Chapter 390 Routine inspections of universities]

Two months later, when Han Fei gave the determined questions for the purpose of winning politics, there was only one month left before the imperial examination. Li Si was also intensively preparing for the imperial examination.

“His Royal Highness, everyone is now accustomed to the existence of the school. It is not as strange as before, and there are no voices of opposition or rejection.”

Yingzheng nodded in satisfaction. This is a good thing for the people of Daqin, and it will naturally be accepted. In this change, profit-making people accounted for the majority, and only a small part were eliminated. Survival of the fittest will be the case in Daqin in the future, and those who study must get used to it. “Today is the time for a routine inspection of Daqin Xuezi Mansion. You two will be with this palace.

Go ahead.

“The current Daqin Academy is the sacred place of scholars’ dreams. We are all waiting for the imperial examination to be admitted to Daqin Academy at one stroke.” Han Fei said suddenly when the two were on the road.

In this regard, winning politics is not surprising. The first national imperial examination was just a carnival for those who wanted to enter the court. Starting from the second national imperial examination, it is truly a carnival for scholars across the country. Scholars who study in schools can pass the imperial examination to be promoted to the school. This 08 is a very fair opportunity.

In a month’s time, presumably, the scholars in schools everywhere are working hard.

“Then, let us see what it looks like in this place that fascinates them.” Ying Zheng got up and got out of the car.

There are a lot of people in Daqin Academy, not just students, teachers, handymen, and casual workers in charge of meals and daily life, they add up by no means a small number. These people are all to make the students in Daqin Academy better. Of learning and living. Ying Zheng looked around, everything was as he imagined.

“His Royal Highness is still satisfied?” Li Si asked, knowing that all of this is the money spent by the Prince. If they are not satisfied, then they will have a serious sin.

“Not bad.” Yingzheng stepped forward, and the students of the academy had already noticed the arrival of Yingzheng, and they all bowed down. Most of these students are the children of high-ranking officials and nobles. They have been fascinated by them since they were young, and they can be regarded as knowing etiquette. After winning the government and letting them flat out, some famous girls began to turmoil. As women, they didn’t need to read books before, but when they knew they wanted

They were sent to some colleges to study like boys. These girls all came and cried, cried, and hung themselves.

At first they were very repulsive. The family coaxed and said, “Maybe you can see the Prince Prince in a school.” They agreed. Later, when I really entered the university, I found out that this place is really great, and it is much more interesting than the life in the boudoir. I couldn’t help but thank the Holy Prince for his kindness. Today, I finally saw the true face of the Saint Prince.

The deer calmed down.

Ying Zheng also felt the gaze of these famous girls, and he did not respond. Going straight ahead, the students consciously gave way to it. When the girls passed by, Ying Zheng smelled the fragrance on their bodies, but when the girls gathered together, the fragrance was mixed, which made people dizzy. These girls can’t help but scream selflessly, only

To be able to pay attention to them in order to win politics.

Han Fei and Li Si followed Yingzheng, and after hearing the screams, they gave a cold glance. These girls were shocked and silenced. Both Han Fei and Li Si are teachers in this school, and they still have to respect them in every possible way. In this regard, winning the government just laughed off. Daqin Xuezi Mansion does not have to be primitive and decadent. The young girl’s cherishing spring is natural, compulsive and repressive but not close to humanity.

After visiting the Daqin Academy, Yingzheng sat in the academy. Below are 30 outstanding students who were selected. After compiling Qin studies into subjects and putting them into teaching, Yingzheng still doesn’t know how people accept the new knowledge. Ying Zheng looked at the following people: “Next, this palace will ask you a few questions.

Difficult, you can answer if you know it, and I won’t blame you if you answer it wrong.

Having said that, the students below are obviously nervous. This is His Royal Highness, how to keep calm in front of him? They are still worried that if they answer the wrong question, it will affect the family father’s official career. . The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and the victory was noticed, so the first question was very simple. A quick hand

The students rushed to answer. When he sat down, everyone else was obviously relieved.

It seems that there are still simple topics. If you can grasp the opportunity, you can show it in front of the Prince. The students are eager to try. After Yingzheng asked about five questions, he began to increase the difficulty. After some contemplation, some of the students below were able to answer them. Han Fei and Li Si saw the obvious satisfaction on Yingzheng’s faces, it seems

The students’ acceptance of Qin’s subject objectives is pretty good.

Then, Ying Zheng asked another comparative question. A student stood up and answered incorrectly. This was the first question that was answered incorrectly. The atmosphere became tense again. Although the winning government acted indifferently, the student suddenly trembled. When I got up, my complexion also changed very badly. Even Yingzheng did not expect such a big reaction. At this moment a student stood up and took a picture of him

Let him sit 463 on his shoulders to calm down. Answered this question for him.

What makes Yingzheng satisfied is not only his answer, but also his qualities. In this case, the people who stand up are often affectionate and righteous people. When Yingzheng asked his name, the student answered calmly: “Student name Call Jizhong.”

Ying Zheng just nodded and let him sit down. If I remember correctly, this is the son of Ji Ya. Yingzheng did not ask his parents about things on this occasion to avoid comparisons among students. Then he asked a more difficult question. The problem school has been quiet for a long time, Li Si and Han Fei are extremely anxious, waiting for one person to break the deadlock.

It was a girl who stood up with a childish face. This is a math problem, and the girl reported the answer in one bite. Ying Zheng looked at her appreciatively, and the girl lowered her head shyly: “Don’t laugh at the Prince Prince. My family is a business man. I have been good at doing this since I was a little girl.” It seems that she is the daughter of a businessman. Unexpectedly, since

I have given the quota to the merchants to donate and bid, but I didn’t expect any unexpected gains.

Nine questions have been asked, and one-third of the students have already answered it, and Ying Zheng said leisurely: “Next is the last question.”

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