Chapter 396 Life-saving Cheng Jiao]

Lord Changping and Lord Chang were taken aback by Cheng Jiao’s actions: “You mean to kill and win the government?”

“Why, do you think I’m cruel? Now, the winning government wants to kill me, first hits first, and then starts to suffer. Winning government wants to kill me, why can’t I kill him.” Cheng Jiao’s annoyed face blushed, and he was angry. It’s also vicious.

Mr. Changping and Mr. Changguo understood that those who make big things do not stick to the trivial, and kindness is sometimes superfluous. “If the prince is going to kill you, we two will definitely do our best to protect you.” The two of them said very conservatively, their faces were also embarrassed, as if they were struggling with something.

Cheng Jiao was even more angry when they saw the two of them like this: “What do you two old four men mean? This shows that you don’t want to help me. Don’t forget that Yingzheng did something to you when you went to Baoyang County. What, the shame and shame will be unforgettable for life.” Cheng Jiao was deliberately provoking Changping Jun and Chang Guojun to anger them, so that they would be in line with himself.

“I and the other two have made it clear that they will never let the Saint Prince hurt half of your hair. Even if you are threatened with death when the time comes.” Changping Jun and Chang Guojun have made up their minds.

“You really value your own fate. Winning the government doesn’t need to ask you if you want your life. I tell you, as long as I die, you will be the next one. Then you will wait for despair, old things.” Cheng Jiao said harshly: “I don’t care, I just want to win the government and die, only if he dies, I will feel at ease.”

“Win the government, you can’t die.” Changping-jun and Chang-guo sighed and said: “Although the win-government is an enemy of the two of us, we often suffer humiliation in his hands. But the win-government must never die.

When Cheng Jiao looked at these two people instead of helping him, they were also speaking for the victory, only feeling more angry. “Why do you do this? Give me a reason. 々.

Changping Jun and Chang Guojun said helplessly: “In this world, anyone who has two eyes knows that everything that wins the government does is to benefit the people. If you don’t talk about it, you can take the imperial examination system. , Let the court hall look new. The establishment of a school, to provide a way out for many scholars. There are also sweet potatoes, so that the people are full of food. Selling woolen clothes, the money of the six countries has been profitable.

Light. This pile of piles is one by one, no one is in the eye. There are only advantages and no disadvantages to the formation of the Central Inspection Team this time. What reason do I have to oppose?

Cheng Jiao reacted. On that day, Lord Chang Ping and Lord Chang did not participate in the rally to discuss how to deal with the winning government. They simply did not want to resist the winning government. Now that they shirk themselves in every possible way, these two men might have become traitors long ago. Cheng Jiao knew that it was useless to spend a lot of words with these two people.

Toes are not counted, they can save his life at best, others are not necessarily. Cheng Jiao glared at Changping Jun and Chang Guojun and cursed at them: “You two useless old things, I really hope that Yingzheng can chop off your two dog heads with a knife first. I Cheng Jiao is by the side. Watch with your eyes and see how you feel.”

After saying that, he left. Now when he is in a critical condition, he can’t waste time here, and ran overnight to find the Huayang magistrate who was guarding his filial piety. Mi Rong would never fail to save himself. Cheng Jiao walked along the way, thinking about how to save himself. When I walked to the door, I slammed my arm so hard that my eyes were sore.

It’s red, and then I walked in.

Hua Rong was guarding his filial piety, and was taken aback by Cheng Jiao’s appearance: “How can I make it like this? I really don’t want to talk.”

When Cheng Jiao saw this first sentence, he didn’t drive himself away, it was that there was still a scene, and he knelt down in front of Half Cheng, he couldn’t help sighing in his heart, it was the same when the scholar-officials still sought their own asylum a month ago. Kneeling down, I didn’t expect Feng Shui to turn so fast. Today it was my turn to ask Mi Rong for help.

“Then the ambition to win politics, he is finally going to kill me. What to do, save me. Maybe I will be gone when I open my eyes that day.” Cheng Jiao exaggerated the words, and those who didn’t know thought he won. Masamune is guarding at the door with a knife.

Fei Rong felt that Cheng Jiao was exaggerating, but he did not suspect that winning the government would kill Cheng Jiao. In his opinion, this would even happen sooner or later.

Cheng Jiao sensed Fei Rong’s movement and continued: “Now that the line of scholar-officials has been completely extinct, we Chu people are also in danger, and we will be repaid if we win politics. We will definitely not let the two of us go.”

“Impossible. Our two identities are extraordinary. No matter how ruthless we are to win the government, it is impossible to kill both of us without basis. At that time, he will not be able to explain to the people of the world.” Mi Rong is still somewhat confident. He has relied on this for so long to protect himself.

*”Uncle, Yingzheng set up a central inspection team to kill us. “The tears of Cheng Jiao’s words made Mi Rong a little sad to hear. The Central Inspection Team supported them by winning the government. It was unscrupulous and sent the scholar-bureaucrats and Chu people to the guillotine. Even if they could not find evidence, they were still a little bit sad. Will be assassinated. It’s dead both overtly and secretly.

Hua Rong heard: “It is so unreasonable to win the government.” After being stirred up by Cheng Jiao, Ban Rong also felt that the situation was really not optimistic. If he didn’t make a move, I’m afraid he would really be over. Mrs. Hua Yang also died by the hands of winning politics. I am afraid that there is no one who won the government and dare not kill anymore in the world.

Cheng Jiao knows that Mi Rong is also a person who is greedy for life and fear of death. As long as he (Ma Wang Zhao) bites the victory, he will definitely defend him. Mi Rong feels that his life is threatened, he will definitely take action. As he expected, it wasn’t me who took the bait.

While Cheng Jiao is facing life and death crisis, Ying Zheng is walking leisurely with Feiyan. Fei Yan had nothing to do, and took a handful of fish food and sprinkled it into the pond, and the small fishes rushed together to grab food. Fei Yan said naively: “People die for money, and birds die for food. It seems that this is correct. But Feiyan is still a little curious, there is no food.

If you don’t, the bird will starve to death. It’s not a big deal if you don’t have money. Why would you die for it?”

“Fei Yan knows that the court has been cleaning up those corrupt and perverted. They are the best example. Taking ill-gotten gains will cost life.”

Fei Yan raised her face and asked, “Is that really the case?”.

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