Chapter 395 Moon Black Wind High Murder Night]

The scholar-bureaucrat went to Cheng Jiao with a lot of money to seek refuge.

Cheng Jiao watched these people kneel down in front of him, and a burst of pride suddenly rose in his heart. In the past, he was obscured by the victory of the government. He has an identity in the sky above the court. He has never enjoyed this kind of treatment: “Why, you guys? Is there anything you want me to do?”

“I’m being forced by the central inspection team to have nowhere to go, and I beg you to protect me and wait for a little life.”

Cheng Jiao was overjoyed when he saw these people begging for themselves so humblely. On his face, he pretended to be indifferent in the ordinary days of winning politics: “There must be a reason to protect you, right.” Cheng Jiao glanced at the people on the ground, this kind of condescending feeling, he has been a long time. Not over.

It is not only the Chu people or the scholar-officials who want to cling to the Jiao Jiao here. Fortunately, the Chu people said that being able to get along with Cheng Jiao would make the scholar-officials different. They hurriedly took out the money they brought and presented them. Cheng Jiao glanced coldly, then sneered: “That’s it?”

When they saw that the situation was not good, they quickly said more money: “As long as you are willing to agree, all of them will be offered with both hands.”

Cheng Jiao laughed wildly in his heart: “Winning politics, winning politics, the world says that you are the most profitable. It seems that I am not bad at becoming a Jiao.” Cheng Jiao didn’t know that the money these people gave was the same as the winning government. Money comparison is just the tip of the iceberg.

These people got Cheng Jiao’s consent, and they all thought they had caught a life-saving straw. Finally retreated with a sigh of relief. Cheng Jiao was left alone, confused. In fact, he didn’t know what to do with the Central Inspection Team. He was not checked by them just because of his identity. Many people suffer from prison. There are only a few very high-ranking people still standing.

In this wind and rain, Cheng Jiao was originally Ni Shansa who could not protect himself from crossing the river, but he still wanted to protect others.

Soon Li Si and Han Fei told Yingzheng about this matter: “His Royal Highness, they brought a lot of gold and silver treasures to find Cheng Jiao, and there must be fraud.”

Yingzheng pondered for a moment: “Now the central inspection team dare not beat Mi Rong, Cheng Jiao, and some high-ranking people. They are all hard stones. Head-to-head encounters will hurt both sides.” Then he glanced at Zhao Gao, the latter. I also sensed that there would be orders to win the government, and I hurriedly stepped forward: “Zhao Gao, you are leading the net.

Eradicate it all!”

Li Si and Han Fei were taken aback. Winning did not even plan to use the Central Inspection Team to pass a law to deal with these people, but directly attacked them. This makes them a little bit shy. In their opinion, it is too dark outside the law. Zhao Gao didn’t take it seriously. When he leaned over to take the order, his face was buried in the darkness, looking a little gloomy.

Moon Black Wind High Killing Night, when Cheng Jiao was still immersed in the thrill of the admiration of thousands of people and fell asleep that night, Luo Wang had already acted. Heaven-ranked assassins such as Bianri, Xuanzhen, and Liujiannu all dispatched, and they killed all the names on the death list.

These people are hiding in the darkness. Every time they come out of a house, the blade in their hands is more bloody. The killer is cold and heartless, but they secretly feel that this action is the most comfortable. All the frogs on the Great Qin Chaotang were killed. Clearly remove these things that stand in the way, so that the Saint Prince can do things more smoothly. After the evening passed, a scholar-official

The forces of Fang and Chu were almost extinct. Including the cruel and innocent high-ranking officials and nobles, they were also executed by the net.

After these people got the news, of course they knew what their cause of death was. Apart from winning politics, no one would be so ruthless. Their first reaction was to find Cheng Jiao.

“Yesterday you promised me to wait for asylum. Even the warlock of the rivers and lakes knew that the man had money to relieve the disaster. After only one night, so many people died. Master Cheng Jiao, how do you explain it?” It was inevitable that it would collapse before, and they ignored what they said.

Cheng Jiao burned with anger: “You dogs, who were lying on the ground yesterday and wagging their tails like dogs, but today they bite back. It’s really Damn it.”

“Master Cheng Jiao, a person is about to die. Do you still care if you look like a dog? These people obviously died at the hands of the prince. If you can’t keep my name, the dog’s fangs are not as good as the wolf, but you can do it. He bit off a piece of meat.

This is obviously intimidating Cheng Jiao: “You are worthy of yourself, relying on you? Win the government and dare to move, but you dare not move me.”

“Master Cheng Jiao, I am waiting for the large sum of gold and silver I sent yesterday, but it is still with you.” A vicious light shot from the literati’s eyes, reminding Cheng Jiao that they were already grasshoppers on a boat.

Cheng Jiao began to panic. He knew that these people would be a dead word to take a step back, and they could only press on himself step by step. In desperation, the adult mosquitoes had no choice but to agree to find a way, and this persuaded these people to leave.

After they left, they still walked on thin ice and panic all day long. Not to mention that I was so scared that I didn’t say a word when I was in the court, and I couldn’t sleep even when I slept, for fear that I would be executed in a dream. There are even more exaggerated people staying at their door all night, for fear of a killer coming in and taking their own lives.

However, Luo Wang did not stop because of their naive precautions. A month later, the status of the two forces of Chu people and scholar-bureaucrats in Da Qin was in jeopardy, and the entire Da Qin was completely dominated by Lao Qin people.

In the court, Li Si, Han Fei, Ji Ya, including Qi Mo, etc. called for the wind and rain in the 467 court to suppress the Chu people and scholar-officials. Han Fei was the most upright and upright, and even criticized Cheng Jiao. His words implied that Cheng Jiao should also be censored.

Cheng Jiao was really panicked this time. Winning Zheng really wanted to investigate himself. Everyone else seemed to be watching a good show. This time, if he was caught by the tail, his life would really be over. In desperation, Cheng Jiao had to find Lord Changping and Lord Chang.

“That winning politics deceived people too much. It’s impossible for you two to not know how many people’s blood has been on his hands this month.

Mr. Changping and Mr. Chang Guo sighed. These lives are the dead souls of winning the government. They can’t deny it. Cheng Jiao saw the two of them waver, and hurriedly said: “He has put it on my neck now. He just waited for the knife to fall. It was not my life that was lost, but the foundation of the entire Chu people. .You guys think about it, do you want to help me solve him.” Cheng

Jiao directly made a killing action and wiped it on his neck.

Winning politics can make those small moves that are secretly assassinated, why can’t he become a Jiao? What he wants to do is to directly kill the winning government once a hundred, without his support, what the central inspection team, but the group of miscellaneous fish, will soon be like a dish of sand. .

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