Chapter 388 Reading for free nationwide! [Second update, please customize]

The issuance of an order is bound to bring a storm, some people can benefit from it, and some people will be eliminated. The torrent of history has always only obeyed the wishes of the strong, and many people’s destiny has been firmly nailed by the overturning of the palm of the winning government.

The signs of all schools in Daqin were taken off and renamed schools. The old gentlemen who originally taught here have all lost their value of existence. The talents selected in the first imperial examination and the outstanding disciples from the hundred families of Zhuzi replaced them. The content they teach is all new subjects derived from Qin studies, and it is no longer the eight-part essay.

It’s kind of old-fashioned.

Although the students are reluctant to give up to the old gentlemen, they also understand the truth that everything in the vicissitudes of life has the end. The sudden increase in the new school also attracted their attention. For example, when distributing new books, most of these students have dabbled in Qin Xue. They used to be nerds who studied hard, and only when the eight-part essay was a serious academic and read Qin Xue books,

It is also regarded as reading idle books and not doing business properly.

It’s better now, and Qin Xue has directly become the content of the imperial examination. On the contrary, the eight-legged essay has been abandoned under the old and decadent name~ no more.

Some people are proud of Qin’s subjects, and are extremely happy when they get the book. But some people cannot accept the change of learning and knowledge.

“What are these, Chinese? Mathematics? Physics? What kind of mess, is the stereotyped essay bad? Why do you want to do these fancy things.

“Yes, yes, we have learned eight-legged essays for so many years, and now tell us to learn it in vain? This is too unreasonable.

When the new teachers in charge of the teaching heard this, they only felt that they were disrespectful to the Prince Prince. Is it enough for the school? Now this is not a school mat, it is a school. You are not allowed to pay a couple of dollars. It belongs to the Prince.”

The students all closed their mouths and bowed their heads, silent.

“Do you know why the old gentlemen who taught you before have been dismissed? Because the things in their minds are out of fashion, and they don’t need them. If you still insist on the eight-legged essay, they will be filled with those things. You will soon be eliminated, and you know how to end it.”

There are only two paths before them. One is to abandon the eight-part essay, forget all the previous studies, start all over, and accept the new content of Qin’s studies. The second is to reluctant to bear the efforts made in the past, and continue to stick to the eight-legged essay, contrary to the meaning of the Prince. The final result of these two options is that a discerning person can know the pros and cons.

It is said that there are two choices, but in the end there is only acceptance. When the new teachers saw that everyone had picked up the Qin Xueshu on the table obediently, they were relieved and showed a gratified smile. The so-called everything is difficult at first, probably so.

There are some things that you can’t stop once you start. After dismissing the Qin school subjects, these poor disciples seemed to have come to a new world. They were reluctant to abandon the eight-part essay because it was very difficult to learn, and it was difficult to understand, let alone recite it. When learning the eight-part essay, every student has spent much effort, so when letting go

Will be reluctant to give up.

The subjects of Qin Studies are different. Not only are they easy to understand, they also cover a wide range of subjects. Let them realize how ignorant they are, and they can’t imagine the knowledge competition is so vast. In the past, they only knew what they knew, but didn’t know what they didn’t know. Now not only do I find that I don’t know, there are still many things in the world that I don’t know. I don’t know.

s things.

However, these things won the government know that it is not easy to compile them into Qin Xue subjects. The most important thing is that these are all free! Free nationwide. The costs of printing books, binding into books, and transportation, etc., are all borne by the people of Yingzheng Yi. Not only books, rice paper and pen and ink are also provided by Yingzheng, and the tuition fee is not paid.

Each of them brought an inkstone when they came to school.

Thinking about it a little bit, you can know how terrible the amount of loss is going on. The poor disciples have always had an inferiority complex in them. The one they most believe in is: “The poor cannot be moved, and the mighty cannot be succumbed.” But the current situation is what is going on. The holy prince has money but has not forced them to do anything. On the contrary, Help them. Rich but don’t oppress them, but

Give them a career path. The method of the Prince Prince made them really hard to understand.

0…………Look for flowers…

Some disciples who had fought fiercely before, all closed their mouths selectively. When others mentioned the things in front of the bulletin board that day, they laughed and beaten haha, and they all pretended that they did not say what they opposed to the Prince.

This order not only affects the poor family, but also many common people in Daqin have a major event. That is to let children go to school. The law stipulates that children are of the right age when they are seven or eight years old and can go to school. In the past, only people with better family backgrounds could afford to spend money and send their children to school to study. Now, with the new decree of the Prince Prince, people from poor families only feel that

I feel like I’m dreaming.

They have experienced countless misery and despair caused by poverty, including the fact that their children go to school. What else can they do if they can’t afford to go to school? Boys will save their entire lives to marry wives and children, and girls will be the dowry. How to live and how to live in the future will be the same for the whole life. The previous generation is poor, and this generation is poor.

The next generation will continue to be poor.

Until they heard of the new decree of the Prince. They rushed to the front of the official bulletin board. They didn’t know how to write. They could only ask the officers and soldiers next to the bulletin board. Then they knew that everything was not a dream.

Even poor people count on the golden phoenix to fly out of the ravines. It was originally planned to prepare school fees, school equipment, and this and that for the children, but now they are all saved. I bought an inkstone on the side of the road when I sent it to school. Along the way, I have been telling my children to study hard, so that they won’t have to continue to be poor in the future.

When they saw the new teachers, they were timid and cowardly, as the high officials of the court, kneeling and kowtow. Supported by these new teachers. Yingzheng once asked the first batch of people who came out of the imperial examination to follow the farmers to go to the countryside to experience. They all know the suffering of the people. When they encountered such a situation, they quickly explained: “In the future, we will only be teachers in this school.

That’s all, no need to be polite. “factory,

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