Chapter 393 Daqin’s most special official position]

The imperial examination system is a major event. When the imperial examination is being conducted, a large crowd of people gather outside the Juxian building to watch. They also witnessed the fact that someone was dragged out and beheaded. This was a riot, everyone was talking about it, and finally the truth was confirmed. Many people were in panic, especially the Chu people and the scholar-officials.

Of course, they are not concerned about who the little fat man’s family bribed, or who was involved. This has nothing to do with them. The real damage to their interests is the Daqin Central Inspection Team. They gathered together that night. Da Qin did not allow ministers to gather in private, but now the situation is compelling, if they no longer want to find a way to prevent winning the government, everything will be

It’s over. No matter how big the risk is, we must discuss countermeasures.

The Chu people and the scholar-officials have the same interests on this point, and it is not surprising that they gathered together this time.

“Why didn’t Chang Ping Jun and Chang Guo Jun come?” These two people have always been in their early days, but now I don’t know why, they didn’t show up.

“The situation is urgent. Leave them alone and talk about major issues. When the king goes to court tomorrow, the king will definitely announce the establishment of the central inspection team. If we can’t come up with countermeasures before then, we will all die. These are. Everyone knows what Nian did by himself, and if it is found out, I am afraid it will be hard to escape a dead word.”

Everyone is very anxious: “This victory is to kill us. Even if we have been suppressed one after another, we still have to put us to death. It’s too much.

“If you want to scold and win the government, then go out and scold. Don’t delay our discussion of countermeasures.”

“I don’t know what chance we have when we unite this time. Winning the government is not easy to deal with. You have not forgotten the losses you have suffered before.” They all thought of the scholar-bureaucrat who died in the Xiongnu territory. , I can’t help but feel a little bit shy.

“Don’t panic, I don’t believe it. Then we can kill us with a sword in the court to win the government.” These words made the Chu people and the scholar-officials feel at ease and continue to discuss and discuss countermeasures.

It will be clear that the maids are waiting for Yingzheng to dress. Yingzheng looks at the sky outside, and the sun has faintly revealed from the clouds. From today on, this light will also shine into Daqin’s court hall, dividing all the long-existing darkness. When Yingzheng stepped into the court, everyone’s expressions were different. The scholar-officials and the Chu people looked at Yingzheng as vigilant as they were on the verge of an enemy.

The first sentence of the winning son Chu was sitting in danger. The first sentence was: “The widow announced that since then, the Daqin inspection team will be established to investigate people who commit crimes and corruption. If found, they will be dealt with in accordance with Daqin’s decree.

Coming! The Chu people and the scholar-bureaucrats all cheered up: “The minister dare to ask the king, who will be responsible for this inspection team.”

“All of them are talents selected in the first and second imperial examinations. Most of them come from ordinary people. They know the suffering of the people and do not go with the corrupt forces of the court. They are the most suitable candidates.”

“The minister thinks this is not the case. These people are used to being poor and they don’t know anything about the wealth of the old ministers. This one was accidentally regarded as corruption and bribery, so it can’t be said. The minister boldly recommended himself and joined the central inspection team. Share the worries for the king.”

Others also stood up and echoed: “This is such a major event, the minister is obliged to do so. Dingdang is exhausted after completion, and it is only after death.”

This was the first trick that the Chu people and scholar-officials came up with. They first belittled those who came out of the imperial examination system, and insisted that they didn’t understand the affairs of the imperial court, and that they had a poor background. The central inspection team wants to be established, yes. But they have to be composed of their own people. The so-called officials in the same dynasty, the officials protect each other. It’s much more convenient to get things done.

Winning Zichu’s expression changed. These people came prepared, unlike Chang Ping Jun and Chang Guo Jun taking the lead. Now Changping-jun and Chang-guo have not spoken yet, and Ying Zi Chu is worried that he still has a back player.

“Our palace has confirmed the people of the central inspection team, and entered the information one by one. You are busy with business on weekdays, and this kind of thing should be regarded as an opportunity for the younger generations to exercise.” Yingzheng rejected them directly.

“The chosen candidate can be changed again. His Royal Highness should not be so absolute. We also want to do our best for Da Qin, and also ask His Royal Highness to make it perfect.” The Chu people and the scholar-bureaucrats bitterly, just don’t let go. Must stir the muddy water.

Ying Zichu’s face also changed: “The widow has already given the decision of the Daqin inspection team to the prince. You don’t need to say more. Now that the candidate has been decided, just follow the prince’s instructions.

0……for flowers…

The Chu people and the scholar-officials saw that one move could not work, and then offered another trick: “Your Majesty, this central inspection team must never be established. Once it is established, it will surely make the ruling and opposition parties upset.” A scholar-official stepped forward. This is what they have left. If they can’t disrupt the organization of the inspection team, they will send people to oppose it.

“Only those who have done such evil things will be upset, and the heart of the widow is determined. You don’t need to say more about it.”

“Your Majesty, this central inspection team is in the sixth rank, most of which are still poor scholars. This is basically the holy prince’s intention to put power in the field and want to take up the position of the king in the future.” This scholar-official according to the original plan The plan said.

Winning Zichu’s eyes coldly ordered: “Come on, drag it down, Ling Chi will be executed.”

The guards acted immediately after hearing the order. This was caught off guard and scared the scholar-bureaucrat to sit on the ground.The biggest reason he was chosen as the representative was that he was too old. He had no credit and hard work in the court. Win Zichu directly hurt the killer, or Ling Chi was so terrible. The literati screamed in fright, “Wang Shang, be merciful, and Wang Shang be merciful.”

The officials were frightened and shuddered, and only Ji Ya stood up: “Wang Shangying Ming, this person is indeed worthy of death. The other colleagues said before that they cannot serve as the central inspection team from a poor background, and the minister was dissatisfied. Because the minister himself is the best example, he was born in a poor family, but today he stood in the court and publicized with his colleagues, which is sufficient to prove the people elected by the imperial examination system.

Not only is it not bad, it is even more talented. There is even more nonsense to suspect that the prince’s conspiracy is nonsense. The courtiers got the news that these courtiers gathered together last night and didn’t know what they were plotting.

This frightened anyone else in a cold sweat. They didn’t expect that Ji Ya would get news at all. This charge was not small and would be regarded as treason and beheaded. They hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy. Winning Zichu turned a deaf ear, snorted coldly, and looked at other officials who were attempting to protest: “You had better not show your tail. If you are caught, the widow will not only not save you, but also

Let you die miserably like him. “factory,

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