Chapter 387 There is no such a person in the world! [First update, please customize]

At the command of Yingzheng, the poor disciples everywhere were shocked. When they learned that the Daqin Academy’s orders to accept only the children of nobles and high-ranking officials were issued by Yingzheng personally, they had quite a bit of criticism towards Yingzheng. Now this command is simply to slap them in the face, making them ashamed, and hurriedly retracted into the crowd, hoping that no one remembers the nonsense that they said before, thinking

As a scholar, how can I be quick to speak for a while, and forget the kindness of the Prince Prince and repay his grievances with virtue today.

When calm was restored everywhere, Lu Bufengwei was not calm anymore. After he heard the news, he rushed to meet the Saint Prince. When he rushed in, he looked anxious. At that time, Shui Qing had not left the Prince’s Mansion. This account was designed for all the school mats in the country. ,School. The number is huge, and the number is so complicated, even she can hardly sort it out in a moment.

Lu Buwei ignored Shuiqing at all, and before he could stand still, he asked, “His Royal Highness, why do you want to promote free reading such a thankless thing.”

“Thanks for your help? I don’t find it too difficult.” The tone of the winning government was very relaxed and clear as spring water, which contrasted sharply with Lu Buwei’s tone that was about to burst into flames when he was anxious.

“Even if it doesn’t work hard, it won’t please 460. His Royal Highness doesn’t even need books?”

“Don’t.” Ying Zheng’s understatement almost passed away to Lu Buwei. Say no, don’t, this is no longer pure and generous.

“I heard that His Royal Highness Saint Prince also provides paper and brush and ink for free?”

“Pen, ink, paper and inkstone are the four treasures of the study, and none of them are indispensable.”

“It’s not a question of which one is missing. His Royal Highness thinks twice. This is a popularization in Daqin nationwide. Once it really starts to be implemented, even if you have money, it will not be enough to consume.”

Shui Qing raised his eyes when he heard this, and happened to be in line with Lu Buwei. Lu Buwei asked quickly: “You are clearing the accounts, you say, is it enough?

“I haven’t finished the liquidation yet.” After speaking, Shuiqing lowered her head quickly. Even if the liquidation was not finished, she already had a general idea in her heart, not enough, it was really not enough. Judging from the current situation, the holy prince did not have the slightest intention to stop. Shui Qing did not want to add chaos to the holy prince, so she could only choose to remain silent.

Ying Zheng saw the water shrunk like a quail, and chuckled lightly: “Whether it is the imperial examination system, the construction of a school, and the current school, each and every one is to attract talents for Da Qin. Ben. The palace doesn’t care about money at all, and what the palace cares more about is the prosperity of the Qin Dynasty in the future.”

Schools can spread education to all parts of Daqin, academies can select outstanding talents, and the imperial examination system can allow talents to enter the court. This is a complete chain, interlinked, and the winning policy is very thoughtful.

“However, the squandering of His Royal Highness the Prince will soon be overwhelming. Once the funds are cut off, everything will be over.

“The money for selling the quota of Qin Xuezifu and the glass jade is enough to support a lot of time.” Yingzheng said lightly.

However, Lu Buwei deeply understands that this is not as simple as what the winning government said. Lu Buwei is also a businessman, and he is naturally very sensitive to this aspect. It is really difficult to do.

Shui Qing is also calculating rapidly on the side. In her account book, winning politics has always been to make money, and a number of accounts make people feel happy. Yes, a large amount of money flowed out, and I feel distressed by Shui Qing.

Winning the government has no such feeling at all. As he said, if you have money, you have to do whatever you want. This is what he wants to do, and he doesn’t care how much money he spends. Sometimes I don’t even understand winning politics. This is obviously the money I earned, and I don’t feel distressed when I spend it. Why do people around me feel distressed if they rush one by one. This makes him very puzzled (aibd), spend himself

The money has to bother to explain to the people around him, it is too much trouble.

Lu Buwei frowned, and said with some embarrassment: “His Royal Highness, do you know how difficult it is to do this? A light boat crossing a shallow creek, wing birds are not as difficult as what the Saint Prince is doing today.”

“If this palace is afraid of difficult things, there would be no Daqin today.”

“The light boat can cross the river, but not through the shallow stream. The wing bird could fly in the forest, but not to challenge the high mountains. Why is this Saint Prince?”

“Are you trying to say that my palace is self-defeating?”

“Chen dare not!” Lu Buwei was frightened and knelt directly on the ground.

“The order has been issued, the notice has been issued, and Daqin people know it. We must not change the order day and night. This intention has been decided, and there is no need to say more.” Yingzheng turned and did not look at Lu Buwei behind him.

Lu Buwei remained kneeling, looking up at the victory. I just feel that the figure that wins the government is as tenacious as a towering mountain, and as far away as an unattainable god. He stood there, where the wealth of the entire Seven Kingdoms would flock. The wealth he has earned over the years is by no means a small amount, and even Lu Buwei dare not guess how much he has earned.

I’m afraid that only winning politics has such courage and financial resources. Really, there is no such person in the world.

After Lu Buwei figured this out, he bowed deeply toward the back of the victory: “His Royal Highness the Prince will be the eternal emperor of Daqin and even the world.” He said this by no means nonsense, a person who can enjoy such a reputation. Only one person wins the government.

Ying Zheng only responded indifferently: “That’s natural.” He didn’t turn his head back. He didn’t want to say much about Lu Buwei’s opposition to him.

Lu Buwei resigned wisely. Never dare to have any questions about this matter anymore, according to

After a long time, Shuiqing finally sorted out the accounts. She stretched her muscles and stood up to report the victory: “With the current financial resources of His Royal Highness the Prince, it can last at least three years.”

Yingzheng just nodded when he heard it, and couldn’t see that he was dissatisfied with the result. Shui Qing asked somewhat curiously: “His Royal Highness the Prince really doesn’t ask for anything in return?”

“How can you not ask for a return, it’s just that this return cannot be measured by money. This palace will never do a loss-making business, this time the business is slightly different, and what he brings is invisible wealth.” Yingzheng watched. Outside the window, Da Qin is about to usher in a baptism here, and since then he has become better and better, until he looks like he imagined.

Shui Qing nodded as if he did not understand, she didn’t know what the invisible wealth the Prince Prince was referring to was, only that the Prince Prince gave such a convenient condition, if those scholars don’t know how to cherish, make good use of, or don’t know how to return it. , I really don’t know what is good or bad!

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