Chapter 392 Set up a central inspection team]

The first round of exams is over, Han Fei and Li Si follow the usual practice to select a few outstanding students. When Li Si stood in front of Little Fatty, Little Fatty was a little flattered: “Me? I want to go to the third floor too.” He knew how well he answered on his test paper. It’s unbelievable.

Others were also very surprised, especially the other scholars who were in the inn that day. When the little fat man walked past them, his arrogant expression made them wonder if he was really a dog.

On the third floor of Juxian Building, Ying Zichu and Ying Zheng have been waiting for a long time. Winning Zichu opened his mouth and said, “You are all very good students. If you stand out in this imperial examination, you are not far from officialdom.”

The little fat man was a little excited, but his father spent a lot of money to stuff it inside. Originally, he wanted to be a small official. He didn’t expect to get him to these three floors. He also saw the king and the holy prince. , Is the money in place or he is really talented, the little fat man gets more excited the more he thinks about it. The official positions assigned here are not simple.

“After entering the officialdom, who can guarantee that you can always uphold your original aspirations and not be affected by the filthy atmosphere of the officialdom?”

The students were stunned by this question, thinking that they were testing their loyalty, and they all said they would definitely not 463. “I wait for the grace of the Holy Prince to have the chance to come forward today. Naturally, I will not fail the Holy Prince and Da Qin.” The little fat man would not say this kind of context, but just followed them with nodding and bowing, looking funny. Even Win Zheng feels

It is really a waste of pen and paper to give this kind of person, how can I cultivate a fool.

“I can’t believe it.” As a king, Ying Zichu is not angry and prestigious. Wherever the students had seen this scene, they were so scared that they dare not speak. Winning Zichu continued: “The widow has heard that some of you want to enter officialdom by bribery. How can this kind of people not be corrupt!”

The students quickly knelt down. The little fat man was so frightened that he forgot to kneel and fell directly on the ground. He knew why he answered so badly that he would still come to the third floor of the Juxian Building. Han Fei and Li Si had brought a person up, and the little fat man didn’t know who he was.

Han Fei said: “His Royal Highness, it has been found out that this person has collected a lot of money. But in fact, he is only responsible for cleaning the small servant in Juxian Building, (aibd) pretending to be an exam examiner and cheating people everywhere. Just waiting. After the exam, I ran away. Now that the matter has been found out, he is the only one. Please ask the Prince to send it away.”

“Father, although this incident did not cause substantial damage, it was an act of corruption and should be dealt with by Daqin Decree.

Ying Zichu frowned: “All of them were dragged out and cut.”

The soldiers beside him stepped forward and pulled the little fat man from the ground. The little fat man was terribly frightened: “Wang Shang, spare my life, I don’t know anything, let me go.

Victory Zichu’s killing intent was determined, and he didn’t mean to withdraw his fate. Everyone in Juxian Tower heard the little fat man’s begging for mercy. After passing the first and second floors, he was dragged out. The voice faded away, and his head fell to the ground after a while. This incident shocked everyone upstairs in Juxian.

“Now the widow asks you, if widow gives you a chance to stop corruption, are you willing or unwilling?

These people were very scared. It took a long time to recover, and they all received the blessings of free reading and rice paper brushes. And what they want in their studies is just a show of ambition.

Han Fei and Li Si said: “If you don’t want to, you can quit. You can also get the corresponding position without hindrance. If you want, you will fight for the entire Daqin Liming people in the future.” Looking at these students, under such conditions, it is normal if someone chooses to quit.

“His Royal Highness, no matter what other people do, I will never quit.” A student stood up and said, looking up at the front, his eyes full of perseverance. I can see that he has made up his mind.

“I will also participate. I have read dozens of sages and sages to contribute to Daqin. Just like the case just now, the source is caused by human greed. I would like to wait. So that everyone in the Great Qin Dynasty should deny themselves and serve the public, and be honest and upright.”

“I’m willing to participate.” The other students also said in unison. After a while of excitement, no one left, all joined.

Yingzheng nodded and announced: “The Central Inspection Team is formally established. Each of you is a sixth-rank official. Han Fei, Li Si, your record number, these people’s names, and then send someone to tell them the rules of the Central Inspection Team. ”

After Han Fei and Li Si took the orders, they asked these people to go and register, and after doing this, they went down. This imperial examination finally ended successfully here. They still need to deal with the rest.

“What do you think of them?” Ying Zheng turned around.

“It is incumbent on the country, and courage is commendable. As expected, it is still a hero from ancient times.” Ying Zichu sighed lightly. Many of the people in the courtroom, when they entered officialdom at the beginning of the year, did the same, but after all Still mixed in that dirty river.

Li Si and Han Fei said in time: “This year’s test takers’ results are obviously much better than last year. I believe they will definitely make a difference after entering the officialdom. Thanks to the Prince Sheng’s academy and school, they have cultivated these outstanding talents. Not only that, but the Saint Prince also personally compiled the Qin Xue subjects. These students are so upright and upright, they are all taught by Qin Xue.

The content is affected.

It is also purposeful for Yingzheng to let these candidates become the central inspection team. It’s like letting the first class of students follow the peasant family to do farming, so that they can temper themselves before entering the officialdom. The central inspection team is mainly investigating corruption. They are in it, and they can draw a clear line between corrupt individuals. You can also understand the end of corruption, and in the future

You can always spur yourself. Has been incorruptible.

A worried look appeared on Ying Zichu’s face. Yingzheng bluntly said: “Father is worried about those people in the court.” Once there is any benefit-related damage, there will always be a storm in the court. .

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