Chapter 391 The second national imperial examination]

The last question is very simple: “What do you think about the imperial examination system?” There is no absolute answer. Instead, it is more like Yingzheng listening to their suggestions. The following students began to discuss. Li Si coughed and motioned for them to be quiet. This silence is completely quiet. No one speaks. I have been waiting for a long time, not even Han Fei and Li Si.

Ann looks to win the government.

Winning government didn’t care. This issue should be considered carefully. He didn’t mind waiting. Ji Zhong was the first to stand up: “The imperial examination system is very fair. He can provide the truly capable people with the opportunity to serve the country, so that the incompetent will consciously let the virtuous. If the imperial examination system has been adhered to, Daqin will definitely prosper. prosperity.”

With the first person at the beginning, the people behind can keep up, and they all talk about the many benefits of the imperial examination system. When there was no one to speak, Ying Zheng stood up and looked at the students below and said: “You all know the advantages of the imperial examination system, but do you know the disadvantages of the imperial examination system? Maybe for you, this is not a good thing. As the children of high-ranking officials and nobles, you

It is no longer possible to inherit the glory of the father’s generation like the previous system. Everything depends on you. ”

Ji Zhong said: “But without the imperial examination system, our fathers would not become the so-called high-ranking officials.

Yingzheng nodded and continued: “Everything you enjoy in Daqin Xuezi Mansion now, you know how many people have long been fascinated. They will pass the imperial examination to replace your position. If you don’t work hard, no one will be in front of the system. It will not be an exception.”

The students below all bowed their heads. Indeed, the imperial examination system is a very cruel thing. Everyone knows its benefits, but they have forgotten how much it costs to get ahead under the imperial examination system.

After a moment of silence, Ji Zhong’s voice broke the silence in the school: “But we don’t regret it.

Yingzheng chuckled: “It will be the second imperial examination in one month. Then tell this palace again, you won’t regret it later, 々.” After saying that, he left. This is the end of the school inspection.

One month later, the second national imperial examination began as scheduled. It is still the scene of the world’s talents gathering in Xianyang. When this happens, the innkeeper is the happiest, every house is full, and many of them will live in with a lot of money, and the tipping is also a lot of income.

This is not just right. The son of a businessman lives here. When it’s time for dinner, he ordered a dozen dishes in one go. This person dumped it every time he couldn’t finish eating, even the innkeeper thought it was a pity. Some scholars beside him can’t stand it anymore: “Sages say you can’t waste food. Although your ancestors were in business, you are now reading sages’ books. How can you do that.”

“I think how can you manage it? Oh, oh, I know, this young master knows, you are too poor to eat these delicacies, come and come, we are classmates, and these will be given to you.

“Don’t deceive people too much!” These people feel humiliated.

“Hmph, if you don’t want to eat or not, if you don’t eat, I will eat. You quickly roll aside and don’t disturb me eating.” Then he grabbed the chicken drumstick on the table and stuffed it into his mouth.

“You read sage books in vain, and you will suffer by the time of the imperial examination.”

“You are really naive. There are no problems in this world that cannot be solved with money.” Something unpredictable suddenly appeared in the little fat man’s eyes. Others wanted to ask, he just said something inconsequential: “It’s good to have money. If you have money, it would be great. I am really lonely to sit here by myself.”

Saying that there is a car passing by the door. The scholars seemed to have been reminded: “Just your little money is still proud, do you know who is the richest person in the world? You can’t even compare with him. No, it should be an article. Meat bugs.”

“Who are you talking about?” The little fat man was still stuffing his mouth, speaking vaguely.

“Naturally it is the current Saint Prince. Did you see the car that just passed by the door? It is filled with precious rice paper and writing brushes, which are all prepared for tomorrow’s imperial examination, and these things are borne by the Saint Prince. The cost is free for us to use. Compared with the Prince, you will look at you again.” The scholar made an expression of contempt.

The little fat man was anxious: “That’s the holy prince, who can compare with the holy prince. You are deliberately difficult.” After he said that, he glanced at the door, and there was another car passing by. He still headed to the Juxian Building. The face was ashamed, and he broke his chopsticks.

This matter quickly spread to Yingzheng’s ears, and Yingzheng naturally knew what this little fat man meant. But it was the second imperial examination, and this kind of moth came out: “Go and pass Li Si and Han Fei.”

The next day, the imperial examinations officially began. Ying Zi Chu also visited the Juxian Building. When talking to Ying Zheng last time, he expressed his desire to come and see the imperial examination site, and finally got his wish. When the two appeared, Wanmin bowed down. After boarding the third floor together, the imperial examinations were officially started.

Winning Zichu said: “”” The widow did not expect that there were so many scholars in Daqin. The talented people just saw that the brushes they used for the exam were superb. Could it be that Zhenger had prepared them?”

“Yes, it is the son of the son.”

With so many people, the usage is very large, and Winning is still free for them to use. Winning Zichu has to lament the huge financial resources of Winning. Standing on the top and overlooking the first and second floors of the students, Ying Zichu felt very good: “Zheng’er did a good job in the imperial examination, and the construction of academies and schools is also very good. The widows are very pleased.

“But yesterday, I heard bad news. Someone bribed the examiner with money and wanted to benefit from it.”

“What? There is such a thing, the widow must thoroughly investigate it to the end.

“Father, my son has an idea. The talents selected in the first and second national imperial examinations will be formed by them to form a central inspection team to investigate the corruption and bribery of officials.”

Ying Zichu bowed his head and pondered for a moment: “This is a very good idea, just follow this. It’s just that I don’t know if these people can take on this big responsibility.”

“The members of the Central Inspection Team are all sixth-ranked officials. The position is not high. The focus is on their role. After they finish the first round of the exam, they will come to the third floor. When the time comes, the father can test their depth and see. Can you meet the expectations of the father.

Ying Zichu nodded, and He Yingzheng waited quietly on the third floor. Han Fei and Li Si invigilated the examination on the first and second floors. The two of them were not at ease at the moment. They were summoned by the Saint Prince yesterday, and they heard about the bribery. There was also the idea of ​​the Central Inspection Team in Saint Prince City. The building has killed people, and I am afraid it is not peaceful this time. Li Si has found that little fat

The figure of Zi, even though his papers are empty now, will go up to the third floor in a while.

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