Chapter 384 It is on sale! [third update, please customize]

Although the monarchs do not believe it anymore, after repeatedly pondering the pros and cons, they can only come to a unanimous conclusion: selling jade is profitable. No one can guess what the politicians are doing this time. It’s useless to think about it. They can only let the “Emerald” business go.

On the other side, Qin is different. Compared with the confusion of the monarchs of the six countries, winning the government is a clear goal. He showed Lu Buwei the jade.

When these glass jewelry were placed in the palm of Lu Buwei’s hand, Lu Buwei was shocked. He kept stroking the glass jewelry and felt that this thing is really outstanding: “His Royal Highness, where did you get these jadeites? The minister has also seen countless rare treasures, but he has never seen such beautiful jewels. It is really amazing.”

Zhao Gao saw Lu Buwei’s shock at the glass jewelry and secretly smirked. When he gave the glass jewelry to the people in the Six Nations, their reaction was the same as Lu Buwei’s now. This look is really interesting.

Ying Zheng coughed slightly, reminding Zhao Gao not to get overwhelmed. Lu Buwei was also reminded by the sound, and straightened up his clothes, his expression became as serious as usual.

“This thing is not jade, but glass. It’s not where I got it. It was all made by Daqin Glass Factory under the order of my palace.” Ying Zheng explained the ins and outs of these things to Lu Buwei.

“Made? Made it.” Although Lu Buwei did not appear shocked, he was stumbling and stumbling. God knows how turbulent his heart is at this moment, and he hurriedly asked about the manufacturing process of this thing.

Yingzheng told him: “This is not emerald, it is glass. It is the same thing as the glass used to build the house before. When the palace built the new Xianyang Palace, it was an idea that was only thought of when glass was used for decoration, and it was used as a decorative thing. To use.

Lu Buwei nodded like garlic when he heard it. He picked up a bracelet made of glass. This bracelet was round and smooth, and the whole body was transparent. When it was close to your eyes, you could see the other side. Can’t help but exclaim: “This is really amazing.”

The permeability of glass is very good, which is many times better than ordinary jade. Generally, jade can pass through light beams even if it is a good material, but glass is different.

The glass is very smooth to the touch, unlike jade that needs to be polished many times to achieve this effect. It can be manufactured in large chunks without worrying about raw materials. This kind of transparent thing is very popular with women, and it is the best choice for jewelry.

Lu Buwei asked: “This thing can be spread to the people.” Why did he ask? Yingzheng naturally knows that if it is spread to the people, there will be no business to do. It is a pity that all the glass is now in the hands of the winning government.

Ying Zheng smiled: “Only the glass greenhouses in Baoyang County are used. Not many people know about it now.”

Lu Buwei was relieved: “His Royal Highness, this is a huge business opportunity!” He was already heartbroken, and he clenched the glass jewelry in his hand. This thing could really make a fortune.

“This palace has this intention. Previously, the palace sent some glass jewelry to the six countries. They were also very surprised. They said that they would buy as many as there are. Glass jewelry can not only make money in Qin, but also the money of the six countries. .”

“What does His Royal Highness want to do?” Lu Buwei stepped forward and asked, he was already interested. If he could help the Prince to get the glass jewelry business up, he would be considered a great achievement.

“Thank you to go to the people to spread the news about glass jewelry. Before you sell anything, you need to build momentum to attract all Daqin people’s attention to glass jewelry.”

After receiving the order, Lu Buwei tossed and turned for a long time at night, and finally came up with a brilliant idea. He carefully counted the glass jewellery brought by the prince. There were ten pieces in total, with all kinds of ornaments. He wants to give these ornaments to different people and use them to build momentum for glass ornaments.

The first is the glass bracelet that Lu Buwei admires most. There is a hot pot restaurant in the city of Xianyang. There are many women who are responsible for serving customers’ meals. All of them are beautiful. When customers go to eat hot pot, they can’t help but glance at them. Lu Buwei gave this bracelet to the most beautiful woman in the hot pot restaurant. When serving dishes during the banquet, holding a tray, it is difficult not to note

Aware of the bracelet on her hand 0

The second piece is a necklace. Lu Buwei gave it to Shuiqing from Daqin Bank. The Saint Prince had sent her to assist before, and Lu Buwei had seen this woman. Always sit at the table, keep your head down when handling the accounts, but if there are people, you need to raise your head. The chain on the item will be noticed. Moreover, the clear people are as their name, their temperament is like autumn water, and glass ornaments

It couldn’t be better.

The third piece is a glass hairpin. There has been a major event in Xianyang recently. There is a courtier’s son who will marry the daughter of a large family. This glass hairpin is sent to the courtiers and given to the bride as a gift at the wedding. The point is that it must be revealed before the wedding. In front of people.


The last piece was a glass pendant. Lu Buwei tied it directly to his waist, turned around and swaggered to face it. These things were quickly delivered by the young man at home according to his instructions.

This wave of Lu Buwei’s campaign was very successful. Soon, the whole Daqin had a keen interest in glass jewelry. Even Lu Buwei felt it himself. When he went to court, his colleagues would always ask him what the origin of this piece of jade pendant was. Lu Buwei is the one from the east to the coconut and the west, but he doesn’t know what it is, which provokes Daqin’s senior management.

Curious and uncomfortable.

When Yingzheng realized that the time was ripe for 1.3, he called Bai Huagan: “Are all the glass ornaments made complete? Now the momentum has begun and it is about to be put into the market.”

“I dare not live up to the holy prince’s trust, and now a batch of glass jewelry has been manufactured, and only when the holy prince gives an order, it will flow out immediately.

Yingzheng nodded. After so long, everyone can’t wait. Now is the best time.

As soon as the glass ornaments were put on the shelves, the people of Daqin were crazy about it. In a very short period of time, the senior officials of Daqin have put on this “glass jade”. When they saw Lu Buwei, they were still a little proud: “I ask you if you are still playing mystery, how is it, now everyone has it, there is nothing to show off.”

Lu Buwei laughed wildly in his heart, only hoping that they would hurry up and buy more so they could show off with him.

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