Chapter 383 Broken glass can sell for a lot of money? [Second more, please customize]

“Today’s auction is over. What business can I talk about?” Ying Zheng deliberately played a fool, and the cup in his hand gleamed in the sun. The material of this cup is not the jade in the merchant’s mouth, but from the Daqin Glass Factory. Baihua made his fortune by relying on a glass greenhouse, and he naturally recognized the material of the cup at a glance.

“This cup is different from mundane things. It is not made of clay-burning paper, nor is it made of jade. Xiaomin is not talented, guessing it was made of glass.

Ying Zheng smiled lightly and handed the glass in his hand to Bai Huagan; “Yes, this glass is indeed made of glass.”

Bai Huagan took the glass, held it in his hand and looked at it carefully: “His Royal Highness Prince Saint is extremely delicate and a rare wonder in the world. It made Xiaomin feel that the glass greenhouse made by Bai’s home is a rare treasure. NS.”

For business opportunities, the point is not whether you have the goods, but whether you can find the goods. It’s like white painting and dealing with glass greenhouses every day, but I can’t think of using glass to make cups.

“Xiaomin Fang was sitting at the auction table. When these cups were brought up, the eyes of the group of people were straight. His Royal Highness should have discovered that no merchant dared to drink water with this cup. Rare treasure, I dare not enjoy it.”

Yingzheng nodded, indeed. He made this donation for two purposes. One is to use the university to earn a lot of silver from these merchants. Another purpose, I am afraid, is to show these glass cups. The businessmen’s eyes are all golden and clear. If they can find the business opportunities in these cups, it will prove that they are the best among businessmen.

It’s a pity that they only treat it as an expensive thing. Only Bai Huagan saw the clues, and this result was a bit disappointing. There is only one person left, and he will do business with this person, and Yingzheng doesn’t care at all: “I want to hear Boss Bai’s views on the business of glass cups.”

Bai Huagan knew that what he had been looking forward to was finally here, and that was what he participated in this auction. Three hundred thousand taels was not spent for the distant relatives of the Bai family at all. It was a stepping stone to meet the government, and it was a little bit of sincerity to win the business. Now that the time is ripe, there is only one business mind that satisfies the winning government.

“Judging from the fineness of this glass, the glass is so beautiful that it can be indistinguishable from jade. It can be seen that its decoration is no different from jade. In terms of the cost of a single wheel, the cost of glass is low. The raw materials of jade are precious. If it is slightly modified and made into women’s jewelry, it will certainly sell higher, and the profit will be self-evident.”

After listening to these words, Ying Zheng nodded in satisfaction. Bai Huagan did not disappoint him. This idea fits his plan. It seems that he can safely hand over the jade business to him. The glass is only in the hands of Yingzheng. If you want to do this business, it is only possible to cooperate with Yingzheng.

Bai Huagan knelt down and looked up at the victory: “His Royal Highness, your kindness to the Bai family, Xiaomin will never forget this time, if the Holy Prince is willing to hand it over to the Bai family, I will do nothing for the future life. Be the ox and the horse as a reward.”

When these glasses were brought up, Bai Huagan felt a cold sweat bursting out of his back. Before, the Bai family had been cooperating with Yingzheng on business, but this time, Yingzheng didn’t know that Bai Huagan would come, but they prepared the glass early. In other words, if he does it for nothing, it will not have a slight impact on the winning business. Bai Huagan knows that if you lose

Once the opportunity to do business with Yingzheng, the Bai family would have lost everything.

“Get up, there are many merchants at this auction. Only you can see the value of the glass. Who else can I give to you if I don’t give it to you?” A deal was negotiated.

Bai Huagan was so excited that he couldn’t speak, knocked his head a few times on the ground, and then stepped back. He wants to rush to Daqin Glass Factory immediately to make glass jewelry. There is one advantage of doing business without a lot of money, it is very efficient. Within a few days, a batch of glass jewelry was manufactured and delivered to Yingzheng.

“These are all imitated according to the original jewelry styles. The difference is that the decorative part is made of glass.”

Yingzheng’s gaze swept across the jewelry one by one, glass-inlaid hairpins, pure glass bracelets, and glass pendants of various shapes. Satisfied with these things, I picked up a pair of glass earrings. Seeing that Ying Zheng seemed to be interested in this team of earrings, Bai Huagan hurriedly said: “His Royal Highness has a good eye, this team of earrings is this batch of jewelry.

The only redesigned style here, the only one in the world. He gave it to His Royal Highness the Prince as a gift. ”

0……Look for flowers…

“Don’t use your merchant’s rhetoric to deal with this palace.” Ying Zheng put down his eardrops, turned and sat down. “These jewels are all good, and I will make them according to them in the future.”

Bai Huagan cheered in his heart, and the business could finally begin.

“Zhao Gao, you go to contact the Emerald Tigers of Han country, Qi State Tai Shi Dun, Zhao Guo Zhao Mu, Chu State Li Yuan, Wei Guo Xia Zhongzhi. I said that I want to talk to them about a sale. As for these glass jewelry, they are treated as gifts. Give it to them.”

After Zhao Gao took the order, he went to do it immediately, and met all the people whom the Saint Prince had told him, and all the glass jewelry was sent out, except for the pair of glass earrings. This is what Bai Huagan specially ordered to stay. The Saint Prince will not accept it, but it can be given to the female stream next to the Saint Prince. Zhao Gao changed hands and sent it to Feiyan, saying that it was a gift from the Prince.


“His Royal Highness, you don’t know. When those people saw the glass jewelry, their eyes were almost blinded. They couldn’t put it down. They kept asking the minion what gem this is, even jade is not as beautiful as this thing. It was annoying to ask before they said it was glass, and their eyes were staring down.

“Speaking of the point, whether they will do this business or not.

“It does, of course. They hope that the Prince will give them as much goods as they want, and they will accept everything as they are ordered.

Yingzheng propped his chin with his hand and looked at Zhao Gao: “E? They dare to say that without even asking the price?”

Zhao Gao was stared at in a cold sweat, and he thought to himself: What is the price of this? The cost of glass will certainly not go as high. He looked up at Ying Zheng, always feeling that there was something unpredictable on the Prince’s face.

The wind soon reached the ears of Wei Wuji, Ji Wuye and others. They were itching with hatred but couldn’t refuse. This business was a great deal from nowhere. The monarchs of the Six Kingdoms were also surprised when they heard the news: “Can one day win the government be so kind?” They couldn’t believe it, could it be that the sun came out from the west. factory.

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