uncle mean, we are going to instigate those who submit to-win the government?”

Mi Rong looked at Cheng Jiao with a contemptuous look: “I just said that you are a little ambitious, how ambitious and ambitious is so stupid. Now the power of the old Qin people in the court is strong, how can they be instigated, even if they can get them up. Yixin, it took enough time for you to die thousands of times.

“Uncle said that.” Cheng Jiao quickly closed his mouth, knowing that if he behaves too naively again, his uncle will definitely feel that he is useless, and then give up saving himself.

“The person I’m talking about is King Qin.” Mi Rong said this word by word. He saw Cheng Jiao’s body suddenly shook, and it seemed that the words of King Qin had some strange nerves involved.

“King Qin.” Cheng Jiao’s expression became very lost in an instant: “Uncle, you should know what life I have lived since Madam Huayang died. There is a saying that people have to bow their heads under the eaves. I am deeply impressed by the words. With this head lowered, I forget that I am also a member of the royal family. The person with the lowered head keeps looking at the ground, and forgets the sky over time.

What is it like? Dark Wutianri is probably like this. ”

Hua Rong slowly lowered his head when he watched Cheng Jiao say this, and his tone was full of grievances. He couldn’t help but sighed and said, “Oh, uncle knows that you have been wronged, but uncle has never had a chance during his filial piety. I am really wronged to see you.

“Grief, grievance is nothing. Just grievance is not enough. Winning politics is my life. If he asks the Central Inspection Team to investigate me, then I will be put on the hat of greed for money and be killed. If he sends a killer, then It was a cold knife that took my life in the dead of night. It’s cruel to win politics.” Cheng Jiao’s voice had already begun to choke, and he paused for a moment.

He continued: “No, I should have known that he was a cruel man. He murdered on the hunting ground that year is still vivid in my mind. When I sleep at night, the scene will suddenly appear in my dreams. The feeling of being awakened in a cold sweat is really terrible. Now it’s finally my turn to become his dead soul.”

Fei Rong said: “You are also the son of Win Zichu anyway, and you are the same brothers as Win Zheng, and even if Win Zheng really wants to kill you, can you still ignore Win Zi Chu?

“Son? I have never been in the eyes of Ying Zichu. Uncle, you joked. I was not his son. I was born with Yingzheng. I’ve adopted it. Can this be the same? It’s not the same. It’s absolutely different. What’s more, Yingzheng is smart and capable, and has made a lot of achievements. Yingzichu loves this son in every way, and will give Daqin in the future.

Give it to him as a gift. As for me, it seems to be picked up from the side of the road and used to set off the political victory. “Cheng Jiao smiled self-deprecatingly.

Hua Rong didn’t speak any more, Cheng Jiao was anxious: “Uncle, you just said that only King Qin can fight against winning the government, don’t you have any hopes, want the winner Chu to protect me. In vain, I call you Uncle , You actually pushed me to a stranger like this. King Qin won Zi Chu, Queen Zhao Ji, and Prince Prince won the government. They are a family, and none of them saw me.

Why don’t you talk about protecting me?”

“Uncle knows that I have suffered you over the years, so don’t get excited. The Qin king that Uncle just said was not saying that he won Zi Chu.”

0……Look for flowers……

Cheng Jiao’s eyes widened unconsciously. King Qin wasn’t talking about who else could win Zichu. He didn’t understand what Mi Rong meant, or maybe he didn’t dare to understand.

Fei Rong smiled slightly: “Naturally I am not talking about Winning Zichu, because this King Qin, I’m talking about you!” Then he leaned over and made a salute: “Welcome to King Qin.”

Seeing this action, Cheng Jiao was shocked: “Uncle, what do you mean, do you want me to be King Qin?” The second half of the sentence was lowered by the adult mosquitoes. If this kind of thing happens, you will lose your head. Don’t let other people hear it. “Uncle, you should understand what I said just now. Ying Zi Chu doesn’t recognize my son at all, he can’t let me be Qin

King. Want to sit in this position, I am afraid only… Cheng Jiao made a killing action.

Hua Rong’s face was filled with a sullen look: “Of course. I have been preparing for this day for a long time.

“Uncle, tell me, what’s the solution.” Cheng Jiao was overjoyed. It seemed that Fei Rong was going to do a big thing this time, and it was good for him. Cheng Jiao was overjoyed.

“For so many years, I have been secretly supporting the doctor’s poisonous family. No one knows about this. Except for me, you are the second one. Even if you win the government, you have a good eye, this is a secret. He may even even The Poison Gate doesn’t know anything, hahaha.” Mi Rong laughed triumphantly, not at all like Cheng Jiao’s cautiously lowering his voice.

Cheng Jiao knew the power of the Poison Gate, using poison like a god, killing people invisible. Suddenly he remembered something like: “Uncle, you absolutely can’t do this. If Win Zi Chu is poisoned to death, the old man’s will is definitely to let Ying Zheng be the king of Qin. Then we are not doing nothing. Did you let Yingzheng sit in advance?” Cheng Jiao knew it without even thinking about it

Ying Zichu’s posthumous photo must have been erected long ago, and it is definitely the name of Ying Zheng.

Fei Rong showed an unpredictable expression: “How do you know that this edict will not be your name? As long as Ying Zi Chu is dead and the edict is read out, I can guarantee that it will definitely be your name, Cheng Jiao. At that time, you were the king of Qin who was just right now.” Factory,

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