Chapter 389 A major event in the Qin State! [Third more, please ask for flowers, ask for evaluation]

Schools in all parts of the Qin country have been remodeled. Parents from countless poor families have sent their children to schools. While looking forward to their children becoming successful, they are also grateful to the Prince in their hearts. They feel that the Prince is really benevolent and charitable. This move also made the middle and low-level people of Daqin more respect for winning politics.

When Ying Zichu heard the news, he immediately created a man and called the Prince Prince: “Why should Zheng’er embarrass himself so much? The country is free to study. The gold and silver required are even a headache for widows. The national treasury cannot support it, let alone the prince. one person.”

Lu Buwei sighed from the side: “He who wins the hearts of the people wins the world, and he deserves to be the Holy Prince. If you can buy the hearts of the people with money, it will be a priceless treasure.”

“What’s the use of having the people’s support? If the Six Nations attacked the “four, six, three”, the people’s support would be able to stop the golden horse and iron horse?” Ying Zichu was a little anxious. The feasibility of this matter.

Yingzheng said: “If the father and the children don’t care about the poor people below, should they let the monarchs of the six countries care about them?”

When Ying Zichu heard Ying Zheng say this, he was speechless for a while. Lu Buwei slammed on the side: “Don’t worry, the king, now that the great power of the Qin Dynasty is strong, the six nations dare not act rashly. The Saint Prince did this, also using the money for the development of the Qin Dynasty, which is regarded as fat and water not flowing into outsiders’ fields.”

“When my father was in Baoyang County, he met a farmer who planted the land. His life was good. But that was in Baoyang County. If it was a farmer in other places, it wouldn’t be like this.”

Ying Zi Chu looked at Ying Zheng, he really didn’t know what kind of life most farmers in Daqin lived.

Winning the government continued to lose and said: “If you don’t read poetry, you don’t know what the world is. You will only bury your head in farming, and future generations will also be born and die in the ground, planting the land from generation to generation. This is the case for a farmer, and all farmers in Daqin So. In this way, how can Da Qin become strong and rely on a group of farmers?”

Lu Buwei echoed: “Yes, the king, although the people are based on the land, Daqin has no shortage of food. What Daqin needs is not a farmer who works hard, but a wise man with brains.

Win Zichu wanted to say something, but Win Zheng took the lead: “Since the children have the ability to give them a chance to create the future, they will not shrink back.

His eyes were full of firmness, and his tone was beyond doubt. Winning Zichu understood everything, even if he was the emperor of Daqin, as long as it was something decided by winning the government, no one could object.

Winning Zichu sighed: “Widow understands. Go, Zheng’er. Do what you want to do. If one day you can’t bear it, Widow will also support it.” Winning Zichu is not a compromise, but a compromise. I truly recognized Yingzheng’s approach to this matter from the bottom of my heart. Just as Yingzheng said, if they don’t love the people of Daqin, who else can they count on? Winning politics is

Do what a king should do for yourself.

Lu Buwei would also smile, and if he could persuade Ying Zichu, this matter would be easy to handle. When the time comes, the Prince’s financial resources will really not be able to sustain it. Winning Zichu will definitely let him use the money in the treasury. Lu Buwei thought about it, while taking a look at the victory.

“My son, thank you father.”

Lu Buwei felt that the feelings expressed in the winning government were very strange. He couldn’t tell the truth. He always felt that some ideas about winning the government had not been said. Lu Buwei had a momentary illusion: “The money to win the government will never be used up. Even if it is used up, the money from the Daqin Treasury will not be used.” Lu Buwei rubbed his eyes, perhaps just thinking about it.

After winning the government, he returned to the Prince’s Mansion and called Li Si and Han Fei: “The second national imperial examination is about to take place. It is time to prepare. This year’s exam questions will still be issued by Han Fei. The process is the same as in previous years.”

Han Fei said: “His Royal Highness, from this year, the examination questions have been based on the subjects of Qin Studies. The ministers are not talented, and they still know little about Qin Studies after long-term study. The ministers dare to ask His Royal Highness the Prince to personally write questions for this year’s imperial examination. ”

Yingzheng pondered for a moment: “You don’t have to humble yourself, you still have to come up with the subject, just show it to this palace for confirmation.” Han Fei and Li Si are both important officials of the Great Qin Dynasty, and they have no right to evade Qin Xue.

Han Fei had to take the order, and Li Si took a step forward: “His Royal Highness, the school reform is basically completed now, and you have to do it according to your instructions. I don’t know what else we will do next?”

“I don’t need to do anything for the time being. Excessive changes will make people feel uneasy. Give them some time to adapt to the new school. Go and see those schools for yourself.”

“Holy Prince wants to go personally?” Han Fei asked.

“Yes, not just this time. Schools will be routinely reviewed in the future. Schools that are not well run must be rectified, and children must not be mistaken. There is no need to hide from the school and notify them in advance so that the school is ready.”

“Yes.” Han Fei and Li Si agreed in unison.

“How about the writing brush and rice paper? The palace hopes that every school can enjoy the best material conditions. If there is any shortage, it will be purchased as soon as possible.”

“His Royal Highness, don’t worry, he has made a large number of brushes and rice paper, and is about to send it to school.” Li Si saw that Yingzheng’s expression was still a bit worried, and he didn’t know what concerns the Holy Prince still had.

In the various city-states of Daqin, things have become completely new because of the school. Those poor people feel that life suddenly has new hope, they have already compromised their fate, and passively accept all of this. Yingzheng told them that there is still new hope. And the reason for all of this is simply because they were born in Qin State, Qin State


Everyone is worried about how long the money to win the government can support, but they only worry about whether the rice paper and writing brush are enough. Now that schools are spread across the country, the total number of scholars, large and small, is very large, and there is a great demand for writing brushes and rice paper. Lu Buwei also persuaded the winning government to let scholars bring their own brushes and rice paper, but he was very decisively rejected by the winning government.

Brushes and rice paper are basically transported to each city-state in carts. When these pens were distributed to children, they also urged that they must be cherished. Even if the amount sent by the Prince is enough to be used for a long time, it must not be wasted. .

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